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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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Wow, no splashdown ending. I guess it doesn't go with the theme, maybe if the train ran into a cement wall in the end. Would that fit better . The name Intimidator is great but I hate that they are naming rides after people, especially dead people, I also hate NASCAR, a lot. Otherwise the ride looks great.

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A theme park simply can't lose with this design...


While it might not be the most thrilling to some coaster enthusiasts, I truly think the B&M hyper is one of the better coaster designs out there - high lift, great first drop, comfortable stadium seating, ejector air, floating-ass air, smoothness... and those damned hot clamshell restraints !


While my desire is to one day ride an Intamin ML, I certainly cannot complain with the recent announcements for kick-ass Intamin giga and B&M hyper coasters being built in the SouthEast for 2010!


Never been to Carowinds (or had a desire too), but may just have to slot this in next year during my annual Virginia visit.

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Carowinds gets bonus points for the downloadable videos along with the always appreciated net-swag. I'm a fan of ride logos and concept art, so things like this make the day brighter. Big thanks!

they even gave out dvd's with the info on them!

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I am really happy for Carowinds. they really needed a big coaster.


Me personally I would rather have I305, (much more unique ride IMO, plus I love fast turns on the ground).


I think CF really made the right move with these coasters, We have had Apollo in VA for 10 years and putting one (B&M hyper) at KD really would not be a very newsworthy event.


Some notes about the coaster- I like all the twisting in the turnaround but it looks very rampy.

-I hope it goes faster than the animation...to me it just looks very slow.


I am thrilled to be getting 2 big coasters so close next year.



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Awesome layout, and for all the fanboys...B&M have broken the 230ft barrier!!!!

YESS!!!! This was all I was hoping for! For the second time they have...now I hope no one will ask "why wont B&M go over 230ft"!


What are you talking about, Silver Star is 239 ft 6in? Don't you know anything?


On a serious note, I guess I'll be maxxing out the Cedar Fair pass I buy at Knotts next month.

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This ride looks very solid and fun to me, no complaints and they even brought the biggest complainers of all metaphors. The peanut gallery lol! well gang but still pun intended. I am gonna love this ride. One main reason is I won't have to trek 5 hours south to ride a hyper coaster. I will still do it or trek 5 hours north to Dollywood for even more fun. Carowinds is only like 5 minutes from my house so Platinum pass assured for 2010.

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I watched the pov, and some of the elements, such as the Stengal dive and hammerhead look really strange. I do like the layout though, and as long as the ride is not excessively trimmed, this could be a really good coaster. Even though this seems to be CF's mistaken belief that more coasters equals a better park, I think this will have a positive impact on the park.

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I haven't had a season pass to Carowinds since 2004. That is definitely changing. This ride looks sweet. The reason they look strange is because they're new and different. That is a very good thing in my opinion. It's got several new or tweaked elements other B&M hypers don't have.

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In all consideration as far as trims go, all the trims at the park are rarely used, the worst being on Ricochet. So who knows pending weather I guess they won't have it on too hard. I mean as of riding Goliath at Over Georgia, the trims on it were a bit over kill but did not detract from the ride, just the spot after the helix where theres like 5 lined up in a row were on a bit hard.

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US parks are known for "overreacting" to safety concerns, partially over insurance premiums (which are insane), partially due to our giant nation of babies, who will sue for a billion dollars if they chipped a fingernail on a ML when the air time brushed their hand against the side of the car. Which is why I maintain one of these will never be built in the US. Again, I'd love to be wrong about this, but I doubt it.


That is so true. I swear some people are sue happy, If their was any way that people can make money off a business when it is clearly not the businesses fault they will.


I know this because the bowling center I work has been going threw this quiet a bit lately.

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In all consideration as far as trims go, all the trims at the park are rarely used, the worst being on Ricochet. So who knows pending weather I guess they won't have it on too hard. I mean as of riding Goliath at Over Georgia, the trims on it were a bit over kill but did not detract from the ride, just the spot after the helix where theres like 5 lined up in a row were on a bit hard.


There shouldn't be a problem for this ride. You won't worry about the block brakes ruining two airtime hills, unlike Diamondback.

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