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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Rough riding, head banging: Welcome to Roller Coasters.


No, the Swiss have proven that this is not true. And Schwarzkopf proved that it wasn't true in the 1970s. Mind Bender loops and has zero head banging and is as smooth as it gets.


Rough riding, head banging: welcome to coasters made by inferior vendors like Vekoma.

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I'm sick of the camp of people that say that roller coasters are supposed to be rough! That's complete BS!!! And hey, guess what? Wooden Roller coasters can be good and smooth too! Look at Kennywood's woodies, or Phoenix!!! Big, agressive, old woodies that are glass smooth!

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Magic Mountain's isn't a Maintenance Nightmare.


And you know this because you were hired into their maintenance department? No?


So you really shouldn't be able to make such a confident statement now, would you?


Just because the ride is up and running more than the other two in Illinois and Georgia doesn't mean it's not a maintenance nightmare.

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Magic Mountain's isn't a Maintenance Nightmare.


And you know this because you were hired into their maintenance department? No?


So you really shouldn't be able to make such a confident statement now, would you?


Just because the ride is up and running more than the other two in Illinois and Georgia doesn't mean it's not a maintenance nightmare.


Hahaha...hasn't anyone ever told you what happens when you assume? Apparently not...


I was on Maintenence crew for the Intamins and Arrows @ MM. Which means I probably know more about the coasters at that park than 90% of the people on here. Especially you.


You learn A LOT being in maintenence. More than any ride op or super who gets their info by word of mouth. So please, stop sitting around waiting to take shots.


Deja Vu at MM used to be a nightmare. Now? The thing runs better then when it was first installed.



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#1: ^Calm down and stop attacking people (a "chill pill" is in order...)


#2: Deja Vu is a Vekoma... you didn't work on it if you worked on the Intamins & Arrows so don't assume things


#3: It is true that Magic Mountains was a terrible maitinence nightmare and still has its problems on occasion, however, the ride has become more and more dependable. I've only been to the park once when the ride didn't open at least once the entire day. They have had trouble with the ride and it has its share of problems today even but the rate has gone down significantly since the "early days"


#4: I'm sad to see that Deja Vu is leaving SFGam. When I was there back in 03' or 04', the ride was open and the crew was doing an awesome job pumping people through and they managed to keep the line down to about an hour. It was a major draw to the park and they need to add something just as big so they can regain patronage.


#5: I can imagine where they would have problems with the rides @ SFOG and SFGam because of the weather conditions there. In California, there is a significant amount less rain and tempermental weather. We have the heat but that doesnt do much to this coaster.


All I have to say: Im glad we (MM) get to keep ours. If this ride were smoother, my only complaint, it would be higher up on my list.

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^I'm sure kraxle is capable of handling it on his own. There's no attack going on, he made a statement, and I'm informing him that what he said wasn't true.


Maintenence is in 3 departments-but that doesn't matter, they all work in the same shop. A Vekoma problem is a maintenence problem for everyone in maintenence i.e., we all hear about it reguardless of what department. So it doesn't matter what company the rides made by, when a ride goes down, has problems etc., we all know what happened and what was fixed.


Your #5 seems like a very probable explanation of the problems of Dejas at other SF Parks. Consider, however, that there was likely was more than just one simple reason for their demise.


But I can't agree with your last statement more. I'm glad Deja Vu at MM will be around for years to come.

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The ride is only boring if you sit in a boring seat. You need to sit in 8B for the best ride. And its like people saying that American Eagle is boring and has no airtime. American Eagle is a airtime machine and isnt rough if you know where to sit.


But anyway, I loved the ride....my favorite in the park. And it will be sad not seeing it on the skyline anymore. Now all of our skyline coasters are orange shaded. Viper (orange/brown), Raging Bull (orange), V2 (yellow), Superman (red), and everything else is black or white. We have a really boring skyline now. The green and blue stood out and gave the park some jazz. We NEED another colored coaster!

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I knew in my heart that DV was going away (because of the probable placement of a B&M Dive Machine in '09) but I was REALLY hoping that I'd get to ride it next year.


As fate would have it, we did get to ride it this past Sunday. Me, my girlfriend and her daughter (who both had never been on the ride) got to ride it on it's last day. Had I seen the sign in the operator's booth I would've ridden it again before we left. Ironically, in that pic of the sign in the booth you can actually see me boarding (I'm in the red jacket with the blue jeans) for my final credit.


I loved DV- other than in it's innaugural season. Other than that, there was only one visit when it was completly not running. There were a number of times that it was down for an hour or two while I was in the park, or that it opened late, but the last couple years that I've visited, it's been running consistently, and I've never had to wait more than about 45 minutes to get on it.


I usually rode in 6-7-8 Wing Seat on the Right Side, and it's never been rougher than The Demon or Shockwave.


If they HAD to pull a coaster out, I wish they would've taken out Vertical Velocity. I enjoy riding that one, but I like DV Much Much More.


And I am Not Impressed with The Dark Knight. Sure, I'll go on it and get my credit, but it really doesn't sound like some big Whoop De Doo to me.

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I highly doubt that Shapiro would build a dive coaster.


He's too into doing things for the kiddies it seems to build any $20,000,000 coasters.


Wasn't there supposedly some sort of exclusive deal with Busch and B&M that would prevent Six Flags from doing this?


There are so many other things that could be installed anyway. A motorbike coaster, a Eurofighter, another Intamin woodie, etc.


I think they'll realize that their parks only need so many family coasters.

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^There was, but it has been expired. I did dig up the link a few weeks ago in that Chinese Dive Machine topic about Busch's deal. Even though the article needed fact checking, it was the only legit article I could find.


He's too into doing things for the kiddies it seems to build any $20,000,000 coasters.


Again, Shapiro says "You'll be seeing less Goliaths," while he was at SFOG during Goliath's construction. It doesn't mean they will stop building big rides, but they won't be building big rides every 2-3 years.

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You need to sit in 8B for the best ride.


That's the first and only seat I ever got to ride in on Deja Vu - it was a great night in August this year that the wait was only 45 minutes, and in my opinion, the ride was really smooth!

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I always sit in the very last outside seat.

It's the bestest.


Oh my god totally. Especially on this first drop. That feeling the first drop gives me (the one like you've just jumped off a building that's over 150 feet) is one of the main reasons I get on coasters in the first place. To get the crap scared out of me.


And thats what this ride always does. Like X, it terrifies me.

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Both Great America and Over Georgia have updated their Thrillrides list by removing Deja Vu from it.






SfGam is also missing Splashwater Falls and Space Shuttle America. Those have both been rumored to be going. Guess this makes it "official".

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