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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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According to a rumor on SFGAmWorld.com, tomorrow might be the final operating day for Orbit (After 40 years) and possibly Jester's Wild ride to allow for 2017 additions. East River Crawler would be moved to Orbit's location if this happened.


Do you guys know anything about this?

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According to a rumor on SFGAmWorld.com, tomorrow might be the final operating day for Orbit (After 40 years) and possibly Jester's Wild ride to allow for 2017 additions. East River Crawler would be moved to Orbit's location if this happened.


Do you guys know anything about this?


All rumor at this point, though I have seen a source claiming the ride op on Orbit claimed tonight is its last night of operation for good, though another said tomorrow is its last day of operation for good. I am surprised the park would not give more notice about this, to "get in your last rides," even if it is just a flat ride. It is one of the park's original rides.


Opening up the space where Jester's and East River Crawler are located would be interesting, and of course the former Rajun Cajun plot is just across the midway from those spots. If it ends up being true, guessing it has something to do with 2017.

Edited by ilrider
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I hope it would at least be tomorrow. I'd be really upset if it closed tonight and we didn't get notified.


I am kind of skeptical, when ride operators are the alleged source of this info, with nothing from the park itself.

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I know your joking, but I clearly said the Orbit employees. Obviously they'd be told that they're not working on the that ride again. A bunch of people have also heard this from ride employees today, so maybe you should consider this before make a rude remark

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Went to the park today for the first time. Have to say that this is probably the nicest Six Flags park that I've been to so far. From the cleanliness to the theming and some fantastic rides, it was a lot of fun.

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i'm not that upset about Orbit leaving. I can't remember the last time I rode it even. I want to say 2014. That being said I don't think East River Crawler should relocate to its spot. East River Crawler should stay where its at and Orbit should be replaced by the new HUSS Enterprise G2 that HUSS announced a while back ago.

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I will be taking my 9 year old daughter for the first time this Wednesday ( I haven't been in about 15 years). She is right at 54" with shoes. She is looking forward to Goliath and Justice League as the first rides as we get there at park open. Couple questions?

1) Which she would head to first? (Goliath or Justice)

2) In general thoughts on how best to attack everything?

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I will be taking my 9 year old daughter for the first time this Wednesday ( I haven't been in about 15 years). She is right at 54" with shoes. She is looking forward to Goliath and Justice League as the first rides as we get there at park open. Couple questions?

1) Which she would head to first? (Goliath or Justice)

2) In general thoughts on how best to attack everything?


I would hit Justice League at park open, then Goliath. We did that in June and not only did we get on JL before 10:30, but Goliath was only about a 15 minute wait after it. JL gets very long lines later in the day (over 2 hours), so hitting it first is a great idea.


You will be at the back of the park after Goliath. Rides that get long lines quickly include Superman (but that is at the front of the park) and Raging Bull, though Bull's line generally moves quickly (Superman's doesn't). Some of the other lower capacity rides include Batman: the Dark Knight and Vertical Velocity. So, you will have to decide if you want to just circle the park after Goliath and take your chances on lines, or jump around a bit, if riding everything makes a difference. Going one way, you could hit Eagle, Raging Bull, and Viper after Goliath, or going the other way, you could hit Batman and Vertical Velocity.


Are you getting Flash passes? That would help with lines on some of the lower capacity, busy coasters.

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So, did Orbit open today?


The Orbit is closed for the season. So no it did not open today. Also East River Crawler, Jesters Wild Ride and Scenic Railroad all closed for the season. Rumor is Jesters is also being removed and East River Crawler is being relocated to Orbits spot. I don't know why Scenic Railroad is closed for the season though.

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