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SeaWorld Orlando (SWO) Discussion Thread

P. 277: Arctic-themed flying theater announced for 2025!

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And here is the full animated POV of Mako!


If the speed, and airtime hills are any where near accurate, then I am really amazed by the amount of airtime found on this B&M coaster. People always complain because B&M "airtime" hills never have any airtime... Well this coaster just goes to show that B&M does know what they are doing, and YES, they do know how to create airtime.


Can't wait to ride this coaster!!!



Oh so lightning Rod isn't the only 2016 coaster with a launched lifthill

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First I was like...

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And now I'm just like...

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^I think it's that B&M airtime hills do deliver really strong, sustained floater (the really parabolic shape of their airtime hills allow the airtime to be sustained for much longer than that of other manufacture's), but some people want to be ripped out of their seats these days and if they don't get thigh-bruising ejector they're not satisfied . B&M does surprise once in a while though, I've heard the small speed hills on Shambhala and Leviathan provide some ejector air!


I highly prefer the track's colors in real life than those in the animation. The deep blue just goes so well with the purple!

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^I think it's that B&M airtime hills do deliver really strong, sustained floater (the really parabolic shape of their airtime hills allow the airtime to be sustained for much longer than that of other manufacture's), but some people want to be ripped out of their seats these days and if they don't get thigh-bruising ejector they're not satisfied .

It's only because those folks lost all feeling from the waist down. Are there really any B&M hypers with mediocre airtime?!

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Are there really any B&M hypers with mediocre airtime?!


I have only been on 3 B&M hypers, but I would say Diamondback has pretty good airtime. Nitro has mediocre airtime and Raging Bull barely has any. Cedar Point's Blue Streak has more airtime than those coasters combined.

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Are there really any B&M hypers with mediocre airtime?!


I have only been on 3 B&M hypers, but I would say Diamondback has pretty good airtime. Nitro has mediocre airtime and Raging Bull barely has any. Cedar Point's Blue Streak has more airtime than those coasters combined.


Are you kidding me right now?!?! There isn't even a parallel universe in existence where Nitro's airtime could be described as "mediocre"! I'm one of the bigger fans of Blue Streak there is, and it in no way has as much airtime as Nitro alone! You Intamin fanboys are something else!

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Are there really any B&M hypers with mediocre airtime?!


I have only been on 3 B&M hypers, but I would say Diamondback has pretty good airtime. Nitro has mediocre airtime and Raging Bull barely has any. Cedar Point's Blue Streak has more airtime than those coasters combined.


Are you kidding me right now?!?! There isn't even a parallel universe in existence where Nitro's airtime could be described as "mediocre"! I'm one of the bigger fans of Blue Streak there is, and it in no way has as much airtime as Nitro alone! You Intamin fanboys are something else!


Nope, not kidding. Nitro is fun, but it's over hyped. I would gladly trade it for Raging Bull any day. Oh, if being an Intamin fanboy is wrong then I don't want to be right.

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Are there really any B&M hypers with mediocre airtime?!


I have only been on 3 B&M hypers, but I would say Diamondback has pretty good airtime. Nitro has mediocre airtime and Raging Bull barely has any. Cedar Point's Blue Streak has more airtime than those coasters combined.


Are you kidding me right now?!?! There isn't even a parallel universe in existence where Nitro's airtime could be described as "mediocre"! I'm one of the bigger fans of Blue Streak there is, and it in no way has as much airtime as Nitro alone! You Intamin fanboys are something else!


I am a self proclaimed Intamin fan boy and I love Nitro so I must interject.


Nitro has great airtime, but absolutely no ejector air anytime Ive ever ridden it and I'm up to almost 40 laps total (yes, nerd, I know). The best place to sit is the back row right side, as the yank over the two turned hills (right after the drop and right before the helix) offers some crazy awesome sustained floater airtime. I get air on all of the other large hills and the bunnyhills when I sit back there. I recently decided I like Nitro even more than Millennium Force (cue gasps), as the two are neck-and-neck in my rankings but I'm a bigger fan of airtime than height/speed and Nitro has a lot more airtime.

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This POV looks a lot faster than it did from the announcement. I'm hoping the ride is like this recent POV!


That's the thing with B&M animated POVs. They always look better than the final product. Sure there are exemptions, but rarely.


and I'm up to almost 40 laps total (yes, nerd, I know).


Sorry, only 40 laps won't qualify you as a nerd. You better hurry to SFGA and ride some more laps

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I have to admit, I think the fan made NL2 POV is MUCH better than the official...



But... It doesn't have the launched lift hill. . .




In all seriousness, the NL2 coaster is amazing!!! They put a lot of detail into their recreation, and it is awesome!! I do agree with you, I think the NL2 video is much better than the official one.

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and I'm up to almost 40 laps total (yes, nerd, I know).


Sorry, only 40 laps won't qualify you as a nerd. You better hurry to SFGA and ride some more laps


It's pretty nerdy to count laps on rides imo but I really only count Toro and Nitro since I ride them so often.

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Are there really any B&M hypers with mediocre airtime?!

Yes. All of them.


And if mediocre floater airtime is your thing, then I'm sure you'll love B&M hypers. And that doesn't make me an "Intamin fanboy" either, I just happen to like rides with good strong airtime. And yes, Intamin delivers that, so does RMC, so do rides like SFOT's Shock Wave, Lightning Run, Phantom's Revenge, DoDonpa, etc.... In fact, i'd love to see some accelerometer data on Big Thunder Mountain or Space Mountain at Magic Kingdom as I feel both of those rides have stronger moments of aritime than any B&M hyper I've ridden!


I do enjoy riding Nitro, Behemoth, Apollo's Chariot, etc. But don't tell me those rides have strong airtime, because they just simply don't. And that's not an "opinion" that's fact. Go take an accelerometer on both Apollo's Chariot at Expedition GeForce and let's compare.


Does that mean Mako is going to be a bad ride? No. And I'm sure it will have a huge fanboy base and the public will LOVE it, but I don't think it's going to have the strong airtime like the other rides I've listed.

Edited by robbalvey
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Oh, if being an Intamin fanboy is wrong then I don't want to be right.


This. In all seriousness it is all about perspective. Some people enjoy the floater air of B&M hypers compared to the "Holy shit I may get launchd out of my seat" air of Intamin's. Apollo's Chariot is one of my favorite rollercoasters with great floater air and maybe a strong pop or two of ejector air during the course. But I will certainly not say it stacks up airtime wise amongst other coasters I've ridden.

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Are there really any B&M hypers with mediocre airtime?!

Yes. All of them.


And if mediocre floater airtime is your thing, then I'm sure you'll love B&M hypers. And that doesn't make me an "Intamin fanboy" either, I just happen to like rides with good strong airtime. And yes, Intamin delivers that, so does RMC, so do rides like SFOT's Shock Wave, Lightning Run, Phantom's Revenge, DoDonpa, etc.... In fact, i'd love to see some accelerometer data on Big Thunder Mountain or Space Mountain at Magic Kingdom as I feel both of those rides have stronger moments of aritime than any B&M hyper I've ridden!

Well, all of you are right about the amount of forces there are on the hypers. And i never meant to say that B&M's have strong airtime like Intamin's, but that they have repeated long-lasting floater airtime hills. Mediocre in force, yes, but still quality floater time. That added with the clamshell bucket seating makes for something I personally find more comfortable.


And yes, I'm a self-proclaimed B&M fanboy (that is, until I ride more Gerstlauer coasters ).

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This. In all seriousness it is all about perspective. Some people enjoy the floater air of B&M hypers compared to the "Holy poo-poo I may get launchd out of my seat" air of Intamin's. Apollo's Chariot is one of my favorite rollercoasters with great floater air and maybe a strong pop or two of ejector air during the course. But I will certainly not say it stacks up airtime wise amongst other coasters I've ridden.

Some people just get so defensive over this discussion. It's all down to personal preference, and i'm totally fine with that. If someone prefers a gentle floaty moment on a ride versus an intense thrilling one, that's fine by me. What annoys me is when people try to tell me HOW INTENSE AND AWESOME the airtime on is. Sorry, I've ridden almost all of them and I've never found this to be true.


And I agree with you. I've enjoyed every ride I've ever taken on Apollo's Chariot for example. The same way I enjoy a nice, pleasant Green Circle or Blue Square ski run. Mildly thrilling and lots of fun without any real threat or danger. But if I want a REAL thrill, I'm going higher up the mountain!

Edited by robbalvey
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Mako looks like it will be a lot of fun and will be a great compliment to Kraken and Manta.


Love the fact that they are building a good portion of it over water although I just wish that they could relocate Jaws over here to come out of the water where the coaster hits close to the water....or at least have the first drop go into a sharks mouth or something!

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