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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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That IS true, however, there is red hyper track sitting in the B&M fabrication plant and Carowinds already has a looping coaster and a stand up coaster... On top of that Carowinds has long been rumored to get a B&M hyper and it seems to be the likely candidate.


Now that I think of it, I don't think the yellow track would go to KD either considering the fact that it already has a stand up, a floorless, and a looping coaster, so the hyper might go there... Not to mention there are plans for a coaster with a splashdown, but that could be an Intamin Aquatrax with a splashdown for all we know right now.


We don't know the KD coaster will have a splashdown. The document talked about some stormwater runoffs etc, but that doesn't have to have any connection with a splashdown.


For Carowinds I would guess they are getting the rumoured hyper. Kings Dominion being the only paramount park without a new coaster will probably get a GCi or something My two cents..


KD's ride will most likely be steel as well because they've already got 4 woodies,and let's keep in mind that the rumored hyper for carowinds might not be from B&M but from Intamin seeing as they've got no Intiman coasters currently in their lineup.

Um, Volcano is an Intamin.


EDIT: Disregard, I misread the post.

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I wouldn't automatically rule out a B&M sitdown coaster just because Carowinds already has a looping one. There are a few parks off the top of my head that have an Arrow looper and a B&M floorless coaster. ...For example, SFMM, SFGAdv, and even Kings Dominion. Just saying, not predicting.


SFMM is a prime example of this as they have nearly everything B&M currently makes except for a hyper.

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^ ... and a sitdown.


Here's the deal...


The only park that I know of which has a B&M sitdown and a regular looping coaster is BGT, and they removed theirs not too long ago...


The yellow track is a sitdown coaster (or stand up for all you people that think that SC means standard coaster), so the yellow track is not for any park with a floorless or a looping coaster...


If it were stand up track, which I doubt, any park with a stand up coaster is also ruled out, which means that Carowinds and KD are ruled out for the yellow track simply because Carowinds already has a B&M stand up and a looping coaster, so it doesn't need another looping coaster. KD also has a stand up, but it also has a floorless coaster, which rules out KD for the yellow track as well...


The red track on the other hand however, I believe Carowinds will get it because 1) KD is already spoiled with too many rides and 2) they just got a major coaster. KD may get another coaster next year, but it will probably be a small, yet thrilling coaster...


Dan - Just saying

... Did I bring the Mysterious Yellow B&M discussion into the Carowinds 2010 thread? - Nguyen

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^ ... and a sitdown.


Here's the deal...


The only park that I know of which has a B&M sitdown and a regular looping coaster is BGT, and they removed theirs not too long ago...


The yellow track is a sitdown coaster (or stand up for all you people that think that SC means standard coaster), so the yellow track is not for any park with a floorless or a looping coaster...


If it were stand up track, which I doubt, any park with a stand up coaster is also ruled out, which means that Carowinds and KD are ruled out for the yellow track simply because Carowinds already has a B&M stand up and a looping coaster, so it doesn't need another looping coaster. KD also has a stand up, but it also has a floorless coaster, which rules out KD for the yellow track as well...


The red track on the other hand however, I believe Carowinds will get it because 1) KD is already spoiled with too many rides and 2) they just got a major coaster. KD may get another coaster next year, but it will probably be a small, yet thrilling coaster...


Dan - Just saying

... Did I bring the Mysterious Yellow B&M discussion into the Carowinds 2010 thread? - Nguyen


Umm KD has THREE sitdown loopers,anaconda,dominator & FOF so they could always add a fourth but then again they could very well be adding a hyper & their attendance vs that of carowinds would justify the expense in terms of ROI.CF doesn't typically play favorites with their parks unlike SFI,if they did then CP would be looking at a coaster for 2009 as well as 2010 seeing as the last ride they got was close to three years ago.


Why is everyone assuming that carowinds IS getting a hyper? just because they[re getting a coaster doesn't mean it'll be a hyper when it could just as easily be a floorless or something from another company altogether....of course the same can be said for KD as well but we won't know for certain until track starts showing up now will we?

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1. It's pretty pointless to have two B&M sitdowns in the same park because a B&M sitdown and a B&M floorless are essentially the same ride.


2. Everybody assumes that Carowinds will be getting the hyper because...

..Carwinds has long been rumored to get a B&M hyper

.. CF has been giving the other former Paramount Parks hypers

.. KD just got a B&M so there's no real need for another huge coaster at KD

.. There is mysterious red hyper track sitting in the B&M plant right now.

.. Carowinds hasn't recieved a coaster the size of a major B&M in a long time.


which means that TPR members will assume that Carowinds will probably get the mysterious red hypercoaster.


Actually, I'm beginning to think that KD is quickly becoming the "favorite" of the CF chain, much like it was the "favorite" of the Paramount chain merely because KD has been getting new rides on a yearly basis ever since 2001 when HSXLC opened... The thing is CF is continuing that trend for KD while other parks don't really recieve anything...

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Um okay, everyone needs to be CIVIL and NICE to each other in this thread. The kind of stuff I just had to spend 10 minutes deleting and cleaning up WILL NOT BE TOLERATED from anyone. Obviously there were some problem posters, but if the situation arises in the future, let a moderator know and we will deal with it. Don't get into useless arguments or fights. Let us handle it.



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I believe splashdowns are meant to serve a functional purpose (to slow the train down), as a visual purpose (because they look nice), and as another way to cool guests off on a hot day. They are a gimmick, but they are a functional one so we may see more splashdowns on coasters in the future.


Most recent B&Ms have splashdowns, but I'm not sure if the red hyper will have a splashdown or not...

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Really? I thought there were only a couple two or three Dive Machines and now Diamondback that feature a splashdown. Are there more I'm missing?


At this moment, I think they're a fresh, new element in the world of coasters. Functional and amazing to watch. People kinda just gather around the splashdown of Diamondback and watch. It's pretty incredible to see in person. Plus, it can be a nice way to cool down in the summer depending on splashdown location/train location etc.


If B&M starts putting splashdowns on everything they build... the effect could wear thin. But so long as only a handful of coasters in the world have a true splashdown, I think it's a great element, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if Cedar Fair has it included on the next hyper they receive (whichever park it might go to).


If nothing else, I look at it this way... the splashdown is a lot better than a slightly shorter section of track with nothing. Diamondback had its 10 'vertical drops' (same as Behemoth, Goliath etc)... there was probably never going to be another bunny hop or helix there. It was likely either drop outta the helix, and pop up to the brakes, or drop outta the helix, hit a straight section of track, skim the water, and rise into the brakes.


I'll take the splashdown every time in that case.

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^ Behemoth and LZ/Time Machine are the only B&Ms built within the past few years that don't carry splashdowns (unless you want to count coasters like Tatsu and Goliath. The four DM's, Manta (technically its a splashdown), and LSHoF all have splashdowns, which means that they're increasing in number.


Referring to my post above, the splashdowns are functional and pleasing to the eye, so I wouldn't be surprised if more started appearing.

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What about Arrow's groovy-keen little splashdown/water brake on Matterhorn Bobsleds?


I personally like them... if you're in the very back you get a little wet, but if you're just an innocent (and sometimes stupid, failure to acknowledge the signs) bystander, you will be SOAKED.

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I believe splashdowns are meant to serve a functional purpose (to slow the train down)


I highly doubt it. They are just for visual effects, and to cool off guests for the rides that do have a "splash zone," in my opinion. When riding Sheikra, I barely felt it, if I even felt anything at all, when going through the splashdown section. The train seemed like it came out going the same speed (or very close) as it was when it went into the section.

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I believe splashdowns are meant to serve a functional purpose (to slow the train down)


I highly doubt it. They are just for visual effects, and to cool off guests for the rides that do have a "splash zone," in my opinion. When riding Sheikra, I barely felt it, if I even felt anything at all, when going through the splashdown section. The train seemed like it came out going the same speed (or very close) as it was when it went into the section.

I'm almost feel its impossible for the train to maintain the same speed due to the laws of velocity or something. Drag is being produced thus slowing the train. Even if its just 5-10 mph it is natural and doesn't require any operating cost

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I'm almost feel its impossible for the train to maintain the same speed due to the laws of velocity or something. Drag is being produced thus slowing the train. Even if its just 5-10 mph it is natural and doesn't require any operating cost


If only the funnels touch the water (And I do believe that is the case) then you would not see a significant slow down occur (The ride is technically slowing down the whole ride due to friction, and what not right?). So while it is feasible that the ride would slow down to some extent, I don't think that the funnels are intended to slow the train down.


But I could be wrong.. I'm not sure how the funnels and train interact with the water exactly.

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^ I think this would help explain how the splashdown works...



The pool at the base of Matterhorn Bobsleds works the same way...


Just a thought here. Wasn't B&M suppose to come out with some type of brand new rollercoaster? Maybe thats what Carowinds is getting, but then no new track spotted at the Ohio plant so I guess not.


There is a rumor going around that B&M will be developing a prototype coaster in the future, but nobody knows what it is or where its going.

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I believe splashdowns are meant to serve a functional purpose (to slow the train down)


I highly doubt it. They are just for visual effects, and to cool off guests for the rides that do have a "splash zone," in my opinion. When riding Sheikra, I barely felt it, if I even felt anything at all, when going through the splashdown section. The train seemed like it came out going the same speed (or very close) as it was when it went into the section.

I'm almost feel its impossible for the train to maintain the same speed due to the laws of velocity or something. Drag is being produced thus slowing the train. Even if its just 5-10 mph it is natural and doesn't require any operating cost


Drag is being produced at all times regardless of what is going on. The train simply moving along the track produces drag. I was just saying that I don't believe the purpose of a splashdown is to slow down the train and/or to act as some sort of braking system.

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well...this is what the patent says...


1. A roller coaster installation comprising a guide track comprising rails, at least one vehicle guided on said rails, the vehicle comprising a frame and an undercarriage for guiding the vehicle on the rails, the roller coaster installation further comprising at least one stretch of water arranged under or alongside a portion of the guide track, the said vehicle being provided with at least one hydrodynamic brake, wherein said hydrodynamic brake comprises deflector means and spacing and fixing means for fixing said deflector means to the vehicle, said deflector means comprising a fin being arranged so as to penetrate water in the said stretch of water when the vehicle passes through the said portion of the guide track and so as to raise a water spray, and wherein said stretch of water and said guide track are arranged in a way that the rails and the vehicle, including the frame and the undercarriage, remain out of the water when the vehicle passes through said portion of the guide track.


Now there is no question that is was designed as a braking device...

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