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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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That's definitely a Morgan. It's about time that they built a coaster with trains that aren't massive like the ones on the hyper coasters (and Santa Monica West Coaster).

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I'm just excited that they got this off the ground. To be honest though, if you look at the map [http://www.kentuckykingdom.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/KK_ParkMap_Web.pdf] it's looking for this to be more of the new Hurricane Bay & Kentucky Kingdom (not the other way around), which is probably a better way of getting people back through the gate.

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Let me do an "official" New Website is UP post!

kk.jpg.5ce9379431f20a0a048c7966be9f52e2.jpg http://www.kentuckykingdom.com


Kentucky Kingdom:

New Coaster! Lightning Run

New Drop Tower! FearFall

New Flat Ride! Professor John's Flying Machines


New Bumper Cars!

Thunder Run Refurbished!


Hurricane Bay:

New Wave Pool!

New Adventure River!

New Plummet Summit Family Raft Ride!

New Speed Slide Complex w/ America's tallest water slide!



New KILAUEA (Proslide Tantrum?)




Lightning Run


Thunder Run Refurbished!


Park Map:parkmap.thumb.jpg.9bcc473e73ab5d77909aedd29b48bb09.jpg

Edited by robbalvey
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I know the map is far from realistic, but that drop tower looks like a Larson tower based on the decorative piece on top. If that's the case that's awesome, those things are insane.

I think that's a pretty good guess. The picture on the park's website matches Larson's website and the height seems to also match.


It also looks like Lightning Run will be the first Chance Rides Hyper GT-X Coaster.

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Let me do an "official" New Website is UP post!

Hurricane Bay:[/b]

New Wave Pool!

New Adventure River!

New Plummet Summit Family Raft Ride!

New Speed Slide Complex w/ America's tallest water slide!



New KILAUEA (Proslide Tantrum?)


Americas tallest water slide.... wow something bigger is coming than the one schlitterbahn is building already?

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Surprised no one has mentioned this yet....


While *I* personally think it's great, does anyone else think it's sort of weird they are adding a drop tower for their re-opening year? Seems to me that's just asking for the press to bring up the accident. And that's only because the press are dumb and would be looking for a headline...

Edited by robbalvey
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^^It is kinda weird, but I think since this drop tower is so significantly different from the one that the accident occurred on, people may be able to tell the difference. Then again, people and the press are stupid so there may be some controversy. If the park had purchased an Intamin drop tower though, there would probably be some problems.

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