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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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So what do you all think of getting a Team TPR picture at Banshee Media Day? Say...everyone meet in front of the Banshee 3D sign at a certain time? 9Am, 10AM, 11AM?I'm flexible. Not sure if everyone is staying until the end. Maybe take it after everyone has had a chance for some rides.


9 AM seems like a logical time. There will probably be a lot of people trying to get pictures following the 9:30 presentation.

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I am going to kings island either opening day or on Easter does anyone know how the lines would be on Easter? I would think the park would not be crowded because it's Easter but that might be the only time to go for some people. I hope you can answer my question thanks.

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^It is a rare occasion for Easter to occur this late in April. The park is not usually open on Easter. I would not expect the park to be too crowded, especially for the first few hours of operation, but I have no experience to base that on.


On an unrelated note...the forecast is calling for snow Tuesday morning, but high 60s and sun for Media Day!

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Just a note - ALL Illegal POVs and screen grabs have been removed. You guys should know better.... Please be patient and wait for the official POV. Not some crappy, vertically shot garbage by some employee who hopefully will now get fired over it.

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People are really starting to suck the fun out of following the development of this coaster by being so critical of B&M. There's a fine line between healthy conversation and an over abundance of negative criticism on a coaster that none of us have ridden, yet.


If this B&M doesn't have enough forces for KI fans, SFSTL fans will gladly trade you our used boomerang and our aqua twist for Banshee.


Fun coaster will be fun, even if it doesn't suck your eyes into the back of your skull. Quit being coaster snobs. It's pretty lame.

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I've noticed for the past couple of weeks, on several threads (some worse then others) ---- that some peoples responses seem to be getting dumber,meaner, snarkier, and hot headed all at once.


Coaster withdrawal has set in, and it's effects are devastating.

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I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's opinions on Banshee. I'm like the way KI themed it, as well as gave The Bat a re-theme. At the same time, I'm just not really going out of my way to make sure I ride it immediately. I guess I feel that way because I don't feel that it's really unique or groundbreaking. That doesn't mean it's going to be a bad ride, that it won't be fun, or that it was a bad choice for KI.


I think that'd why Banshee has gotten some of the comments it has so far. We look at the OMFG WTF IS THAT elements RMC has been building into coasters the last few years and compare it to a large inverted coaster that looks like most other inverts, and it makes Banshee look a little generic. Once again, that's not to say Banshee will be bad or boring (not to say it won't be, either). It's just hard- at least for me- to look at something I never thought would ever be possible with a wood coaster that RMC just built, and not only made it work, but made it work flawlessly, and then look at Banshee and not see it as a little boring.

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If it maintains speed which I think it will due to no midcourse break run, personally I think it will be a great ride. My personal top coasters are ones that maintain speed throughout the course i.e. Maverick and I305. Can't wait for Media Day and Opening Day later this week!

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I can't wait until TPR actually gets their legal POV. It will be a million times better than the illegal ones.

To be fair, our legal POV will most likely be what the park releases to the media. So please don't be expecting something specifically shot by TPR as I know that's not how Cedar Fair parks usually work. Having said that, though, I do expect the official B-Roll to be of very high quality based on what I've seen them produce in the past.

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People are really starting to suck the fun out of following the development of this coaster by being so critical of B&M. There's a fine line between healthy conversation and an over abundance of negative criticism on a coaster that none of us have ridden, yet.


If this B&M doesn't have enough forces for KI fans, SFSTL fans will gladly trade you our used boomerang and our aqua twist for Banshee.


Fun coaster will be fun, even if it doesn't suck your eyes into the back of your skull. Quit being coaster snobs. It's pretty lame.


I 100% agree wht you. Many people are not thrilled with SFSTL's addiction this year. I was glad to see us get a coaster last year, but not one that is 27+ years old.

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People are really starting to suck the fun out of following the development of this coaster by being so critical of B&M. There's a fine line between healthy conversation and an over abundance of negative criticism on a coaster that none of us have ridden, yet.


If this B&M doesn't have enough forces for KI fans, SFSTL fans will gladly trade you our used boomerang and our aqua twist for Banshee.


Fun coaster will be fun, even if it doesn't suck your eyes into the back of your skull. Quit being coaster snobs. It's pretty lame.


I totally agree with this. I feel like some people take roller coasters WAY too seriously. We are supposed to have fun on them, but for some reason, every coaster has to be better and more forceful than the other. Even though an Arrow Corkscrew coaster isn't as good as a B&M Invert, I can still have fun on the Arrow Corkscrew as long as it's fun. My home park, Valleyfair, doesn't exactly have the world's best roller coaster collection, but I still have lots of fun everytime I go. In my opinion, when the GP gets off a ride, they think "Boy, that was fun!", while some enthusiats think stuff like "The airtime was weaker than normal, and the MCBR trimmed us too much". While I can be critical of roller coasters at times, I don't let that keep me from having fun.

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I don't think anyone said this coaster wouldn't be fun. Everyone knows it will be... we're just saying that it doesn't look like it's going to be on the same level as B&M's older coasters like Montu and Raptor.


If comparing coasters isn't your thing then that's great... but saying that people are "sucking the fun" out of it by doing that is a little over-the-top. For me at least, it's fun to speculate about the ride before it opens.

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