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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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Good evening everyone,

Jarvis has posted his freaking awesome trip report, so I don't think i can top that but here are some of my pics from the day.


Carowinds rolled out the red carpet for us



You know... I think I'll follow that sign.




Lunch was provided and it was amazing! The entertainment they had was freakin' awesome!


The new ride/area also features a giant fireplace which will be a great thing to have to warm up to in the winter!




Make sure to add Carowinds - Copperhead Strike to your calendar of things to do for 2019. You will not be disappointed.


Around the park, they are getting the areas cleaned up and ready to open.






We couldn't play today, but we will try when we come back!



The park has gone all out to create a fun and immersive queue experience.






The Mountain Gliders are a nice addition to the area. (Formerly known as the Woodstock Gliders from the Camp Snoopy area)


The new restaurant for the area.

Edited by robbalvey
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I'll be going today for passholder night!! I was originally going to wear cargo shorts until I saw the temperature it was going to be during the evening. By around 6pm when it starts it'll be 62 degrees and dropping to the mid 50s before the event ends, so I'll definitely be wearing a jacket LOL. I can't wait!!!

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I’m super jealous of all of you going tonight and this weekend. I know Copperhead probably isn’t the “best” coaster opening this year, but it’s definitely my favorite in terms of theme, layout, and presentation. Everything looks so well done and high quality. It really is the perfect addition to this park. Can’t wait to ride it at some point.

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I'll be going today for passholder night!! I was originally going to wear cargo shorts until I saw the temperature it was going to be during the evening. By around 6pm when it starts it'll be 62 degrees and dropping to the mid 50s before the event ends, so I'll definitely be wearing a jacket LOL. I can't wait!!!


What's up Jay? This is Doug (Spooky Villages). Cool to see you post here.


I'm pretty excited to get visit Carowinds for the first time ever in two weeks. I have a work event in the city later in week, and it ends on Friday at noon so I'll be heading straight to the park for a few hours of coaster time.

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I'll be going today for passholder night!! I was originally going to wear cargo shorts until I saw the temperature it was going to be during the evening. By around 6pm when it starts it'll be 62 degrees and dropping to the mid 50s before the event ends, so I'll definitely be wearing a jacket LOL. I can't wait!!!


What's up Jay? This is Doug (Spooky Villages). Cool to see you post here.


I'm pretty excited to get visit Carowinds for the first time ever in two weeks. I have a work event in the city later in week, and it ends on Friday at noon so I'll be heading straight to the park for a few hours of coaster time.


DOUG MY BOY!!! What are the odds haha. Dang we were right there at the park together and didn’t even know it! Cool to see you here bro!

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Looks like a great add...thanks for the reports, guys!


Really glad to see CF investing heavily in this park. When we visited several years ago (before Fury), we both thought that while fun, it was really a one and done park for us. Since then, they went out and got their signature attraction, did a much-needed revamp of their water park and now have a highly themed family coaster that looks like a ton of fun.


With Fury and now Copperhead Strike, I now feel like another trip to Charlotte is in order in my future.

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And the new hotness is down. We came back for our third ride with FL+. Problem is you can't see the FL + line wait until you are way into the queue. It's been down about 15 minutes. I think we are going to bail. We didn't even attempt CS last night. Line was ridiculous.


My thoughts on the coaster: it is unique. It is fun. The slow loops give great hangtime. The inversions are fun and there is some good airtime, especially on the last hill before the station. Probably my 4th favorite coaster here. But again, perfect addition for Carowinds.


ETA: I'm wearing a purple Phoenix tie dye. If you see me, say hi.

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Thanks for the reports! The ride looks and sounds amazing. As a fan of the Mystic Timbers shed, I'm intrigued about this barn experience. Guess I'll have to wait and see whenever I can make it out there.


The entrance sign/snake looks great too. Nice spot for pictures.


Glad to see the gliders return. I loved those things during my visit in 2017. Second favorite flyers for snapping (only because I've ridden the king of flyers). It's nice that they found a new location in the park. I felt a little weird riding them and trying to snap as a single adult in Camp Snoopy.


Also, is the blue ice cream the same flavor as the KI blue ice cream or a bit different?

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^ this actually across the board on all coasters. You can’t even have sunglasses on without a strap. They’ll make out your glasses and hats in a locker or station bin if available. Not matter if you turn your hat backwards or how secure it feels, in the bin it goes.

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Came to the park opening day.


Waited about 45 mins for the gates to open. I'm not great on trip reports


-Got right to Copperhead only waited about 25 mins - I give it a 8-10 Great addition to the park. The launch isn't forceful as I would of thought but the layout more than makes up for it. The theming is amazing.

-Afterburn - Still one of the best Inverted coasters

-FURY - Still running strong didn't notice any rattle but we were front row

-Intimidator was running good (It did stack a lot)

-Ricochet and Cyclone were running good for what they were.

-Hotel is coming along nicely

-SAD Rip Roarin Rapids is done
















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