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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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Chang is being moved. Today was the last day to ride it and the park closed early. So Chang is no more.

And who are you to confirm it?


I worked there at one point and have many friends that still do. If you want me to name them, I won't because I don't want to get them in trouble. So you can believe me or not. I won't blame you either way.

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^^ I'm gonna say that until its being dismantled, I'm not going to say the rumor is true. Just because this rumor seems too weird to be true, from the flagship ride being taken out, to moving it to a park that already has a standup. Now if it is true then SFKK is doomed as a amusment park (Well maybe not doomed but you get the idea). I can see SFKK being turned into a waterpark or a much smaller amusment park.

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^Sources are saying they want it gone. Fast. Some are saying as early as November 8th. But I doubt it. I say before the season ends they will take out the most invisible things from the Publics view like the lift Chain, and various other small parts. And after that Six Flags will finally make an announcement stating it will be dismantled.

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Sad, But I'm done worrying about it. I want to know what we will get in the future. I hope the best for Chang and where ever it heads.


LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- The largest ride at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom is coming down.


The park began dismantling Chang on Monday as part of the largest water park expansion in Kentucky Kingdom's history.


Kentucky Kingdom spokeswoman Caroline McClean said it is expected to take several weeks to completely remove the roller coaster.


Chang is over 4,000 feet long, 154 feet high and has broken five world records. The stand-up coaster was introduced at the park in 1997.


Six Flags is giving Chang to another amusement park.


McClean said Chang is the only ride being removed at this time.


Details about the new water park have not been released.

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How often does SF move a coaster the size of change? It seems most of the ride trade rides are smaller, relatively simple coasters that don't have a massive footprint. La vipora and flashback for example. I guess Shockwave at SFGAm is a pretty decent sized coaster.


Crazy though that this is happening. It will be interesting to see where it ends up.

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I have mixed feelings about this...


While I'm sad to see the ride go I have to say "Could this be a GOOD move for Six Flags?"


In the Premiere days, they would just plop down multiple coasters at parks without a real sense of an idea of what the park "needs."


Could it be that the new management is actually doing a bit more research and have found that SFKK "needs" more water park and less big coasters?


However if the ride really does go to SFGAm that could really shut the door on that theory (unless of course Iron Wolf is being replaced.)


During my last two visits to SFKK the water park was *packed* while the rides were mostly walk-ons with one train operations.



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If Kentucky Kingdom closes, I say Great America takes Greezed Lightning back.


While the future doesn't look bright for Kentucky Kingdom as a ride park doesn't look bright, it could do really well as a water park. There is just so much competition from Holiday World and Kings Island that Kentucky Kingdom seems to be forgotten. I have family down there, and they've never been to Kentucky Kingdom, but they go to Kings Island instead. Plus, even with all the changes, and especially with the horrible Superman accident, the park doesn't have the best reputation.


I like Kentucky Kingdom, and while I'd be sad to see it close, I think a conversion into a water park would be great. Plus, they could probably keep some of the rides on the larger side of the park, and they could probably keep everything on the smaller side of the park if they wanted to too.

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^^ LOL Like Robb said this could be a good move if they can replace it with something good. If they just plop down another pool and lazy river or something lame people probably won't be that happy. The park needs to pull this off right. Six Flags doesn't make many dark rides but when they do they seem great (Monster Mansion) They could do good with a themed water slide like Schilliterbahn (or how ever it's spelled) has. If they want to keep it a theme and water park they need to kick it up. I think it will probably end up as a water park with maybe a few rides incase of bad weather.


-- DBD

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As much as I liked Chang and how it was the park's staple attraction, I think that Kentucky Kingdom is heading in a better direction. Like Robb said, last few times I was there, there was a ton of people in the water park and not that many in the actual 'theme' park, also. And they do get a ton of competition from King's Island and to a lesser extent, Holiday World, so maybe making it into a big water park and a smaller theme park would be a better direction/attract more people.


Heck last time I was there I spent most of my time in the water park.

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This is the beginning of The End, I only go to ride rides and not wait in a crowded waterpark where my fatness stands out. now I'll have to take the 2 and a half hour trip to KI all the time instead of the 50 minute trip to SF ocasionally to ride a good coaster.

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This basically confirms Kentucky Kingdom turning into Geauga Lake imo. I think that would be the best move. Chang is gone, the park's ride collection is pointless, other Six Flags parks could get new rides, and SFKK could turn into one great waterpark.


While Screamscape was right about Chang leaving, I still think they're wrong about it going to SFGAm. This is the perfect ride for SFA, which Six Flags seems like it is going to keep with Thomas Town coming next year.


On another note, I have finally ridden a defunct coaster!

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