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Cowabunga Bay waterpark

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I plan to meet Big Mike at Cowabunga Bay as well. I can't wait to see it!! I have been following this thread from the beginning and feel like I watched it being built!


The structure really does look awesome at night. I know my son is going to love it!

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I plan to meet Big Mike at Cowabunga Bay as well. I can't wait to see it!! I have been following this thread from the beginning and feel like I watched it being built!


The structure really does look awesome at night. I know my son is going to love it!

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I plan to meet Big Mike at Cowabunga Bay as well. I can't wait to see it!! I have been following this thread from the beginning and feel like I watched it being built!


The structure really does look awesome at night. I know my son is going to love it!


Everyone joining Big Mike on his road trip at Cowabunga Bay...




*except Big Mike, I am still a little bitter he finally passed me in the TPR ratings

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I plan to meet Big Mike at Cowabunga Bay as well. I can't wait to see it!! I have been following this thread from the beginning and feel like I watched it being built!


The structure really does look awesome at night. I know my son is going to love it!


Everyone joining Big Mike on his road trip at Cowabunga Bay...




*except Big Mike, I am still a little bitter he finally passed me in the TPR ratings


That sounds awesome! Thanks Shane! I might even take off my shirt when in the park as long as Big Mike doesn't subject the BMRS readers to a picture of it.

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Bad news for TPR members:


I know this is not as devastating as the Big Bad Wolf being removed, but I can offically report that VAULT is our lowest selling beverage.

I can totally believe it. *sigh* People just don't know what a good drink is and they are all wooed over by Red Bull's insane marketing.


Coke has pretty much let Vault flounder for the past 2 years.


--Robb "I have respect for you guys for actually trying it!" Alvey

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Even more than Coke Zero?

I hate that stuff.


I would love to go somewhere even half as awesome as Cowabunga Bay!

If only we had the weather in Scotland for it.


I did the one at Alton Towers and it was sweet but was tiny compared to Cowabunga Bay.


I wish you success for many years to come!

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Shane - I have a question for you - I noticed on the website you sell a 4 hour pass. How do you guys monitor this? And do people opt for this or do they just go for the all day pass that is only $6 more?



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Actually we are in UTAH and everyone here is honest and God fearing so they keep track of the time themselves...


No just kidding, TPRDave is right, it is done with different colored wrist bands that expire at the top of every hour. I make an announcement saying "red wrist bands your time is up"


It actually works quite well. It keeps the park constantly turning over which eliminates big crowds and opens up seating for those that come into the park later on in the day.

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One more week until The Big Mike Road Show visit to Cowabunga Bay!!!!



Wooooooo Hoooooooooo!!!!!!



Do you have any gold colored wristbands to match The Official Big Mike Road Show T-Shirt????



Peace, Big Mike

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shane I just wanted to thank you again for rolling out the red carpet for our visit with Big Mike the other day. Shawn Reece really enjoyed the tour and he's still talking about the massive ice cream cone and sunburn you made for us!!


For anyone who is considering visiting this park, do it!!! I had been watching the pictures since the beginning, but they do not do this place justice. The water play structure is cleverly laid out and the whole place is a ton of fun. Add to that the wonderful atmosphere, friendly employees, beautiful colors and the fact that the park is immaculate and the entire experience is worthwhile.


I can't express enough appreciation for how well we were treated!

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WOW! What a compliment. Thanks! Well I always enjoy visits from TPR-ers. I know they really enjoy great park expereiences and that is what I try to give every guest that visits the park (even though the typical guest doesn't get the underground tour)


Thanks again!!! Great to hear good feedback!

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