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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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  robbalvey said:
  Jakizle said:
Yes, I knew I could count on you HP guys for delivery! Thanks Chris.


Looking better and more insane with each update...daily! I still want to say this will be known as one of the best rides in the world...early prediction but I see it.

If I had to place my bets on where this ranks versus any of the 2012 B&Ms in next year's steel coaster poll, you can guess where I'm putting my money!


But apparently you rig the polls so of course it will rank above any of the 2012 B&M's

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  odene497 said:
That hill strikes my support fetish in an odd way. I wish they'd just put one more in there. But I guess you don't need much when in that area particularly, the track just needs to be held DOWN. This looks wonderful.


I get the feeling that we might see the new path that they're opening cross under the airtime hill in that spot? It does look funky, but hey, it's kind of cool to see it just floating there!

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This coaster is the reason I've decided to do a full Pennsylvania trip next summer. I can't wait to get a couple rides in on this beast. I wasn't planning on a Hershey trip but I can't wait to check this great looking Intamin out. I absolutely love the supports for the lift hill.


  UnderCoverDrummer1 said:
I find it hilarious that back before vertical construction began, I said that this coaster was going to end up being a lot more intense than everyone thought. Only now that the track is going up, helping to put the pictures into perspective is is clear just how tight the layout is going to be.


So to all those people who were doubting and knocking this ride based purely on the NL rendering..... I TOLD YOU SO!


  UnderCoverDrummer1 said:
I love that every day more and more people are posting saying that they assumed wrong about this coaster. I totally called it back in September and it's great to finally have people agreeing with me.


How many times are you going to post "I told you so!" here? There's lots of people on this forum that have been saying this is a great ride all along...

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  kunpc1 said:
This coaster is the reason I've decided to do a full Pennsylvania trip next summer. I can't wait to get a couple rides in on this beast. I wasn't planning on a Hershey trip but I can't wait to check this great looking Intamin out. I absolutely love the supports for the lift hill.


  UnderCoverDrummer1 said:
I find it hilarious that back before vertical construction began, I said that this coaster was going to end up being a lot more intense than everyone thought. Only now that the track is going up, helping to put the pictures into perspective is is clear just how tight the layout is going to be.


So to all those people who were doubting and knocking this ride based purely on the NL rendering..... I TOLD YOU SO!


  UnderCoverDrummer1 said:
I love that every day more and more people are posting saying that they assumed wrong about this coaster. I totally called it back in September and it's great to finally have people agreeing with me.


How many times are you going to post "I told you so!" here? There's lots of people on this forum that have been saying this is a great ride all along...


Only twice.


And yes there were people who had faith in this coaster, however the majority of people couldn't get past the poor quality and inaccuracy of the simulation.

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  kunpc1 said:
  UnderCoverDrummer1 said:
I love that every day more and more people are posting saying that they assumed wrong about this coaster. I totally called it back in September and it's great to finally have people agreeing with me.


How many times are you going to post "I told you so!" here? There's lots of people on this forum that have been saying this is a great ride all along...


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  robbalvey said:
  kunpc1 said:
  UnderCoverDrummer1 said:
I love that every day more and more people are posting saying that they assumed wrong about this coaster. I totally called it back in September and it's great to finally have people agreeing with me.


How many times are you going to post "I told you so!" here? There's lots of people on this forum that have been saying this is a great ride all along...



I apologize. I didn't mean to annoy anyone.

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  UnderCoverDrummer1 said:
I find it hilarious that back before vertical construction began, I said that this coaster was going to end up being a lot more intense than everyone thought. Only now that the track is going up, helping to put the pictures into perspective is is clear just how tight the layout is going to be.


So to all those people who were doubting and knocking this ride based purely on the NL rendering..... I TOLD YOU SO!


  UnderCoverDrummer1 said:
I love that every day more and more people are posting saying that they assumed wrong about this coaster. I totally called it back in September and it's great to finally have people agreeing with me.


  kunpc1 said:

How many times are you going to post "I told you so!" here? There's lots of people on this forum that have been saying this is a great ride all along...


  UnderCoverDrummer1 said:

Only twice.


And yes there were people who had faith in this coaster, however the majority of people couldn't get past the poor quality and inaccuracy of the simulation.


I don't post much on this forum, but I feel like chiming in here.


I understand that people want to be positive and want to keep a positive spin on things. But I don't understand why someone who has a differing perspective on this ride, or any ride, is automatically wrong because it's a negative perspective.


The common line is something like "How can you bash a ride before it's even built?" I guess my question is, how can anyone praise a ride before it's even built? No one has ridden Skyrush, and someone who wants to knock this ride just as much right as someone that praises it.


I was very underwhelmed by this ride's stats and the layout when this information was released. I thought, and still think, that 3600 feet is way too short for a megacoaster. People on this board are gushing and slobbering over Skyrush, and I just don't see why at this point.


I, like many others, have yet to ride a "bad" Intamin megacoaster. I understand that as well, and I don't think Skyrush will be short on thrills or fun. I just don't understand why this is generally accepted as THE ride of 2012. I actually think Leviathan looks better.


The issue I have taken with Skyrush has nothing to do with Intamin. It has everything to do with Hersheypark seemingly cutting another steel coaster short.


Which brings up another point. Leviathan seems to be getting "bashed" by many on this forum. Where are the responses calling that out? I understand that B&M's are a bit soft in comparison to most Intamin designs, but Leviathan looks like it will haul ass.


I have seen Skyrush up very close, and it is visually impressive. There are some very nice elements too it, and I think the coaster community will be thrilled with the trains. The first drop looks very impressive. But, it is very short (length), and the ride will be over very quickly.


I think, and I don't mean to turn this into another "comparison" thread, that Leviathan looks more impressive in photos, and is probably even more impressive in person. At this point, if I could trade Leviathan for Skyrush, I would do it.

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In the simulations, this ride did not look very intense; it almost looked like something I would expect from B&M.


Now that I can actually see it in person, this seriously looks like it could be a top ten ride!


Edit: This summer, I was hoping on visiting KD and Dollywood. However, with how awesome Levi and Skyrush are looking, I might just change to my potential plans.

Edited by MrSum1_55
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  Magnum PA said:


And yes there were people who had faith in this coaster, however the majority of people couldn't get past the poor quality and inaccuracy of the simulation.


I was very underwhelmed by this ride's stats and the layout when this information was released. I thought, and still think, that 3600 feet is way too short for a megacoaster. People on this board are gushing and slobbering over Skyrush, and I just don't see why at this point.


Quite a few of us look at this ride very differently than what other coasters have been. The reason? It's different. It's fitting a 200 foot coaster onto what basically amounts to a postage stamp space. It's trying thing differently, and in a configuration that maximizes space and thrills while keeping the park's basic 'feel' in place.


For me, HersheyPark is more than a place for a new coaster: It's one of the key parks that is so crucial to my development as a park enthusiast, and to a lesser extent, coaster fan. So I tend to look at the park with a great deal of love- and respect- for what it has become. Many of us participated in the RIT project, from it's inception in October a year ago, to the 'reveal' in August, and all the way through to opening day. The ride itself for some of us is more than just 'another coaster' as we've become a part of it. And, as the ride has grown, the blurry details of the rides' reveal have been slowly coming forth: The stengel dive, the airtime hill, the incredible first drop. It's kind of like opening a box knowing it's a toy, but the toy turns out to be so much more than what you were expecting.


In some cases, this ride is the coaster quite a few of us have been waiting for: The cross of a MegaLite coaster with hypercoaster sensibilites. It's as close as anyplace in the USA has come to a Megalite, but with a drawn out layout, and with very interesting elements- some of which we've yet to see.


I, like many others, have yet to ride a "bad" Intamin megacoaster. I understand that as well, and I don't think Skyrush will be short on thrills or fun. I just don't understand why this is generally accepted as THE ride of 2012. I actually think Leviathan looks better.


The issue I have taken with Skyrush has nothing to do with Intamin. It has everything to do with Hersheypark seemingly cutting another steel coaster short.


I don't think HP is cutting anything short here: The park right now is very tight land wise- and is using space to it's advantage. There really isn't a lot of space left to work with within the parks' boundaries, and instead of losing another ride or coaster, the park figured out a way to use the limited resources to it's best advantage. In the future, there is talk of removing the golf course across from where SkyRush is to open up more space for the park- but that is quite a while off in the distance.


Leviathan will stand on it's own- and comparing Leviathan to SkyRush really isn't a valid case- in any way. The two coasters are, for the most part, completely different rides in every way. It is akin to comparing say, an apple and a cinder block: You can't do it without looking silly in the end. Leviathan has a great layout, some interesting low to the ground elements, and I'm hoping that it's the re-birth of B&M's coasters in terms of force and feel. However, SkyRush will stand on its' own merits, especially for a park of it's size and scale.


HersheyPark cut nothing short with SkyRush- and instead is giving us a ride that will be (yet again) a perfect fit for their needs, space and patrons.


Which brings up another point. Leviathan seems to be getting "bashed" by many on this forum. Where are the responses calling that out? I understand that B&M's are a bit soft in comparison to most Intamin designs, but Leviathan looks like it will haul A$$.


There is now, and always will be, an element of Fanboys in ANY thread here, and for that matter, elsewhere. I'd say the exact same thing as above: For anybody to trash either ride prior to opening day, and boarding the first train, is a mistake. You can't do it: it doesn't work. Leviathan will be a speed monster, with 300+ feet of elevation behind it: But let's also be sensible, too. B&M has had a history of trimming their recent coasters to within an inch of their lives (As has Intamin... see also I305!) which I'd be curious to see how that plays out.


In short: Ride both coasters, and then compare the difference. I'd be pretty sure that both rides will impress the peoples in quantity.


I have seen Skyrush up very close, and it is visually impressive. There are some very nice elements too it, and I think the coaster community will be thrilled with the trains. The first drop looks very impressive. But, it is very short (length), and the ride will be over very quickly.


I think, and I don't mean to turn this into another "comparison" thread, that Leviathan looks more impressive in photos, and is probably even more impressive in person. At this point, if I could trade Leviathan for Skyrush, I would do it.


In all reality, 3700 feet is nothing to sneeze at. It's longer than any other coaster at HP, and while not a mile of twisted steel, it does stand on it's own feet as well. If they wanted to fill the layout with helices and other such devices, they could have. In the end, though, I'd think that would break up the feel of the ride- and possibly make it more mundane. Intamin (for the most part) eschews helices on their rides, preferring to give a more flowing layout overall. (That is not to say they DON'T use helices; the S:ROS triplets prove that, but rather they tend to use more fluid layouts for their designs. B&M as of late has done similar things with I232 and some of their other recent designs.).


One could also say that B&M is wasting speed with the 'extended' brake run on Leviathan- and not using that speed to the best advantage that they could be. It's also a case of space dictating final results. And Leviathan, respectively speaking, will also suffer in the length-of-ride category: It might be longer, but it's also going to be moving much faster through many of the lower elements, which will cut down on ride time.


Not everyone is trashing Leviathan: But there is a fair course of the fanboys arguing on both sides- SkyRush on one, Leviathan on the other, and in the end, until you've ridden both, there's really no room for comparison on either end.



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  Magnum PA said:
I understand that B&M's are a bit soft in comparison to most Intamin designs, but Leviathan looks like it will haul A$$.


I'm sure Leviathan will go very fast, but how intense will it be? Based on everything B&M has done for the past 10 years or, the ride is not likely to be top-10 list worthy. I suspect Leviathan will rank well after it's first year of operation, but will slowly fall down the rankings after that. Newer B&Ms and GCIIs seem to follow a similar pattern of a strong debut followed by a slow slide into mediocrity in the rankings.

Edited by ginzo
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