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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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So I'm heading back down to Athens GA next month for a family function but instead of flying like civilized people my father is insisting we (my fiancee, mother, myself and my dad) drive (shoot me now). It's for a wedding taking place Friday evening/all day Saturday and it's a twelve hour drive from Philly to Athens so we've decided to drive to Charlotte Thursday afternoon, get a cheapass room, and finish the drive to Athens Friday morning. Naturally a giant geek lightbulb went off in my head and I thought "Fury325". My next thought was "they are probably closed on a Thursday in April" but upon checking their website lo-and-behold they are open all week that week (spring break I guess?)


Admittedly I have little interest in this park outside of Fury, Intimidator, and Afterburn. Sorry locals, no offense. We'll probably make it to Charlotte around 6pm so I want to know if there are any twilight admission deals, will it be mobbed cause it's spring break, any other MUST DOs, and do y'all think I could get a few laps on those without fast lane in 2-3 hrs? No CF season pass and since I'm paying for a ticket don't wanna have to pay for FL. I'm looking at rooms right across from the park and the motel 6 is cheap as hell, so curious how shitty it is and if there is anything better. Is it unreasonable to assume I could walk over there from one of those hotels since everyone else will be chilling at the room laughing at my enthusiastic ass?


This isn't a definite thing, I'm just entertaining the idea as my parents roll their eyes and say things like "boldikus, are you serious?" But I probably will have this one chance to get to Carowinds and a pop-in at SFOG is not in the cards this year.


Thanks in advance. Typing on my phone on the subway so apologies for spelling etc

Edited by boldikus
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Admittedly I have little interest in this park outside of Fury, Intimidator, and Afterburn. Sorry locals, no offense. We'll probably make it to Charlotte around 6pm so I want to know if there are any twilight admission deals, will it be mobbed cause it's spring break, any other MUST DOs, and do y'all think I could get a few laps on those without fast lane in 2-3 hrs? No CF season pass and since I'm paying for a ticket don't wanna have to pay for FL. I'm looking at rooms right across from the park and the motel 6 is cheap as hell, so curious how shitty it is and if there is anything better. Is it unreasonable to assume I could walk over there from one of those hotels since everyone else will be chilling at the room laughing at my enthusiastic A$$?


When I traveled to SC for work in 2014, I decided to drive up one night for a quick visit. A couple things:


- They have discounted tickets after for entry after 4:00PM. They cost a little over $30 if you buy them online.


- No real ride stands out besides what you mentioned, though I think the mine train is fun in a quirky way. If you're interested in aerial views of the park and really nice skylines, Windseeker is well-placed to provide both.


- I didn't get to the park until 7:00PM and managed to ride every major roller coaster, with re-rides on Intimidator and Afterburn, in the three hours I was there. Granted that was without Fury, but if you don't care about riding the mediocre coasters, you can get plenty of re-rides on all three with time left over.

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Even with Fury, it's so easy to find days when the park isn't that crowded. I've only been once since it opened, but I waited maybe 10 minutes on my first lap and got the front row. The rest were walk-ons.


What is it with people in the mid-Atlantic area and their gigacoasters? I wish I could walk on to Millennium Force and Leviathan the way I can Intimidator 305 and Fury 325.

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Every time we visit Brit's family and the park schedule allows for it we swing by the park the day we're driving home for 2-3 hours before making the 12 hour trek home and generally follow the same pattern... Intimidator, Afterburn, then ride Fury as much as possible until we have to leave. Usually if there's something new we mix it in (like last year we tried Plants vs Zombies and this year we'll try the Top Scan) but you have plenty of time to get some rides in.


Honestly though there are no other must-rides. Sure, they have other things that are fun but Fury and to a lesser extent Afterburn are far more important. If I were you I'd just go straight for Fury and make sure you ride it, then loop around to Afterburn, the hit the big red kiddy coaster because you feel obligated and get it out of your system, then just ride Fury until they close. Fury is amazing and crazy as this is, I highly recommend it. Honestly, even if you get there with 20 minutes to spare just go anyway. One ride on that beast is worth the price of admission.


The B&M's will most likely be walk-ons aside from maybe Intimidator since it'll likely have 1 seat checker per side and 2 train ops due to the fact that it's a weekday early in the season and they'll be understaffed but even that usually has a manageable wait. Fury will probably be rolling trains, fully staffed with all 3 running. You can easily walk from the hotel, tons of people do.

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Oh yeah I seem to remember hearing those flyers were good. Will keep in mind. Thanks guys. The chance of this happening is super slim but I just might convince them to do it if the hotels are not sh*tholes since they are cheap. My Dad is trying to take 95 to 85 and I see the park isn't *right* off 85 but its close. The missus would probably walk over w/ me but for what? I know she won't ride Fury or Intimidator b/c of the restraints. I'd rather just go alone and do my thing for a couple hours.

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Oh yeah I seem to remember hearing those flyers were good. Will keep in mind. Thanks guys. The chance of this happening is super slim but I just might convince them to do it if the hotels are not sh*tholes since they are cheap. My Dad is trying to take 95 to 85 and I see the park isn't *right* off 85 but its close. The missus would probably walk over w/ me but for what? I know she won't ride Fury or Intimidator b/c of the restraints. I'd rather just go alone and do my thing for a couple hours.


Don't stay in the Comfort Inn right next to the park. It's a dump.

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Woodstock Gliders are certainly worth multiply rides, at least for me every time I visit the park. When I visit I'll probably make the Breakdance a priority since it is one of my favorite old school flats.


There is no breakdance at this park. Or yet at least.

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Even with Fury, it's so easy to find days when the park isn't that crowded. I've only been once since it opened, but I waited maybe 10 minutes on my first lap and got the front row. The rest were walk-ons.


What is it with people in the mid-Atlantic area and their gigacoasters? I wish I could walk on to Millennium Force and Leviathan the way I can Intimidator 305 and Fury 325.


I was surprised when I visited Kings Dominon last summer and I305 was pretty much a walk on for the majority of the day.. then again it seems CW and CP are more heavily visited in general so that might be it.

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Oops -- might need to change the name to The Valleyed Cobras.


While I'm not all that familiar with Boomerang/coaster season testing procedures, it could have just been a planned test as these things tend to happen on Boomerangs.


From Carowinds Webcam

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Woodstock Gliders are certainly worth multiply rides, at least for me every time I visit the park. When I visit I'll probably make the Breakdance a priority since it is one of my favorite old school flats.


The op I had ran a contest who could go the highest and was encouraging my snapping. That was a welcome change.

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