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Tivoli Gardens Discussion Thread

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Hey everybody!


This thread is simple! Rather than having a million little threads about everything that goes on at Tivoli Gardens, this thread is designed to consolidate it all into one user-friendly thread. Feel free to use it to post updates, trip reports, questions, comments, and of course, general discussion. For pictures and videos of the park as well as past updates, see TPR's Park Index Tivoli Gardens.


Tivoli Gardens Official Website


Below are some links to past updates from the park, you may be interested in. Enjoy!






December 11th, 2008 - Tivoli Garden's adds family coaster exclusively for the Holidays (SEE BELOW).



January 23rd, 2009 - Park to add Technical's Park Flying Fury prototype (Vertigo)



January 10, 2012 - Park announces new kid's themed area Ptezi's World



November 5th, 2012 - Tivoli announces 2013 addition including a Zamperla Air Race



November 7th, 2013 - Tivoli Gardens to reinstall iconic mountain peaks on Rutschebanen



October 30th, 2014 - Permits have been filed that could lead to an redesign of the park's historic entrance



October 1st, 2015 - Fatamorgana announced, Flat ride from Huss, evolution of the Condor



January 27th, 2018 - Tik Tak (a Mondial Shake R5) will replace Snurretoppen (Huss Breakdance)



January 8th, 2019 - new rides announced for 2019. Two smallest coasters to be replaced and FataMorgana to get a transformation

June 21st, 2019 - H.C. Anderson hotel is being planned



Rocket Reindeers, is a mini coaster for family with 5 cars moving alone on a 70 meter rail track (length and layout adjustable)


Featuring 20 seats and adjustable speed it is a beautiful family ride operating as an open mini coaster or indoor across themed tunnels because each car is equipped with transmission to overcome variable hills.


The car theme is a rocket reindeer with head turning by stripes and sleights propelled by a flashing rocket on the back of the car. The car has steel lap bar made soft by a layer of foamed polyurethane restrain to avoid people stand up and is TUV Munich approved. Operations are automatic.


The ride is the Christmas ride winter 2008 at TIVOLI Copenhagen.










Edited by larrygator
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  • 1 month later...
1. May - about 97 days - Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen opens its latest attraction: A flight simulator that the riders controls themselves.


It is Denmark's fastest and wildest interactive attraction, as you fly with a top speed of 100 km per hour while it turns around 360 degrees on a long arm.


Currently, there is a corresponding simulator in Milan.


Flying Fury, as the simulator project name is, will be placed in the part of the Tivoli-haven known as the Orient, and will be placed between the Golden Tower (66 meters) and The Monsoon (36 meters tall). At the highest point, the flight simulator reach to 35 meters height.


Flying Fury consists of two aircraft that each have room for four pilots. The cockpits can rotate 360 degrees. There is also a turbo button for those who feel that it is a little too little action. It kicks the attraction into going around and around at 100 kilometers per hour.


The attraction, which do not have a Danish name, has a capacity of about 125 guests per hour. To escape the queue, visitors can book time for the simulation at the entrance. Visitors who simply MUST have another trip, must do it the traditional way: run over to put himself in the back of the queue, according to Tivoli.


The design of the cockpits is inspired by the origin of flight history. The surroundings are inspired by Oriental leaf gold and onion couples, shriveled in a veil of light that will look like dust during the day and a bright tornado in the evening - if we are to believe the designers.


In total, Tivoli in Copenhagen will offer visitors 26 attractions for summer 2009.


More at: www.tivoli.dk/newride


the "cockpits"


flying fury

Edited by larrygator
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  • 3 months later...

I can't find any thread about this ride, so I'm making one.


For this season Tivoli has bought a quite intense ride from Technical Park. It'll be the first of its kind; an interactive flat ride which means that you control the ride - pretty cool. Merely, it features two 360° spinning axes and a turbo button which will bring the ride to fly with a speed of 100 kmph.


Well; here's a few videos (yes they are in Danish, but I can't do anything about that)



Danish television testing.




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Looks a great ride, but also, I can see that being something that will generate massive amounts of vomit!!!! I am confused by the fact each car has 2 control sticks, what happens if both controls are held in opposite directions? and how does the ride determine who is in control?

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I think this is a fantastic idea. I remember those cybor coasters and that airplane simulator at the Smithsonian where you can control you own ride. It was fantastic.


This is probably on my top to-do list of the flat rides!



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I saw a movie about this ride ages ago but till now no park bought it.

I think it is a great ride and though I won't be able to ride it (motion sickness) I know many people will ride it easily as this ride is just a bosster with a twist.

If I am guessing right, this ride will be a paid on even in parks.

Thank you for the videos. Amazing ride.

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  • 7 months later...

Copehnagen's famed Little Mermaid is going to China in 2010. So, if you amble out to the famous rock on which she usually sits, you'll be disappointed.


But don't despair! Tivoli Gardens is giving you a chance to see a topless chick, instead! It's another great reason to visit a great, classic park. Here's a press release from the park.


Little Mermaid in Tivoli 2010

Even though the Little Mermaid will be leaving Denmark in April to take part in world Expo 2010 in Shanghai, China, Danes and tourists can still see the Little Mermaid in Denmark. She will be in Tivoli in Copenhagen from 16 April 2010, when an original sister to the world famous sculpture will be sitting in the Tivoli Lake outside the Divan 2 restaurant up until and including the autumn holidays in week 42 of 2010.


It is the descendents of Edvard Eriksen, the sculptor of the world famous attraction, who have made a personal family copy of the Little Mermaid available for visitors to Tivoli. In this way, everyone interested in seeing the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen can still do so, even though the Mermaid from Langelinie is away on an adventure in China.


Lars Liebst, Tivoli’s CEO, says: "We are proud and pleased that the descendants of Edvard Eriksen, one of Denmark's most outstanding artists, have loaned Tivoli a piece of invaluable cultural history. The family has made it available because of the desire that everyone should still have the opportunity to see the Little Mermaid as close up as possible while her 'sister' is representing Denmark at the World Expo in China. I think it is a delightful gesture, and we are honoured that it is visitors to Tivoli who will have this unique experience in the summer of 2010."


Alice Eriksen, grand-daughter of the sculptor, says: “In the family we decided that Danes and tourists in Copenhagen should still have the opportunity to see the Little Mermaid while the Mermaid from Langelinie is in China. We chose Tivoli because of the fairy-tale magic the Gardens have, and I'm sure that my grandmother, who was the original model that my grandfather used when he created the Little Mermaid, would have chosen this location while the Mermaid from Langelinie is in Shanghai."



The Little Mermaid at Langelinie is a world-famous attraction. It illlustrates the H.C. Andersen fairy tale of the same name. The Little Mermaid was a gift to Copenhagen donated by brewer Carl Jacobsen and sculpted by the sculptor Edvard Eriksen. Edvard Eriksen used his wife, Eline Eriksen, as the model.


The Little Mermaid was put on permanent display at Langelinie on _23 August_ (http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/23._august/o23.august) _1913_ (http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/1913/o1913) , and every year on her birthday she gets a visit from a number of mermaids in bikinis who jump into the water in her honour.


From 1 May 2010, she can be seen at the World Expo in China. The copy belonging to the sculptor's descendants can be seen in the Tivoli Lake from 16 April until the original Mermaid returns to Langelinie in December 2010. The Little Mermaid in Tivoli will then be returned to the family.


Copenhagen's famous Little Mermaid.

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  • 1 month later...

Tivoli in Copenhagen has sent us a new press release regarding the addition of Ptezi World to their already famous lineup of attractions.


International Danish cartoon becomes a part of Tivoli


Last year, the Tivoli Gardens opened the interactive amusement ride Vertigo to all dare devils which with a top speed of 100 km/h was the most extreme new ride of the year in Denmark. In 2010, a new initiative caters to families with children, who can look forward to the opening of Petzi World with 40 activities. Petzi and his friends Pelle, Pingo, Old Salt and the ship Mary are moving into the Tivoli Gardens and will invite families and children to try out sensory experiences based on the Petzi stories.


The Danish cartoon character Petzi, who is internationally known, will along with his friends move into the Tivoli Gardens, where the Danish cartoon character will have his very own universe. It will be a playworld of a size and quality never before seen in Denmark. The 1300 m2 area consists of 40 activities ranging from tubes in Pingonesien to the ship Mary, and rope ladders leading up to tower spires. Entry to Petzi World is free for visitors to Tivoli, which also holds a pancake restaurant and the world's first Petzi amusement ride.


Petzi Award went to the Danish princess

Every year, The Petzi Award goes to a person who has done something special for children in the Petzi spirit. In 2009, the choice landed on the Danish Crown Princess Mary because of her great efforts to improve children's conditions with particular emphasis on camaraderie and good communities. Previously, football player Michael Laudrup, the Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark and the humanitarian organization Save the Children have been among the beneficiaries. (Look at the Photo)


Published in more than 20 countries

Petzi and Tivoli are a perfect match. Both brands are internationally recognised and both have entertained Danish children for many generations. Petzi and his world will now be brought to life on a scale like no other Danish cartoon character has been before him. The fact that this will take place in Tivoli is obvious, seeing as both Petzi and Tivoli represent joy, friendship and a sense of adventure. Twenty million copies of Petzi have been published in more than 20 countries since he saw the light of day on 17 November 1951. Therefore, Tivoli is the ideal forum for Petzi to welcome both Danish and international children to his world.


Facts about Petzi

Carla Hansen is the ”inventor” of Petzi, and her stories are illustrated by her husband Vilhelm. In 1952 the first real Petzi album was published under the title: Petzi Builds a Ship. Petzi often sails off in the good ship Mary with his friends Pingo, Old Salt and Pelle. Since then, more than 80 different books have been published. Petzi is a known and appreciated bear, who goes by many names. Denmark: Rasmus Klump. Sweden; Rasmus Nalle. In Germany, Belgium, France, Italy and English-speaking countries, he is called Petzi.




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Damn, we went to Tivoli a year too early.


The lady shaking hands with the gaint furball is Princess Mary of Denmark, who is actually Australian. Prince Frederick picked her up at a bar in Sydney called the Slip Inn (no kidding).


Oh wow, now my Friday night plans are sorted.

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