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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

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Well since he went to SFMM they wont keep to his plan. SFMM saw how good he was and they offered him a job there and he of course took it. Already made big changes getting the Terminator ride. If he had stayed at SFKK we would have seen changes here too i bet.


^ Thanks Nitro. I am the site owner. Its really one of the best fansites you can find for a SF park in my opinion. Though I am lacking some pictures becuase i am using my own pictures for the ride pages and everything else so we arent fully finished. We are also lacking the chat room function, 2 skins for the road runner and roller skater and the last 4 years of the park history hasnt been added. But overall It's still a great site so come check us out.

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Well since he went to SFMM they wont keep to his plan. SFMM saw how good he was and they offered him a job there and he of course took it. Already made big changes getting the Terminator ride. If he had stayed at SFKK we would have seen changes here too i bet.

Okay you need to stop talking


Its not like SFMM got Terminator because the park president wanted to, its a lot more complicated than that.....and he's working for the same company, its not like Magic Mountain stole him from Kentucky's feet the company moved him to get better leadership in the bigger park.

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read on the Screamscape Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom may get a waterpark addition and may be upgrading their waterpark portion of the park to the Hurricane Harbor name. Could they possibly expand this park around Thunder Run into the current closed section of the park, even as far as removing the shuddered Twisted Twins and the splashdown boats back there? Could it be less extensive?


I would accept that with a Tony Hawk coaster to replace Twins and the water ride if it's possible. An Evel Knievel I'd love of course.

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^ The source who told him that must have been high. The park jsut remodeled the waterpark from a hurricane theme 2 years ago to splashwater Kingdom. Makes no sense at all to change it back.


^^ I said that because i read somewhere that he had big plans for the park that would have taken place between 2009-2012 but that wont happen now. he was a great park president I'll say that.


Does anyone know if Ed Hart is in the management at SFKK still?

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Went to the park today and I like the place. The simple fact that every single ride except the Road Runner Express was walk on is amazing. The park has so much potential, they just need to add adult rides.


On the positive side, the carousel there might be my favorite carousel. I loved the old company logos. plus Greezed Lightin' was outstanding.


On the negative side, T2 blows. It was worse then Iron Wolf or Son of Beast. Also, the ride-ops were beyond slow. It took them 5 plus minutes just to load BreakDance. Also, they were rejecting Flash Pass people due to low lines, but still selling them.


Overall, i went to the park to just get the credits and liked the place. With some additions, I'd go back again.

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Idk it must just be me but I love T2 now. Well except for the ball smashing kidney bean.



I went to the park today. Since I mainly went for pictures for the fansite i only stayed on the waterpark side but i got 4 rides on T2, 2 on GL and then thunder run which I think caused me to get a heart condition after I got off because my stomach was sore for nearly a hour after riding.


I went to ride Chang but after getting my customary picture taken with the ride sign we started hearing alot of beeps coming from the station then people got off then I looked up to the short brake run near the end and there was a train stopped there when they usually go through it. It started testing after about a hour or so so idk what happened but I missed out on it -.-


Overall this is one of my best visits even though I mainly took pics. I'll post a photo TR soon hopefully

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I'm telling you...Thunder Run needs new trains, bad.

You are right, but sadly, don't see it happening. No reason to spend money on a ride that already has very few people on it.

The line is almost a 30 min wait everyday....one of the most popular rides in the park.

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I use to work at this park and for the most part it is awesome. I loved working with most of the people there and made some good friends.


Thunder Run is one of my favorite rides even if it is kinda rough. I remember riding it when I was like 10 years old and busting my lip on the handles. I still ride it whenever I can.


I also like T2 so maybe I just like punishment, although I'm not a big fan of RoadRunner because of the sharp turns at the top.


I have no idea what they're going to do with Twisted Twins and Mile High Falls. The official reason we were given was that it was being "reevaluated for future expansion" or something like that. I've heard many conflicting stories about what they're going to do with it but nothing from anyone higher up that would know for sure. The most common is that TT is gone but MHF is staying. But again none of this is confirmed and is all heresay. It's all stuff someone has heard from someone else who heard it from someone else and so on. I do hope they reopen it though and soon.

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Has anyone seen the new rumor on Screamscape? Basically, 2011 will bring a waterpark doubling in size.


Sounds to me like an integration of Blizzard River and Mile High Falls into the existing waterpark, plus the removal of Twisted Twins and most other things in its area for several new waterslides.

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