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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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I'll let everyone know how it rides from the first train...


I'll be right there with you. Next spring cannot come soon enough!


Oh yes- I'm turning the entire weekend into RIT weekend... Starting off in Florida, then to Pennsylvania, then to Illinois... But being one of the RIT 24 certainly doesn't hurt either!

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I'll let everyone know how it rides from the first train...


I'll be right there with you. Next spring cannot come soon enough!


Oh yes- I'm turning the entire weekend into RIT weekend... Starting off in Florida, then to Pennsylvania, then to Illinois... But being one of the RIT 24 certainly doesn't hurt either!


I am so glad I filled out that application! Any excuse to go to HP is a good one, and this is an amazing excuse.

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^I doubt it. I don't think it'd be quite as 'easy' as it was to do with I305. This coaster has a tangle of track to work through (not to mention supports) and the track literally follows the ground on that turn. To replace it would be extremely tedious/costly and would probably require the alteration of several of the Stengel dive's supports. I'm sure Intamin designed the drop 'a little on the safe side' so that they would not have to deal with it later.


I mean, I305's turn is in a flat field and out in the open. There's no other trackwork near it.

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The reason that they altered the I305 turn was because the sustained Gs for that entire seven-eight seconds were tearing through the wheels. You'll notice that, since they replaced just the last half of the turn, halving the amount of time the wheels are being subjected to that maximum force, the ride can consistently run both trains without problem. Skyrush will be the same story - if the turn were a full 270*, there might have been a problem, but the quick application of those forces won't affect the train in the way that I305's prolonged forces did.

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I think it's clear that Intamin improved A LOT the Furius Baco trains, without the outside seats, new comfortable seats and lapbar only. You don't even imagine what kind of ride they're constructing in Hersheypark. You'll RUSH!!

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This advertisement was in december 17ths Hershey Bears program. Interesting looking lap bars in this pic , don't ya think?


Oh Lord! That outward banked turn looks awfully underbanked to me & those trains don't look sturdy enough. I bet it'll be REAL rough now! Also where are the supports? ARE THESE THE ACTUAL TRAINS? MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THIS WORLD!

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I'll let everyone know how it rides from the first train...


Oh, sure, just keep rubbing it in.


I'll be down in Orlando Memorial Day weekend anyway, so it really doesn't matter. But it's a constant reminder of "what could have been".

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This advertisement was in december 17ths Hershey Bears program. Interesting looking lap bars in this pic , don't ya think?


Oh Lord! That outward banked turn looks awfully underbanked to me & those trains don't look sturdy enough. I bet it'll be REAL rough now! Also where are the supports? ARE THESE THE ACTUAL TRAINS? MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THIS WORLD!

My gut tells me this is some sort of mock up made from....I'm not sure what!


If you can believe that they are on a roller coaster that is WAAAAAY taller than the Kissing Tower, then I guess you can believe it will have some sort of lap-bar only OTSR.


As experienced park enthusiasts here, haven't the one thing we learned is that an advertizement put out MONTHS before the ride is done, usually is not quite representative of the final product?


If that came out in the Dec 17th program, that means that picture probably had to be completed a month ahead of time in order to go to print. I wouldn't put much faith in the image that those are the final trains. I could be wrong (and I kinda hope I am), but my gut feeling says "That's an ad."

Edited by robbalvey
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If this was an internal mock up of the train from intamin you'd figure they'd get the style of track correct? (isn't this track different compared to what is actually being built?). The front of the train looks very similar to the video that was posted when it was announced though.

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Having seen over the many years 'mockup' ads- I treat this one the same way: WOOHOO! It's an ad for SkyRush... and nothing more, really. One shouldn't judge the 'artists representation' from the real thing- it's like the 'Serving Suggestion' on the outside of the package of frozen food you've eaten for dinner...

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The reason that they altered the I305 turn was because the sustained Gs for that entire seven-eight seconds were tearing through the wheels. You'll notice that, since they replaced just the last half of the turn, halving the amount of time the wheels are being subjected to that maximum force, the ride can consistently run both trains without problem. Skyrush will be the same story - if the turn were a full 270*, there might have been a problem, but the quick application of those forces won't affect the train in the way that I305's prolonged forces did.



Not to mention Skyrush's first hill is quite bit shorter than I 305's.



It wouldn't shock me though, look at their track record lately with I305 and Maverick. I'll be interested to see how it plays out.


Fahrenheit, iSpeed, Formula Rossa, Cheetah Hunt, and a number of Megalites would take umbrage at that assessment.

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