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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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^^ Although advertisements like that can be inaccurate, the restraints depicted in the ad correspond with the train design photo released by the park, which also showed over-the-shoulder, clamshell-esque lap bars. However, the train design photo was very basic (like the rest of the documents in the press kit), so maybe it's not a very good reference point. I guess we'll just have to wait and see...

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The reason that they altered the I305 turn was because the sustained Gs for that entire seven-eight seconds were tearing through the wheels. You'll notice that, since they replaced just the last half of the turn, halving the amount of time the wheels are being subjected to that maximum force, the ride can consistently run both trains without problem. Skyrush will be the same story - if the turn were a full 270*, there might have been a problem, but the quick application of those forces won't affect the train in the way that I305's prolonged forces did.

They never ran both trains except on weekends. Ever. So I wonder how much difference the new layout really made.

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The reason that they altered the I305 turn was because the sustained Gs for that entire seven-eight seconds were tearing through the wheels. You'll notice that, since they replaced just the last half of the turn, halving the amount of time the wheels are being subjected to that maximum force, the ride can consistently run both trains without problem. Skyrush will be the same story - if the turn were a full 270*, there might have been a problem, but the quick application of those forces won't affect the train in the way that I305's prolonged forces did.

They never ran both trains except on weekends. Ever. So I wonder how much difference the new layout really made.


I'm pretty sure I did ride I305 on a summer weekday with two-train operation...maybe I'm just making that up in my head and it was actually a weekend. Regardless, the fact that they can manage on a weekend without constant downtime is a significant improvement.

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In a way, the concept art for Fahrenheit and this are similar and are similar to the real trains. The concept art also was released right around this time of the year for it as well. But I do agree that sometimes concept art can be totally the exact opposite of the real thing and doesn't really confirm anything yet. But I do hope though


By the way, the Stengel Dive was being installed today:


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It wouldn't shock me though, look at their track record lately with I305 and Maverick. I'll be interested to see how it plays out.


Fahrenheit, iSpeed, Formula Rossa, Cheetah Hunt, and a number of Megalites would take umbrage at that assessment.


Well Formula Rossa is trimmed to death and Fahrenheit is lousy and valleyed on its first run.

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Well Formula Rossa is trimmed to death and Fahrenheit is lousy and valleyed on its first run.


If Formula Rossa wasn't trimmed they would have to widen the exit ramp... so an ambulance could pull up to cart unconscious injured riders off the ride.


And yes, Fahrenheit valleyed. But I believe that the ride still opened that day after the train was pulled out of the cobra roll and completed its circuit. Not sure how that one incident makes Fahrenheit "lousy."

Edited by DougMJr
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Well Formula Rossa is trimmed to death and Fahrenheit is lousy and valleyed on its first run.

Fahrenheit is NOT lousy! It's my favorite roller coaster with inversions. It's not a crazy airtime machine, it's not a positive-G monster, but it is wicked fun.

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This construction has really taken off! Everytime I see just one piece of track installed, it looks 1000x more magnificent and jaw-dropping. I'm kind of glad Hershey didn't reveal an actual simulation because we get to see all of these pleasant surprises instead of knowing everything about the coaster. And thanks Ccron10 for these daily updates, I think I can speak for everyone here when I say it is much appreciated!

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Well, for those that think Skyrush will only be an average coaster, the latest construction video may change your mind since the Stengal Dive is now complete !


Being on that first train as well as a Jr Researcher, I could be bias, but this really is moving fast and looking sweet !


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Well, for those that think Skyrush will only be an average coaster, the latest construction video may change your mind since the Stengal Dive is now complete !


Being on that first train as well as a Jr Researcher, I could be bias, but this really is moving fast and looking sweet !



NIIIIICEEEE... Love seeing this massive erection getting kinkier as it grows... And I too as part of the RIT 24 am already starting to get excited for 'first drop'....



Well Formula Rossa is trimmed to death and Fahrenheit is lousy and valleyed on its first run.


Dude, Get a life. Please. Just because you don't like Intamin and think B&M makes the world's best coasters ever doesn't mean you should make snap and rush judgements of rides that aren't even complete. SkyRush, like many coasters, will have the same teething issues that EVERY COASTER ON THE PLANET has faced. But to bash a ride that's not even open based upon 1.) A coaster that goes 161KMH and needs to be trimmed BY DESIGN and 2.) A freak occurance due to exceptionally cold temps on opening day is absurd.

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Dude, Get a life. Please. Just because you don't like Intamin and think B&M makes the world's best coasters ever doesn't mean you should make snap and rush judgements of rides that aren't even complete. SkyRush, like many coasters, will have the same teething issues that EVERY COASTER ON THE PLANET has faced. But to bash a ride that's not even open based upon 1.) A coaster that goes 161KMH and needs to be trimmed BY DESIGN and 2.) A freak occurance due to exceptionally cold temps on opening day is absurd.


I'm talking more along the lines of I305 and Maverick track removal. I like Intamin, I was just commenting on how their engineering is not as solid as B&Ms as far as ride malfunctions and redesigns.

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I'm talking more along the lines of I305 and Maverick track removal. I like Intamin, I was just commenting on how their engineering is not as solid as B&Ms as far as ride malfunctions and redesigns.


Kinda funny how you wrote Formula Rossa and Fahrenheit, when you were clearly talking about Maverick and I305..

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Skyrush pics I took yesterday while at the park...look for the full Christmas Candylane trip report in the future!


This is going up very fast...hence the name Skyrush?


Let's get them bolts tight, fellas!


Stengel and bottom of 1st drop. That is going to be a total legchopper for those on the outside even though they will probably dig out some more of that hill.


This looks important.


THis shot has a just a little bit of porn for every enthusiast out there, with the exception of the lift hill & chain enthusiasts.


I think this guy is living out a lot of people's fantasies by making love to Skyrush!


Still lot's of puzzle pieces over there!

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I'm talking more along the lines of I305 and Maverick track removal. I like Intamin, I was just commenting on how their engineering is not as solid as B&Ms as far as ride malfunctions and redesigns.


Kinda funny how you wrote Formula Rossa and Fahrenheit, when you were clearly talking about Maverick and I305..


Go back a couple pages, I first said Mav and I305 and then someone mentioned Rossa and Fahrenheit and I mentioned them afterwards.

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