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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Hmmm. Cali Screamin, SFNO-BTR, and now SOB. If the pattern continues, all loops should be removed from every coaster by Memorial Day.


And then the arabic countries will control the world's supply of vertical loops! You know what that means! Park ticket prices rising by the day! its a monopoly!

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A loopless SOB? OMG!!! *Plans PKI trip for '07*


Seriously...the wood structure breaks in one part of a really rough ride, solution? Take out the smoothest part of the f***ing thing! It all makes sense to me now.


But wait, "lighter trains?" Hopefully that means no more Premier trains. Throw some PTCs on that sucker and maybe it'll be decent! Especially with no loop anymore, there's no reason they can't use traditional wood coaster trains now.

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Lame. I was hoping for them to replace SoB with that much-needed hypercoaster. I don't think you're going to see much capex from CF in the coming years due to the acquisition of Paramount Parks.


Actually, that spot seems like it would be a great place to put an airtime hill, or two. That would at least give the ride some redeeming value. But, hey this is PKI. So, fat chance!

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I like that Ted.


But to add more fuel to the Jeff Johnson camp, it is going from being a 'looping coaster' to a 'non-looper', that's a pretty big deal!


BTW, I will not be counting it as a new credit, although I do feel the need to ride it once. (grrrrr!)

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Not a new credit, but I wonder how many people will count it as one?


SoB needs more help than just this, new trains at a minimum!


PTCs, Millenium Flyers, anything but those crappy Premiers.


I'd even take Psyclone's POS B&M trains!



Hey, Vekoma woodie trains might not be half bad on SoB...

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Wait, so PKI is getting rid of one of its records?


I was looking forward to riding it because of that fact. SoB is like the mentally challenged relative of a wooden coaster.


Oh well, bring on painful wooden coaster for the Midwest Trip !

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