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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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The Brave Wingman and Big Titan. Not bad, though the second one sounds like a name for an Arrow hypercoaster.


It still feels weird seeing BGW get a clone and even weirder that they haven't said anything about Tempesto yet... even though we can clearly see it jut out from the trees. They must have wiped out their entire PR department or something when they reformatted, because now it's just getting awkward.

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My SFMM name is Nuclear Jump and my BGW name is Leathery Fireball. Both are dumb, but I'm interested in how a leathery fireball would look.


I haven't been following Tempesto too closely, but is there a problem with the local government that is keeping this from being announced publicly? I'm thinking that BGW might be in a similar situation that SFNE was in with the Dark Knight. This whole thing is odd and hopefully Tempesto operates this season.

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"Spashy Bullet", Wait what? Well at least my coaster name beats Superman "Krypton Woodie" So SFMM wins this round if you ask me.


So no announcement yet? Kind of expected that (I cut myself lose form this thread during construction I simply had to much project I followed). I did see the trains and wanted to say: those restrains look weird as hell. I will try to visit this thread more frequent again, the no announcement fascinates me enough to find out whats going on. For the rest it looks good.

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All I can say about this landscaping project is that it sure did make the Apollo's Chariot area uglier. Regardless of whether the coaster itself has any merit, I am deeply disappointed. It seems haphazard, garish, and inappropriate for a park that sees a lot of traffic and has a premier (yes, puns) collection of original coaster designs. The restraints are the icing on the cake that caused my disappointment to coalesce.

Edited by Derek_Zoolander
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"Spashy Bullet", Wait what? Well at least my coaster name beats Superman "Krypton Woodie" So SFMM wins this round if you ask me.


So no announcement yet? Kind of expected that (I cut myself lose form this thread during construction I simply had to much project I followed). I did see the trains and wanted to say: those restrains look weird as hell. I will try to visit this thread more frequent again, the no announcement fascinates me enough to find out whats going on. For the rest it looks good.

The official announcement is tomorrow.

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Found a video of the announcement.


They make it sound pretty good, even addressing some of the complaints people had like its location in the park, and the ride's length.


"Doesn't seem like it's that big of a ride, why should I get so excited about it?"

"Well, I can tell you this, Tempesto's probably gonna be our most intense ride in the park."


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Just seen this on youtube.......credit to whoever posted it......(Behind The Thrills)



Good to know that it will have the three-car train. Should help with capacity at least a little bit.

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"Found a video of the announcement.


They make it sound pretty good, even addressing some of the complaints people had like its location in the park, and the ride's length."


When did they address it's location? I didn't see it in the video.


EDIT: The quote messed up, so I just put it in bold

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Nice to know it has three cars. Now I wonder if the OTSRs have something to do with this. I mean, longer trains with the same layout = greater forces in the back and front which might have resulted in these restraints, no?

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I'm glad that the park is using a three car train and I wouldn't be surprised if the restraints allow for quicker loading than the retrofitted seatbelts on Six Flags's Premier coasters, but this is still going to have major capacity issues. I'd be surprised if the capacity ends up being more than about 500 riders per hour. That said, Tempesto will be a fun ride, I just have a feeling a lot of visitors will be disappointed after waiting two hours for it.

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