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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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I, too, have heard this rumor. Keyword = Rumor.


^ You can't be sure on anything yet. Don't say you know KD is getting a giga unless you are Dick Kinzel or the GM at KD. Yes, things have showed up at the park labeled 'giga', but I think it's a little suspicious just to leave it out there like that. CF is usually good at hiding things... until now. I wouldn't say ANYTHING is confirmed until we hear an official announcement. And no, I'm not one of those 'fanboys' trying to say that the biggest, baddest coaster is coming to Carowinds, even though I live 10 minutes from the park. I can't see us getting the giga.


If you can find me a time where brand new track showed up at a park, combined with land clearing, with the track clearly labled "giga coaster" and the ride wasn't installed at that park, let me know.


This isn't rocket science folks. You can split hairs all you want, saying we don't know that KD is getting a giga. By that logic, TPTB don't know that KD is getting a giga until the ride is installed, working, and taking riders. Otherwise, even that is speculation.


Both parks are getting something. Land has been cleared, track is showing up, footers are being poured.

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^ The packaging clearly states that the ride is a Giga coaster so the coaster going to KD will be a Giga coaster (because the coaster with a Giga coaster label is sitting at KD). If they really wanted to disguise the identity of the coaster, they wouldn't put a Giga coaster label on the package. They would probably replace it with a bar code or a bunch of random numbers...


^ The DM track was for the under construction Happy Valley in China. On top of that Valleyfair already HAS a hypercoaster and doesn't really need another one.


Happy Valley's dive machine was already well under construction when the mystery red track appeared at the plant in Ohio.

The mystery red track currently sitting in the B&M lot is hypercoaster track. The person was referring to Dive Machine track, which was the Happy Valley coaster track. The only other "red" track to appear there in recent years is DB's track.


Yes KD is getting a coaster but just maybe because of the proximity of the two parks CF is going to pull a switch a rue on us all. The looks of the track at KD is more of a dive machine and can a Giga really fit in the clearing?

They already did that once and that was a mistake. I doubt they're gonna unload an obscene abount of track only to have to put everything back on trucks and ship it to another park. Plus there's no DM track sitting at the B&M plant right now, so I'd rule out the DM concept for now...



I have said that all along. It makes no sense to leave a label viewable to the public for something that is supposed to be a secret.


What about this???

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Plus when the local news interviewed that John Pagel guy he hinted that the rumors about the giga on the internet were accurate. KD knows that this ride will generate buzz among coaster enthusiasts. I'd go so far as to say it's almost like a viral marketing plan set to keep die-hard enthusiasts blogging and chatting about it. If they wanted to keep it a secret then they wouldn't put the track right out in the open in the parking lot.


Sorry for the off-topic.

I'm looking forward to whatever Carowinds gets as well!

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Cedar Fair is the mastermind behind it all...


But, I agree, there may be some truth to all this. Do you think CF would leave it out there on purpose to generate publicity for KD, because they are completely overshadowed by BGW, which is a much petter park? (Sorry KD fanboys)


Way off-topic, I know.

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^ He wasn't saying that the track is not for KD, just that they could write "giga" on the label to hide what it really is.


And kitkat12, no they weren't. They were talking about Six Flags.


That's not what I meant. And does anyone really think that Intamin would label track "giga" and install something other than a giga coaster?

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The label on page 26 does not match the footer numbers at Carowinds. I'm telling you that the leaving of the label in the open was on purpose. KD does not have a large enough area cleared for a GIGA. I'm not saying they are moving track, however, what if KD did not get a Giga and Carowinds does? No moving of track. Could be interesting.

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The label on page 26 does not match the footer numbers at Carowinds. I'm telling you that the leaving of the label in the open was on purpose. KD does not have a large enough area cleared for a GIGA. I'm not saying they are moving track, however, what if KD did not get a Giga and Carowinds does? No moving of track. Could be interesting.


Is the label supposed to match?

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The label on page 26 does not match the footer numbers at Carowinds. I'm telling you that the leaving of the label in the open was on purpose. KD does not have a large enough area cleared for a GIGA. I'm not saying they are moving track, however, what if KD did not get a Giga and Carowinds does? No moving of track. Could be interesting.


Just because MF is the only Giga dosen't mean KD's Giga requires that much space; we are probably looking at a completely different type of layout. I guarantee you the ONLY way this wouldn't be a giga is if Intamin's definition of "Giga Coaster" is different from Cedar Point's definition of a 300+ ft coaster, they are NOT going to put a fake label on just to give the VERY small enthusiast community a false idea.


Anyway, I cant believe any of you think they would spend the UNNECESSARY amount of TIME and MONEY to ship and spend WEEKS unloading track at KD only to throw off the enthusiast community; seriously it is COMPLETELY illogical and would be the BIGGEST waste of time, labor, and money in recent amusement park history. Face it, KD is getting that Intamin track; Carowinds could still get an Intamin (although I do think you guys are getting a B&M, but it is unconfirmed) but they are NOT getting what has been unloaded in KD's parking lot.

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The label on page 26 does not match the footer numbers at Carowinds. I'm telling you that the leaving of the label in the open was on purpose. KD does not have a large enough area cleared for a GIGA. I'm not saying they are moving track, however, what if KD did not get a Giga and Carowinds does? No moving of track. Could be interesting.


You're... you're kidding, right? Right?? Doing this is, like they've said above, completely illogical and a waste of time and money. It's not going to happen. KD is getting the Intamin that is being delivered to the park. They won't be moving the track to another park. End of story.

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The label on page 26 does not match the footer numbers at Carowinds. I'm telling you that the leaving of the label in the open was on purpose. KD does not have a large enough area cleared for a GIGA. I'm not saying they are moving track, however, what if KD did not get a Giga and Carowinds does? No moving of track. Could be interesting.


You're... you're kidding, right? Right?? Doing this is, like they've said above, completely illogical and a waste of time and money. It's not going to happen. KD is getting the Intamin that is being delivered to the park. They won't be moving the track to another park. End of story.


Who said anything about moving coasters or tracks. I just said don't be banking on a Giga until it is announced.

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I think this is just a case of sour grapes thinking its not fair for them to get a Hyper when their "Sister" park is getting a Giga.


"But why does Amy get a 20 oz pop (cola, soda, whatever you say) when I only get a 12 oz.?!?!?!"


It may be for some people, but I don't feel this way at all. I am fairly certain I know both layouts by now to some extent, and I am EXTREMELY happy that Carowinds is likely getting what they are over what KD is getting. I think once both are announced for sure, you might be seeing some bandwagon jumping.

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