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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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Seems they've pretty radically changed how they are doing the "minimalist-support" lifts from what they did for I305. I305 more or less just used a bulkier track going up the lift. Skyrush seems to be more of an I-beam latticework. Wonder what the catalyst for the change was (cost, strength, aesthetics, park's preference?). Nonetheless, looks pretty awesomely steep! This ride should easily become the new signature attraction for Hershey! Can't wait!

305 has a monstrous box-lattice structure holding the lift track. I think the structure under the track on this one has to be different because of the track width needed to support the trains. Here's a picture I took when the ride was still lying around in the parking lot.



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I think i305's box-lattice is more astetically pleasing, but then again i305 doesn't have wing rider trains. I still cannot get over how few supports will be holding this thing up. Modern engineering at its best!


Edit: v Hardy Harr Harr.

Edited by DougMJr
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^ It's an Intamin. I won't believe that it's modern engineering at it's best until it stays operational for an entire day.


Bitter, Party of one. Your table is now available....


HP's coasters have been for the most part quite reliable overall: Storm Runner had it's teething issues, as did Fahrenheit, but then again there isn't a coaster in the USA that hasn't had teething issues.


SkyRush at least has two models ahead of it to get the bugs worked out on, and that's a key benefit here. The key issues other coasters have had in the past will have been solved before the ride is even finished, and that's to the benefit of the ride.


SkyRush, like any other coaster will have it's issues- just like every other coaster on earth has.

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^ It's an Intamin. I won't believe that it's modern engineering at it's best until it stays operational for an entire day.


Bitter, Party of one. Your table is now available....


Aww, c'mon! Any time anyone else in the world has said that, everyone goes "of course" or laughs about it. Just trying to make a little joke. I am quite excited for this ride and do expect it to be a little more reliable than previous models. Intimidator 305 is actually a pretty reliable coaster, so I expect Skyrush to be even better!


The only thing I'm a little worried about is that they might have some sort of different platform for the loading of the trains, which they have never done before. That's really the only place something could go wrong.

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I think i305's box-lattice is more astetically pleasing, but then again i305 doesn't have wing rider trains. I still cannot get over how few supports will be holding this thing up. Modern engineering at its best!


Edit: v Hardy Harr Harr.


I couldn't agree more. Honestly, I think it is almost a little ugly... am I the only one? Not that matters much, as long as it is a great ride. I'm one of the belief that this will be a great ride. I might have to make my first trip ever to HP this summer!

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I'm not so sure I'd call it ugly, but think it does take a little getting used too. The two things we haven't seen yet, which may make it more attractive is how it looks from far away, and the night-time lighting package. Those big beefy yellow lift supports may really pop at night.

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Stupid work computer won't show the pics from facebook or Keyston Thrills!!! I did see the one of the lift construction though, that thing looks steep. Is it just the angle of the pic or is it actually steeper than a 45* lift?


The lift angle as reported by Hersheypark is 50degrees. (Yes, that's steeper than most coasters in the USA have for a first drop!)

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Time for another Skyrush Update! The lift hill is now approximately 150 to 160 feet tall at the moment and still growing.



As you can see from the nearby parking garage, it towers over Comet.





In other news, Bear is getting some work done on it's motor.


Hey R.D....



Three things in this photo: The station lights for Comet were on, the Skyview cars were in and around their station, and the relocated Looper Lanes building got a new roof installed.


Most of the first floor walls for the station have been installed.


They only have until the 1st of February to top the ride off since that's when the crane has to be taken out.



Santa is still climbing the Comet.





The transfer area is coming along.



The new path is taking shape.


The creek wall is starting to go in along it.


Tiny Tracks's ride area is being torn up for Tilt-A-Whirl.




Here is what the will will look like when it's finished.







I hope the path is open by April.



Nothing looks like is going on inside Comet's station right now.


Skyrush dominates the skyline on Chocolate Ave. in downtown.


During the summer, it looks like only the first drop will be visible.


Looks close to 85 degree to me. Thanks for reading!

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