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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Yeah no kidding. I dont understand why people are being so judgemental and assuming the worst about a person who was excited and filmed a pov video on their cell even though the park asked them not to.. Even the most over-zealous employees anywhere have broken rules and they arent hellspawns..



Looking forward to Robs quality footage

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Yeah no kidding. I dont understand why people are being so judgemental and assuming the worst about a person who was excited and filmed a pov video on their cell even though the park asked them not to.. Even the most over-zealous employees anywhere have broken rules and they arent hellspawns..

Because it's called BREAKING THE RULES. And if you can't understand that, then you really shouldn't be part of our forum.


Just because I'm excited to get to Dairy Queen to try their new Blizzard creation doesn't give the right to speed at 110MPH on the road.


If you're "ok" with people breaking rules, find another place to discuss roller coasters at. Got it? Good...

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Delirium looks plain ugly, I would have left the ride's paint job alone.

I think it was unesecasry. But as someone previously mentioned, it is in front of the new hotness.


I would of personally loved to see a color scheme to compliment Banshee. The new shading area would also flow a lot better if it were to match. But this is a corporate park, theming only goes so far. I thought it looked great, and it still does.

Edited by JonnyRCT3
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OH No! That kids future is screwed! Fired from a seasonal job at an amusement park! Jk


I'm sure McDonald's is hiring.


Will you please let this go? We have no idea what has happened to the person who posted the video, anyway. It's all in the hands of the park.


Part of the proposed federal minimum wage change is that, if it goes into effect, theme park workers are only required to be paid 85% of minimum wage. A ride op would be a significantly worse job than a mcdonalds cashier.

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I think enthusiasts complain about these things because they know the coaster can be better than it is. It's not like enthusiasts stopped having fun, they are hoping for more fun. (This statement is only valid for those who are not boring or ultra serious.)


Thank you. Very well said! It's good to have opinions If we all had the same likes and dislikes, and thought every new ride was perfect, that would be lame.

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Is kings island a theme park or an amusement park?


I define an amusement park as a place with rides on concrete, with not much landscaping or theming. Somewhere like Cedar Point.

I define a theme park with a place which puts just as much importance on the way the park looks and feels as they do on the rides. Places like Universal Studios and Islands of Adventures, with movie theming and great landscaping.


Which of these is Kings Island?

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^I'd probably consider Kings Island an amusement park. There's not really a general theme, but little small themes everywhere. I would consider Universal a theme park because the general theme is movies and television.


Pretty much every Six Flags and Cedar Fair park is an 'amusement park'. Though 'theme park' takes less time to say and people know what I mean anyway so I always go with that.

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I can't remember who said this, but I remember reading a quote that went something like, "The difference between an amusement park and a theme park is that if you take the rides out of a theme park, it's still a theme park. If you take the rides out of an amusement park, it's a parking lot."


KI, KD, and even HP fall into a grey area. They have minimal themes but nice landscaping. I guess if you took the rides out of them, they'd just be nice parks. So I suppose Amusement Park is correct?

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I've always loved Kings Dominion's term that they call themselves, "Themed Amusement Park". Ever since they've called themselves that I've classified parks into 3 categories 1) theme parks 2) amusement parks 3) themed amusement parks. I think it works great and settles the debate personally.


Obviously, Kings Island would fall into that category too.

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Greg Scheid ‏@KIGMGREG · 7h

"I will be in the park after dark tonight to view the lighting effectson #kibanshee. Based on the video I saw from last night, WOW!"



We should be in for a treat - these rides at night might be better than the beast.

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Yeah no kidding. I dont understand why people are being so judgemental and assuming the worst about a person who was excited and filmed a pov video on their cell even though the park asked them not to.. Even the most over-zealous employees anywhere have broken rules and they arent hellspawns..

Because it's called BREAKING THE RULES. And if you can't understand that, then you really shouldn't be part of our forum.


Just because I'm excited to get to Dairy Queen to try their new Blizzard creation doesn't give the right to speed at 110MPH on the road.


If you're "ok" with people breaking rules, find another place to discuss roller coasters at. Got it? Good...

Not only is it against the park rules but it's also a misdemeanor in the state of Ohio under O.R.C 1711.551.

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I can understand that the rules were broken, and we here, are expected to adhere to the "rules".


But all the negativity, and that people sound like they're the fun police, and/or are a judge, or a damn lawyer for KI ---- I've been lurking here for 6 months or so, and from what I've seen the TPR forums are a pretty lax place to chitchat about coasters. --- This little POV incident which I was too late to actually see what was posted ------ I get/got the feeling that some people are legitimately mad with a POV leak?! Can't Rob just take it down and that be the end all? instead of name calling, and stupid debates of what is right and wrong in the coaster world?


I understand that Rob is involved in the industry and has taken it upon himself to run a nice, 'clean' site. I approve of Robs actions.


Are some of you guys getting paid to promote "anti-theme park piracy"? Reminds me of a couple years ago when movie previews told us not to pirate movies(and a recent survey/study i JUST read said about 40% of the industry(real studio employees-makeup people/grips/whatever)-- have pirated a movie in the past year).


I think it's that I've never seen anyone, in the world of 'hobby's' --- be so anti-"piracy", and hostile about it.

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What's so wrong about Piracy? Edward Teach was a pirate! Some Somalians are pirates! So many people pirate things, and yet it is 'bad'.


Edward Teach did fine. He was notorious and infamous, and he did fine! No one tried to ^ @! # !! with Blackbeard.


I'm pretty sure Somalians are rich for pirating ships and stuff.


Edward Teach faced absolutely NO consequences for his bad deeds.


Somalians definitely aren't starving.


Piracy is AWESOME!



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