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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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SFSTl received Evel Knievel and Tony Hawk *

SFOT received Tony Hawk *

SFGAm received Dark Knight

SFFT received Goliath *

SFMM received Terminator and project 2010

SFGAdv received Dark Knight

SFDK received Tony Hawk *


... on top of that, we have ride upgrades

SFGAdv received Bizarro

SFNE received Bizarro *

SFMM received X2

SFOT will receive a TG upgrade *

SFOG received Monster Mansion which isn't a coaster, but still and upgrade


... TGE has been receiving some new rides recently as well. *


* represents a formerly neglected park.


Now you should also consider the fact that every single new addition, aside from the upgrades, is a family ride/attractions. The new 2010 coaster will either be a high-thrill family coaster or a small thrill coaster (Eurofighter/El Loco) if they can continue their building pattern of giving the flagship park two new coasters. SFGAdv got Ka in '05 and Toro in '06.


SFOT & SFNE neglected? I don't think so as Shapiro has spoiled SFNE lately because he has family up there & SFOT has always gotten new rides regularly,sure not a coaster every other year but new rides none the less.If any SF parks are spoiled really rotten it's SFGADV,SFMM & SFGRAM at the expense of the remaining parks.

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Whatever Carowinds is adding, I think it will put an end to all of the coverage the Carolina Cobra has been getting. I think they advirtised it as the end all-be all of roller coasters, but perhaps next years addition will be something else too.


Either way, I am looking forward to it!


-Gary T.

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Ah man, it's always me that starts the screwing up of a thread, but anyways, from what I've heard (none of the sources are too credible nor did they confirm what) we'll see the awesome mega coaster go there! Most likely the mysterious red B&M too

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The supports that left Kings Dominion might be going to Carowinds.



Does anyone know what kind of supports they are?


If it is Intiman we could see the next Maverick!!!!!!!!


I heard these supports were going to Cedar Point... and I think that is more likely than Carowinds because we are supposed to be getting B&M this year...

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The supports that left Kings Dominion might be going to Carowinds.



Does anyone know what kind of supports they are?


If it is Intiman we could see the next Maverick!!!!!!!!


I heard these supports were going to Cedar Point... and I think that is more likely than Carowinds because we are supposed to be getting B&M this year...


There's still a chance that those supports might end up at carowinds.Don't forget SFI sometimes switches rides at the last minute between parks so CF could've quite possibly have done the same thing.Another thing:It is possible that the supports recently removed from KD's property are for a launched coaster from intamin.....carowinds doesn't have a launcher so it's possible that a launcher rather than a hyper is what carowinds is getting,we'll find out soon enough when we learn where those supports turn up within the next day or two.

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The supports that left Kings Dominion might be going to Carowinds.



Does anyone know what kind of supports they are?


If it is Intiman we could see the next Maverick!!!!!!!!


I heard these supports were going to Cedar Point... and I think that is more likely than Carowinds because we are supposed to be getting B&M this year...


There's still a chance that those supports might end up at carowinds.Don't forget SFI sometimes switches rides at the last minute between parks so CF could've quite possibly have done the same thing.Another thing:It is possible that the supports recently removed from KD's property are for a launched coaster from intamin.....carowinds doesn't have a launcher so it's possible that a launcher rather than a hyper is what carowinds is getting,we'll find out soon enough when we learn where those supports turn up within the next day or two.


Six Flags and Cedar Fair are two completely different companies with completely different ambitions for the future... don't try to compare their actions...I still stand behind what I said about the supports headed to Cedar Point. They are due for one more Intamin next year....It has been all but confirmed that Carowinds will get the B&M Hyper... besides... I think we need it more.

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This last page has been one long train wreck of goofy, baseless speculations and facepalm inducing...I don't even know what.


Maybe we should just stick with the observable facts and logic before we talk about parks being "due" for this or that, or making up scenarios in which parks are getting multi-million dollar investments "switched" at the last second. Not to mention the notion that parks get coasters because enthusiasts think they "need" them more, or the idea that Shapiro is making muli-million dollar business decisions at an SF park based on who has family nearby. C'mon.

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or the idea that Shapiro is making muli-million dollar business decisions at an SF park based on who has family nearby. C'mon.


You would think that for a guy that makes over 2 million dollars a year he'd be able to take is family soewhere nicer than Six Flags. Just sayin'.

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I heard these supports were going to Cedar Point... and I think that is more likely than Carowinds because we are supposed to be getting B&M this year...


They are due for one more Intamin next year....It has been all but confirmed that Carowinds will get the B&M Hyper... besides... I think we need it more.


Nothing has been confirmed except that three CF parks will be receiving something next year.


Everybody claims that Carowinds will have the red B&M track because it's been speculated for years.


CP will probably not be getting another Intamin coaster. Kinzel stated a while back that CP wouldn't be getting another Intamin coaster for a while and he hasn't backed down on his word yet.


I doubt Intamin would send supports to KD and unload them, only to send them up to Ohio. If the supports were headed to Ohio, chances are the supports would've appeared at CP and unloaded there instead of KD.

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CP will probably not be getting another Intamin coaster. Kinzel stated a while back that CP wouldn't be getting another Intamin coaster for a while and he hasn't backed down on his word yet.


Calling bullshit on this unless you can find a source.

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First off, a gentleman asked the panel if they had any reservations about going back to Intamin after TTD. Following some small laughter by the panelists, which included about seven executives to which I can't remember any but Mr. Kinzel specifically, the answer was no. Kinzel expressed that he was dismayed that Maverick opened a couple weeks later than planned, and placed blame on the manufacturer, but admitted that Intamin delivered a satisfying product in the end.


He also said that there were 3 coaster proposals on the table before they settled on Maverick. One was similair to MF, one was similiar to Magnum or something, and the other I don't recall. This got me to thinking about wood. I then grabbed the mic and asked if at anytime during the planning stages with Intamin, was an Intamin woodie considered?


His answer: NO. I followed up by asking will there ever be? his answer once again: NO. Ok then, thanks. None of it was demeaning, but the answers were clear and concise. Folks, I wouldn't go placing any bets on Intamin wood showing up at the point anytime soon.


They were, however, very encouraged by working with GCI and Renegade. The vibe was that Renegade will be a measuring stick for future wood installations at CF parks.


He may have changed his mind in recent years, but I'm not really sure about this...

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  /ˌrɛzərˈveɪʃən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [rez-er-vey-shuhn] Show IPA


1. the act of keeping back, withholding, or setting apart.


Seriously, what you posted just means DK has no problem going with Intamin again. If he doesn't have reservations about using them, that means the exact opposite of what you said.

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From CarowindsConnection:


Ok Fellas, developments, dirt porn, and a few extras


Breakfast of Champions


Little Fuzzy, got excited. Holes that have been dug. If coming from the front gate down to the fence, you can see the holes are dug in 2 lines, about half way to the South Gate. Lines are pretty straight as well.


This is the "ant" diggin' dem holes


As Wes pointed out yesterday, the codes found in the lot match what is glued onto Vortex's supports. Afterburn doesn't have these codes attached.


So I guess your asking, "David, did you see the supports from Kings Dominion on site???)

um, NO. Didn't see them anywhere, not on site. I think it is safe to dispell that rumor now.


Found some markers around where the trucks go into the flume site, just behind the Nick Theatre


And now for you naughty boyz....Dirt Porn

They aren't moving dirt off site, they are digging up and dumping it where the dozer is. Maybe starting to develope the splashdown area??

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