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About rawrtotheargh
- Birthday 06/09/1989
rawrtotheargh's Achievements
I'd have to agree and say that you are right on. There is free movement with the rack and pinion system. Its very noticeable when in the station or on brake run if you simply pick up your legs and then bang them against the leg rest repeatedly. You will notice that you can rock the seats and that the rail doesn't hold the seat/pickle assembly perfectly firm. So then, as the train moves around the course any slight variance in the rail and/or acceleration and deceleration could therefore cause the seats to rock back and forth due to this slack in the system. So, as the train is racing through these high G maneuvers through the course it would make sense that the seats would rock that much harder (violently) given the massive amount of energy involved. I have only ridden X2 but I would imagine they all use the same rack and pinion system and if you were to try and rock the seats yourself you would notice it is possible on all three. It does suck that on some rides you have to learn how to ride it and "roll with the punches" but nothing in life comes easy right?
You know man I love your spirit and all but I kinda think that goal is a bit too high. More power to you if you can make it though! You might want to click my banner and see my goal. It's only been a week and I am almost half way there. Anything is possible. We are all a very supportive group and as you can see we will help each other achieve, and more than likely surpass, our goals. I am confident he will reach his $500 and come next pay check he will have ten dollars coming his way to get him that much closer. Good luck everyone and I know we can all do it. 10k as a group here we come
I had the same issue with my iPhone. It doesn't get past the processing screen. I just ended up registering on my Mac perfectly fine. And actually your account will already have been created, but you won't be registered for a team or will your card be charged. If I remember correctly. But hey at least the account is already created. Have to look at the positives.
http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/matthew_dz/KnottsBerryFarm If I didn't already have a San Fran vacation planned till the 9th I would totally be on Valleyfair! Hope it gets some lovin'. Hello everyone I am Matt. I have been following the site for at least four or five years now. I have been to three TPR Events including Termination Day, WCB 09' and 10'. Other Events I have been to include the X2 Campout, Gay Days Anaheim 09'-11', as well as Out On The Mountain 09'-11'. My love for coasters started at about age 12 when I went to Knott's Berry Farm and rode my first steel coaster, Montezuma's Revenge, which happened to be my first "marathon" in which we did 14 rides consecutively. Ever since then I have grown into more and more of a coaster fanatic. There is nothing like the sound, smell, and feel of a roller coaster. Just being around them brings such joy and I feel at home. When standing in line and riding I am obsessed with using logic to figure out how everything works on the ride. I am a definite panel nerd and am always trying to grab a peek at panels. I am possibly just as large of a Theatre nerd as I am a coaster nerd so if you see me at the event feel free to talk theatre with me. My love for roller coasters and the escape they offer is my driving reason for doing this fundraiser, because it is places like The Village offered by GKTW that gives these children a place to escape to and forget about all the tests and treatments. I saw this fundraiser and loved the idea so I signed up right away. It will be my second long haul Marathon. My first would be Goliath at SFMM. I was able to ride it for 10 hours, which got me 160 rides that day. However this was back in 09' so I hope I can still Marathon like I used to be able to. My good friend David should be joining our team and I must warn that we are both a lot to handle but are lots of fun so we should fit perfectly into the TPR family. I know this is going to be an amazing event and I am so excited to be on this team as I know we will surely do a great deal to help the cause, and I must say that the generosity that has already been displayed within the past week is simply beautiful and heart warming. This is my first fundraiser and I initially set a goal of $100 but after passing that in half a day I decided to really put in a strong effort and I have set a goal of $1,000 so I hope some of you will stop by my page and help donate. Thanks everyone!! This was my 1,000th ride in 2009 accompanied with my friend Tanya. Oh and I am kind of sort of a little bit slightly gay. In case you couldn't tell.
I went to Out On The Mountain as well. It was my first time being at the park since WCB 10'. Park looked pretty much same as before. We did X2 first thing to hopefully avoid lines and was on the next train once arriving to the station. Didn't look at which train I was on but I can confirm that SOME audio is still working. I was in the last row left side if you are looking out the station. During lift and while sitting on transfer waiting to advance to wait I did notice that the audio was working up front in the train. It was very faint so I would imagine it was only the first couple rows. Operations were decent. X2 stacking but only like a 5-10 second wait. Tatsu was like a 1-2 minute wait on Transfer. Ninja and Superman were walk ons. Got my last ride on Deja. Which I will miss greatly. Apocalypse had preshows on but you didn't have to watch. Two train wait. Then the lightning came. Rides were down for like 20 minutes which wasn't bad at all. Everyone ran to Green Lantern and the wait was like 15. Everything else had a short wait. Especially Road Runner Express. Which in my opinion isn't that bad for a kids ride. Was going to go for another run on X2 but line was about an hour and 45 so decided to hit up Viper instead. Anyone else notice all the speakers they added to lift and brake sections? Pretty interesting.
For those of you who have ridden X and Scream and any other ride that is "painful," by now shouldn't you know where all the problem spots are and be able to brace yourself? I realize X2 has it moments. And for that very reason I brace my head against the restraint on certain elements and have no problem at all. If its your first time I understand but after say your 20th time you should know how to position yourself. Or maybe I am just special. Some coasters like Colossus are obviously a little harder and there isn't much you can do.
After reading this thread it got me looking into Oasis of the Seas. And now I am like amazed by that ship. It is so gorgeous and the open design down the middle of the ship is so creative. Im REALLY hoping I can save up some money and have a opportunity to sale on this awesome ship. It would be my first cruise so might as well go all out right.
I remember during WCB '09 while at Tatsu I asked a mechanic about when Deja would open and she said that they have to wait to test it because they can't run it if the track is wet due to hydroplaning. But I have seen them operate it before in the past whilst raining. So I don't know if she was just pulling it out of her a$$ of if they just have these polices and follow them when they please.