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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Day 2 of Coasterstock, Saturday May 20.


We got about 5 ish hours of sleep, but we were up and at em the next day to get there around 8:00 again.


8:30-10:00 we had ERT on Racer, Flight of Fear, Vortex, Dodgem, and Zephyr. We rode everything except Zephyr and Vortex (since we already had rides on Vortex and...it's not my favorite). After having a rough couple rides on Racer and a few rattly rides on Flight of Fear, I remarked that today felt like the rough rides ERT day (besides Invertigo). Definitely felt like we finished what we wanted to ride pretty quickly even though there was still plenty of ERT left. It would have been nice to get on Firehawk, but we were able to ride it later in the day without much of a wait. It was cool to see Flight of Fear with lights on, but I definitely prefer it with lights off.


3pm we had our Beast behind the scenes tour. They divided us into 4 groups before we got to the event, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm and 4pm. One person had a later time and one person missed his earlier time, but staff was accommodating and let them go with us, so we had our entire clan on the 3:00 tour. The tour was definitely a lot shorter than I thought, and I thought we would go further out, but it was still really cool seeing Beast from the back areas and getting some neat photos as well as hearing some Beast trivia. Also, it started to rain again so if the tour had been longer, we would have been getting wet. We witnessed some people stall on the second lift, and they were shouting at us as we photographed them.


5:00 we met up again to get our Diamondback photo op. We went onto an area of grass on the other side of the big former Tomb Raider building where we could get some nice views of Diamondback.


5:30-7:00 we had dinner, and I faced the same problem from Friday. BBQ pork sandwiches, BBQ chicken, mashed potatoes, cole slaw, and canned green beans. Not wanting to eat mashed potatoes and a bit of cole slaw and canned green beans (since I'm not a big fan), I asked if they had something vegetarian again. They eventually brought me another veggie burger much later (after forgetting about me twice), but I was still thankful to have something besides just mashed potatoes (which were actually pretty good as far as mashed potatoes go).


Jeff Pike, President/Partner of Skyline Attractions and designer for a lot of GCI coasters gave a really great speech about how he got into the business and what went into designing Mystic Timbers and a lot of our other favorite GCI coasters. He talked about how Dick Kinzel didn't like wooden coasters and didn't want GCI at Cedar Fair for a long time, but now we have some really great GCIs at CF parks including Prowler, Gold Striker, Renegade, etc. Really, I can't do this guy's speech justice at all. He was a wonderful and entertaining speaker, down to earth, and inspiring to anyone interested in roller coaster design (which happened to be a lot of the crowd).


We also heard from Mike Koontz, King's Island's Vice-President and General Manager. He used to be CEO of Paramount Parks, but lost his job when Cedar Fair bought everything. He recently got called to work at Kings Island again. (If I am mixing something up, please correct me or if you have anything to add that I missed). He shared about what goes into being GM of a theme park and then took some questions.


Next, Don Helbig, King's Island's Area Manager Public Relations who put Coasterstock together for us and briefly spoke to us.


We then had until 10:30 before ERT would start. By now, we were pretty exhausted, and just kind of meandered around the park waiting for ERT and riding things here and there (when there weren't long lines). Toward the evening, just before the fireworks, the weather took a turn for the worst. POURING rain, thunder and lightning!! We got to watch the fireworks show with lightning in the background, but not for long, because it started pouring right after that. We huddled out with other Coasterstock people by the bar again. Everything closed, except the Pirate Ship which never seemed to close in the weather. ERT was postponed until the weather improved. Eventually, security came over to us and told us to, "Go under the Eiffel Tower because we're clearing this side of the park." Not sure why they thought standing under a giant lightning rod in a lightning storm was a good idea, plus it wasn't waterproof at all, but about 10 of us decided to try. Wet and miserable huddled together under the tower, security came by again and told us to find shelter closer to where our ERT was. We made a run for it and ended up under some umbrellas by the Chick-fil-A. We were seriously starting to wonder if ERT was going to happen, and we were soaked and cold, but the posts on the Facebook page during this time were hilarious! One person asked for lights-on Boo Blasters, someone else followed up with a request for Diamondback lights on, another person posted a Snoopy meme of Snoopy lying bored during a rainstorm, people posted about all the random places they were waiting out the storm with other Coasterstock people. It was a weird bonding experience.


About 11:30 we saw....DIAMONDBACK TESTING!! Still raining pretty hard, we rushed over to Beast. Our friends made it to the front row before us, which ended up a blessing in disguise. Super wet soaking cold Beast night ride with rain pelting our faces, but we loved every second of it! After a thorough soaking, the rain lessened and we got another less wet ride on Beast. It was HAULING!! Without much time left, we finished the night at Mystic with some of the best night rides ever! Also had some great shed clap and dance parties.


Overall, a really amazing (but exhausting) weekend!! I already miss it and can't wait until I can go again.


Now, the rest of my photos.


Diamondback on the way to the rapids ride


"Hey! I see you up there. Just what do you think you're doin'? You kids go home to your video games! This place is not safe!"


This coaster really has a wonderful location.


Artsy photo under Beast.


Tons and tons of... coaster nerds!


So much wood


Hmm I wonder why it's restricted?


Everyone waiting for Beast to come by again so we can snap more photos.


So many nerds...








There were some crazy beasts on the behind the scenes Beast tour!


Some sexy beasts hanging out by Beast...




My first time on the train! (D's first time on any train). This old building is rumored to be haunted.


Photo op of Diamondback!




We love Diamondback!



We had some great views from this area




Chillin out by the fountain


He suggested we take selfies and then made this face in almost every one!


When you're tired and bored waiting for ERT to start


*gurgle gurgle*


Waiting out the storm under a giant umbrella


SOAKING WET Beast ride! But we were so glad it finally opened for us!


So cold but hauling!!


"This is a restricted area, don't go in the shed. This is a restricted area...restricted area..#$(&....d*&(^*...go in the shed. Go in the shed. Go in the shed."


Our credentials



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^ My friend and I were wondering if night ERT happened. I'm glad we gave up around 10:45 as we were both beat from the 30+ hours over the two days. Im glad to hear that those who waited it out got a little bit of ERT though.


We hit the park Sunday and got a bunch of rides as the crowds were very light and then I made the 11 hour drive home which sucked. Overall I was surprised by CoasterStock and I'm thinking that I'm going to make it an annual event.

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Great report and pictures! I'm excited to ride Mystic Timbers as it gets dark. Almost all coasters are better at night but there's something about the coasters at Kings Island... They all give really excellent night rides.

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I thought for sure someone would have posted a Coasterstock TR so I could sit this one out (since I'm really a sporadic photographer and not the best at relaying everything that happened throughout the day). However, since no one has done it, I'll post my photos and mention the highlights.


Loved the report and thanks for doing it. I actually really like your reports because you tend to skip the nerdtalk and hit us with just the fun stuff.

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^More for you?


Thanks for the input, guys! These things always end up taking me a long time to put together so I'm glad when people actually read and enjoy them.


I thought for sure someone would have posted a Coasterstock TR so I could sit this one out (since I'm really a sporadic photographer and not the best at relaying everything that happened throughout the day). However, since no one has done it, I'll post my photos and mention the highlights.


Loved the report and thanks for doing it. I actually really like your reports because you tend to skip the nerdtalk and hit us with just the fun stuff.

Ha! That's always my goal. I usually skip over reports that have a lot of nerdtalk so I definitely don't want to be that person!

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Am I the only one who thinks that MT took some inspiration from Verbolten?


-They have different effects in the enclosed area. (At least form what I herd form the staff, I rode MT five times got the same ending)

-They have a "going into a restricted area in a car theme."

-They have a car crashed in front of the entrance.

-The trains are cars, that have cars.


(yes I know that mystic timbers is a TRUCK but a truck is a type of car)

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I'm trying to gauge my expectations of this coming weekend and consider dropping by to Kings Island AND Soak City either Saturday or Sunday. I understand there will be thunderstorms, but I'm hoping that it might not last the entire day and will drive enough people away from the park... maybe. Should I chance it? I'm mostly hoping to try some of the water park attractions.

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It seems like the trees on Mystic Timbers have really closed the roller coaster in nicely. I'm glad I didn't go earlier in the season like I had originally planned.




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Has anyone found the Beast to be really rough?




Anyway, I'll write a full report eventually (emphasis on eventually) but I'll share a few thoughts from yesterday which was our first visit in a few years.


-Mystic Timbers is a lot of fun. It's a pretty average GCI but that's not a knock on it since even average GCIs are great. The ride has a great location and the theming in the queue, shed and station is really nice for Cedar Fair.


- Diamondback has to be the best ride in the park (during the day). It has incredibly forceful airtime for a B&M hyper and is just an all around awesome ride.


- Banshee is running great. They let you wait for the front now (unlike our visit a few years ago) which is nice so we opted to do that every time.


- Can we all just take a moment to appreciate how awesome the Bat is?


- I'm still riding high after our amazing Beast ride last night. We were on the second to last train of the night in the back car and holy living crap did that thing fly. There was a pretty intense storm moving in so they were rushing to run out the line and the fact that they sent the last few trains was definitely questionable. I was really happy when the train started rolling and there was no longer an option for them to let sanity prevail and close for weather.


The Beast at night is legendary on it's own but the random flashes of lightning, light rain and impressive view of the storm from the second lift made it even better. Also... that helix. OMFG!!!

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^ Yep, pretty much exactly my thoughts. I liked Banshee but I loved Diamondback, especially back row. I'm not sure whether I like Ninja or Bat better, but that's a good problem to have.


Beast in a thunderstorm must have been quite the experience. Glad you had fun!

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