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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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^Actually media day accepts all card carrying coaster clubs


Are you sure? To go to the media day at Cedar Point, you had to be invited by the park.


including the much cheaper GOCC (Great Ohio Coaster Club) Apparently its $20 a year for a few events each year (website doesnt say what for this year, but I bet theres gonna be something for Diamondback), reduced admission for HW, and access to any coaster club function.


Spring Fling will be at Knoebels on April 25th (opening day).

They will be having an event at Kings Island on August 22nd.

A GOCC membership should get you into most if not all Park Sponsored events too. I know it's accepted for Holiwood Nights and Coaster Mania.


I'm basing the notion that they'll accept GOCC off of the December 24th blog, where they listed that in the list of accepted cards.



Also yay Diamondback, and generic praise of it's awesomeness.

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Just FYI,


A RideWorld membership is currently $5 per year until March 1st and we will definitely allow our members to attend the Diamondback media day. For Italian Job, we received over 100 media invitations for our club members!


$5 to attend Holiwood Nights, CoasterMania, Solace, WCB, and other park sponsored events has to be the best deal out there!



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Trackwork will be complete by the end of the week no doubt. Next is more concrete and the splashdown according to the blog.




I've been surprised with how this ride has turned out, and it looks like it will be a lot better than I originally thought. The way the coaster dominates the park's skyline, and it is kind of amazing to see how one coaster can change a park's skyline that already one of the world's largest.

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Those pictures definitely are sweet! The lift hill looks steep from that picture but one thing I noticed is the station really isnt anything fancy. When CP built Maverick (Kind of the same theme, same colors etc) they had white water landings buildings to use but I still seemed CF put more money into theming maverick than the are doing for diamondback. I guess I would have liked to see a little more "fancier" of a station

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The view from the higway is great and it plays tricks on your mind.


As you are approaching from the south, hill #2 literally looks like it's 80deg steepness on each side. The hills in& out of the hammerhead look typical.


This view shifts when almost parallel with the park and it becomes obvious that hill #2 has a "normal" profile, more consistent with the remainder of the ride....but the other hills then take on the "abrupt" shapes.


It is actually quite dangerous driving by the park right now as everyone seems to look at Diamondback 10 seconds for every 1 second they focus on the road But who can really blame them?

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^Actually media day accepts all card carrying coaster clubs, including the much cheaper GOCC (Great Ohio Coaster Club) Apparently its $20 a year for a few events each year (website doesnt say what for this year, but I bet theres gonna be something for Diamondback), reduced admission for HW, and access to any coaster club function.

Just to clarify - Diamondback's media day will be for the media only. Coaster clubs will not be given a blanket invitation to the event.


However, Kings Island will be offering early ride times for all Kings Island Gold and Platinum Pass holders every day that the park is open in the 2009 season on both Diamondback and another major ride in Rivertown. Card carrying members of enthusiast groups that do not have a Kings Island Gold Pass or Cedar Fair Platinum Pass can participate in these early rides.

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Why does such a long coaster look so short to me? I'm assuming its just cause of it's height.


Still looks ridiculously fun as I've only been on Raging Bull out of the B&M Megas.


I agree. Rides like Nitro and Apollos chariot look and seem a lot longer than it. I think this looks great but honestly now after seeing pics, it doesn't look as impressive as I thought it would look.

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