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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Surprised it hasn't been mentioned here, but 1 (There might be 2) of the 2017 additions will be named "Joker"


Link: https://www.sixflags.com/greatamerica/attractions/joker

I guess they took it down , says "access denied". Last year JL leaked on their own website as well

Edited by Superbatboy
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I'm just looking for ideas mainly. no chains. I would like to go to one "Chicago" food place that locals go to... whether it be a pizza place or whatever you guys eat We will be in Downtown Chicago so anywhere within walking distance of Millennium Park that is a good local food spot. And then we will be hitting dinner after six flags on Saturday night, so any recommendations near the park would be good. I'm open to ideas just don't really know what's out there and don't have much planning time. Thank you in advance, sorry if I am getting too much off topic.

Not exactly right downtown, but Kuma's Corner has some of the most unique and awesome burgers in Chicago. Interesting themeing as well (it's a Heavy Metal theme). If you want something a bit fancier, I'm a fan of The Berghoff restaurant. They deal in German food with some twists. This is right downtown, so easy access from Millennium Park.


Dirk was right on the money about The Loop being one of the most competitive food markets on the planet. Browse Zagat and see what peaks your interest. Pretty much anything goes, so you can find something in your budget and tastes.

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I'm absolutely thrilled about receiving one of these. Also were finally getting that long waited DC villain themed ride we always needed. I never liked the fact that we were the only major Six Flags park that didn't have a DC villain themed ride. Right now I plan on gong the day Joker opens for sure like I did with Goliath. Now I'm going to sit back and wait for the first complaint about capacity. I find it funny that their calling it a Free Fly though when it's really a Free Spin.

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Glad to see no more Larson Loops added to the chain this year. Hopefully this is the last of these Free Spins as well. This whole Everyone gets a Batman! approach was much easier to stomach when the ride everyone got was actually something special like, uh, Batman (The Ride).

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People will complain about any type of coaster.


If it's an S&S, B&M, GCI, Mack or anything besides an Intamin or an RMC then they'll complain that it's an Intamin or an RMC. If it is an Intamin or an RMC then they won't complain as much during construction but once the ride opens and has the slightest minor mechanical problem they'll complain about that and question them for not buying a B&M, S&S, GCI, Mack or anything besides an Intamin or RMC.

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People will complain about any type of coaster.


If it's an S&S, B&M, GCI, Mack or anything besides an Intamin or an RMC then they'll complain that it's an Intamin or an RMC. If it is an Intamin or an RMC then they won't complain as much during construction but once the ride opens and has the slightest minor mechanical problem they'll complain about that and question them for not buying a B&M, S&S, GCI, Mack or anything besides an Intamin or RMC.



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Does anyone know how many cars can be on the ride at one time? I know there are 5 cars holding 8 a piece, but was not sure how many can be actually up in the air at once.


Judging by a video of the Joker at SFGAdv, the next car begins going up the lift hill as soon as the previous car crests the hill. So you have 2 cars going at once, with 3 cars waiting on the bottom. Based on the times in the video, it looks like the cars are dispatched every 40-45 seconds. Using the 40 second dispatch time, that gives the coaster an hourly capacity of 720 riders, which is the capacity listed on the S&S website.

Edited by VegasBaby
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