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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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For all those complaining about the chance of getting a hyper, he is my opinion: A hyper is a much better ride for your park than a lame B&M flyer (i know you have a flyer already) or a one trick pony dive coaster.

Diamondback and behemoth has been a huge success and it would be your best bet as well.

-also, do not allow yourselves to get jealous over King Dominions coaster. You will be getting a quality ride as well.

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In my opinion it's a Beemer. Intamin doesn't use tyre driven kickers on their hypers...I know B&M do though.


Intamin uses kicker wheels as well,theirs are simply placed vertically instead of horizontally.It could be an intamin as one of the sections of KD's giga lift will use a footer configuration similar to that which has been poured so far.

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Has anyone actually had confirmation this is a hyper??


Its just that the cleared area looks like it would support a medium sized floorless/sit down multi element coaster nicely.

But the cleared is just like 1/3's of the entire project area...it goes all the way to the back entrance. The cleared area is presumingly for the station/transfer/ entrance area.


And I kinda dont think this is an intamin cause wouldn't they ship both coasters over at the same time if it would take the same time to deliver from overseas? Both parks have similar opening dates...

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Has anyone actually had confirmation this is a hyper??


Its just that the cleared area looks like it would support a medium sized floorless/sit down multi element coaster nicely.

But the cleared is just like 1/3's of the entire project area...it goes all the way to the back entrance. The cleared area is presumingly for the station/transfer/ entrance area.


And I kinda dont think this is an intamin cause wouldn't they ship both coasters over at the same time if it would take the same time to deliver from overseas? Both parks have similar opening dates...


Yeah, to Andyuk, this site is huge when you look at the whole thing. I take it you've only seen the dirt part. Whatever it is, it's going to be gargantuan. This is not a clearing for a medium-sized ANYTHING...

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In my opinion it's a Beemer. Intamin doesn't use tyre driven kickers on their hypers...I know B&M do though.


Intamin uses kicker wheels as well,theirs are simply placed vertically instead of horizontally.It could be an intamin as one of the sections of KD's giga lift will use a footer configuration similar to that which has been poured so far.


Doesn't Intamin place their kickers a bit more below than B&M? Unless it's just me, I think the B&M kickers stand out a bit more.

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^But what can be leaked by just looking at track? We know that there are gonna be new B&Ms pretty much every year figuring as they have a 5 year waiting list. All we know from that is that somebody, hell maybe not even this year, is getting a mega coaster. While it is likely that the red track could be for Carowinds, there is no real proof that it is

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For all those complaining about the chance of getting a hyper, he is my opinion: A hyper is a much better ride for your park than a lame B&M flyer (i know you have a flyer already) or a one trick pony dive coaster.

Diamondback and behemoth has been a huge success and it would be your best bet as well.

-also, do not allow yourselves to get jealous over King Dominions coaster. You will be getting a quality ride as well.


I agree 2000%. We should somehow persuade every park east of the Mississippi to install a similar B&M hyper.


Monotony > Variety!!!

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