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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

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We did the platinum pass, and we are tearing up the credits right now I'm getting ready to whore the jr vekoma for its credit I love all coasters



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We did the platinum pass, and we are tearing up the credits right now I'm getting ready to whore the jr vekoma for its credit I love all coasters



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Is American Eagle still flash passless?? We went two years ago in July, and if it hadn't been for Flash Passes we would have had a miserable time, the only line we actually had to wait in besides the food lines were the ones for American Eagle though.

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We did the platinum pass, and we are tearing up the credits right now I'm getting ready to whore the jr vekoma for its credit I love all coasters



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Is American Eagle still flash passless?? We went two years ago in July, and if it hadn't been for Flash Passes we would have had a miserable time, the only line we actually had to wait in besides the food lines were the ones for American Eagle though.

Yea, no Flash Pass on Eagle... If you're getting FP, just do Eagle first if you really don't want to wait...

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They have is one time reservation on eagle today. At least on our platinum pass for sure. No signs. Go up exit. No wait. Walk on next train



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Hey Great America enthusiasts!


Im making a trip over to Chicago later this month from New Jersey (I'm a Great Adventure enthusiast) and my family and I are planning to go to Great America for a day, either Monday, July 25th, or Tuesday, July 26th. I wanted to know how I can get the best experience possible, ride every single coaster at the park, and get done all of the good flat rides and attractions. Im not going to get flash pass, and I'm hopefully going to get to the park at the 10:30 opening, so where do I go first, where do I eat, what should the lines be like, etc. Thanks so much! If any of you ever need help planning a GAdv trip let me know and Ill help!

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I wanted to know how I can get the best experience possible
Flash pass.


ride every single coaster at the park, and get done all of the good flat rides and attractions.
Flash pass


Im not going to get flash pass
Oh, well then you're not going to do everything. Start making a list of what's most important to you, and make sure Goliath and Whizzer are on it. Go to Goliath first, at opening, as fast as you possibly can. After that, follow your list, and you'll likely get to ride ten things throughout the day. Stick to your priorities and you'll have a fun time.
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If you don't get Flash Pass, you're going to regret it. I spent a day and a half there back in July 2013 without Flash Pass and I barely got to experience everything with probably two re-rides all trip. I highly regret not purchasing Flash Pass while I was there.

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I went to this place on a Tuesday in early June last year, and I wasn't able to re-ride anything. I got on all the big coasters (Except the mouse, because I just didn't want to wait an hour for a mouse). As with most parks, I'm sure that they're a lot busier in July/August than in early June.


This place pulls just ridiculously long waits (Hour long waits aren't uncommon, and are actually the norm on several rides). If you can swing it, I would highly recommend getting Flash Pass, you won't regret it. Especially if you want re-rides


As others have mentioned, make a list of what you want to do, if you can't get Flash Pass. We were VERY lucky to get on all the major coasters (Didn't have time for any major flats). Operations are pretty terrible here, so not only are the lines long, they don't move (Superman, we thought they were only running one train because they were dispatching so slowly (They were running two)).


Awesome rides, but their operations need help.

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^^ GCI Wooden is correct. If you want re-rides on all the coasters get the flash pass. However you should be able to ride Demon and Eagle multiple times without FP because they usually don't have lines. Use the single rider line on Goliath, Superman and Justice League. Also ride both Raging Bull and Viper in the back row. That's all I have for you. I hope you have a good time.

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It's crowded both days. I have been on a Monday and Tuesday at the end of July, and waits for all coasters except Demon, Spacely's, and American Eagle were 45-60 minutes all day both days.


If you can spare the time and don't mind waiting in lines, getting a season pass and going two days in a row can be a more economical solution for you. The cheapest season pass is $70 right now, but it doesn't include parking, which is $25 a day. The Gold pass includes parking, and that's $98, so that's actually cheaper.


With two days, you would be able to ride all the coasters at least once. Lines for flat rides are much shorter than for coasters, so don't worry about those. Longest I waited for any flat was 15 minutes for Giant Drop. You can really do those as much as you want. Condor breaks down a lot, so if you see it open, go immediately. It's really fun.

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Finally made it out to the park Sunday and Monday. I think every coaster except Goliath exceeded or met my expectations, Raging Bull in particular.


Goliath was my second RMC and still awesome, but I prefer Twisted Colossus by a decent margin. Still the best ride in a very good park.


- first park I've been to since Pokemon Go. I had to get it myself and now I'm addicted. Crazy amounts of people playing and talking about that game.

- someone had the same Maverick shirt as me. We had a good discussion about coasters by Whizzer. If you're on this site, have fun on that epic coaster trip.

- so many people on Monday braving the heat. 101 degrees according to my car.

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Well I decided to go to the park yesterday since this week is the BAFF special for gold pass members only and got one of my friends in for free. So I though I was post a Trip Report of how the day went.

We were there from opening until closing. For the most part lines were manageable, nothing over 2 hours. There was a lot of line jumping however which always seems like a problem this park has. On to the ride totals now.


Superman: 1x

Batman: The Ride: 1x

DKC: 1x



V2: 1x

X-Flight: 2x (both sides)

American Eagle: 2x (both sides)

Goliath: 2x (we used single rider both times)

Raging Bull: 2x

Whizzer: 1x (after the park closed) For some reason the entrance wasn't closed off at closing and we saw guests entering so we decided to do it to. Turns out the employees in the station didn't know it was open still.

Thrill rides

Justice League: 1x

Giant Drop: 1x

Revolution: 1x

Orbit: 1x

King Chaos: 1x

Condor: 1x

Scenic Railroad: 1x

Water Rides

Yankee Clipper & Loggers Run: Both 1x

We also left in the middle afternoon for lunch and a free small slurpee at 7 Eleven. Did anyone else remember that 7 Eleven offers the free small slurpee on 7/11. Overall it was a great day and I'm looking forward for my visit to the park whenever that is.

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Then prioritize and hope you get on everything as much as you'd like. Skipping Justice League should be a big time saver though.


SFGAm is known for getting pretty much the worst lines of any SF park even on less busy days. You'll probably be able to do every coaster once but that's about it.

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SFGAm is known for getting pretty much the worst lines of any SF park even on less busy days. You'll probably be able to do every coaster once but that's about it.


Yeah, with being my home park I noticed.


I'm only skipping Justice League because I'm going to ACE's Daredevil Daze Event at Six Flags St. Louis and should get some rides on their Justice League

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Don't forget Justice League has a single rider line so you can always use that. The only other way your be able to ride JL is if you get to the park before opening. I was very lucky yesterday though because we were able to get on it before the wait time got too long. It actually got to the point to where the line had to be closed off for few minutes because of long it was. Now that's crazy if you ask me. I hope you have a good time.

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SFGAm is known for getting pretty much the worst lines of any SF park even on less busy days. You'll probably be able to do every coaster once but that's about it.


Yeah, with being my home park I noticed.

If it's your home park, you probably shouldn't need to worry about doing everything.

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