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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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^ Actually I think SFGAm is tied with Alton with the most prototypes...


Alton has the prototype dive machine and flying coaster while SFGAm has the prototype invert and the prototype coaster/stand up.


Great America also has a prototype hyper, Raging Bull. (Though Apollo's Chariot did open 2 months earlier...)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Credit to Wes from Carowinds Connection for pics and ummm...captions below:


Let's get it on!


The money shot.


Going down.


If the trailer's rockin' ....


Getting on top.


From behind.


There's glory behind these holes.






They've almost got this licked.




So dirty...


Melts in your mouth......


Totally bare.


Totally naked.


It was pretty hot riding Dora today. Voy a admitir, que uno está sucio.


Get on your boots.




Good place to get some cream.


Lots of bumping and grinding.


Doggie style.


Hot and wet.


Thought I'd whip this one out.


Packing a lot of wood.


Sometimes this happens.


I'll leave it to someone else to post parking lot pictures. Even though this one is quite interesting, I was too "intimidated" by the FUZZ.


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I still don't think it's fair how Carowinds gets 2 major coasters in 2 years, and CF neglects their western parks, and when they do add something it's crappy like "poopy" express.....but who cares? Once a Magic Mountain fanboy always a Magic Mountain fanboy

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Apollo's Chariot opened in March and Raging Bull in May.


Apollo's suffered technical delays after the first train, as all prototypes do (such as cleaning up bird guts and Fabio blood )


I think Raging Bull was finished sooner, but Apollo opened to the public first. So Raging Bull is technically the first hyper.

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I still don't think it's fair how Carowinds gets 2 major coasters in 2 years, and CF neglects their western parks, and when they do add something it's crappy like "poopy" express.....but who cares? Once a Magic Mountain fanboy always a Magic Mountain fanboy


The last time Carowinds got a new good coaster that wasn't for little kids only was when Top Gun now AfterBurn was built. That was in 1998/1999. Cobra was never even supposed to come to Carowinds originally. The only reason it did was because Geauga Lake closed. I don't see how anybody can call a Boomerang a major coaster anyways.

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^To enthusiasts, no, but the GP eat that stuff up, I guess it was neglected too, but if anything deserves a new ride it's CGA, stupid noise restrictions


Tell me about it. The GP are crazy. Why does CGA have noise restrictions?

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^To enthusiasts, no, but the GP eat that stuff up, I guess it was neglected too, but if anything deserves a new ride it's CGA, stupid noise restrictions


Tell me about it. The GP are crazy. Why does CGA have noise restrictions?

Residential Area

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Tell the residents to eat crow. Since when does a coaster make as much noise as a low flying 747? They shouldn't have moved next to an amusement park if they didn't want to hear the coasters in the first place.


More pics and information. These are from charlotteguy02 on Carowinds Connection:






Below you will find a link to photos I took of the parking lot this afternoon.


To clear a few things up, they are NOT tearing up the parking lot yet. They did do a small repair job just outside of the fenced area near the South Gate, which explains the small pile of asphalt that sits just inside the fence. Also, there is some asphalt being torn up, but that is just from the dump trucks/heavy equipment going in and out of the job site.


You will notice in the photos a nice gentleman let me take his photo while he was surveying the parking lot and marking/re-marking footer locations in bright orange paint. The dump trucks continued to move dirt off site, and in quite a hurried fashion. While I was there only twenty minutes or so, several dump truck loads of dirt were hauled off.


They did have the entire back section of the parking lot closed off with orange cones, which are also in the photos, although I am assuming they do this only during the week when there are less guests. Other than that, not much else to report from the parking lot at this point.


Here is a link to the photos: http://s716.photobucket.com/albums/ww170/charlotteguy02/Construction/
















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I still don't think it's fair how Carowinds gets 2 major coasters in 2 years, and CF neglects their western parks, and when they do add something it's crappy like "poopy" express.....but who cares? Once a Magic Mountain fanboy always a Magic Mountain fanboy


And SF doesnt neglect some of their parks? You think it is fair that SFMM got a $10 million rehab of X and then two coasters in two years, yet other SF's parks get nothing? You logic doesn't make sense.

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^ Ummm SF invests in almost all their parks. The only ones I can think of that aren't invested in as much are SFA and SFKK.


SFGAm - Buccaneer Battle

SFSTl - Glow in the Park and Wahoo Racer

SFOG - Monster Mansion

SFNE - Bizarro

SFGAdv - Bizarro

TGE - Sasquatch


Some of the formerly neglected parks (SFSTl and TGE) are receiving a lot of love from new management. While other parks receive ride upgrades with the occaisional new attraction. The flagship parks receive the new rides/upgrades first.

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SFSTl received Evel Knievel and Tony Hawk *

SFOT received Tony Hawk *

SFGAm received Dark Knight

SFFT received Goliath *

SFMM received Terminator and project 2010

SFGAdv received Dark Knight

SFDK received Tony Hawk *


... on top of that, we have ride upgrades

SFGAdv received Bizarro

SFNE received Bizarro *

SFMM received X2

SFOT will receive a TG upgrade *

SFOG received Monster Mansion which isn't a coaster, but still and upgrade


... TGE has been receiving some new rides recently as well. *


* represents a formerly neglected park.


Now you should also consider the fact that every single new addition, aside from the upgrades, is a family ride/attractions. The new 2010 coaster will either be a high-thrill family coaster or a small thrill coaster (Eurofighter/El Loco) if they can continue their building pattern of giving the flagship park two new coasters. SFGAdv got Ka in '05 and Toro in '06.

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