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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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Think this just a little taller, and shorter trains...







But in all seriousness..

Smaller than Millennium Force.. lots of turns. Not quite the out and back everyone is hoping for. I'm sure the KD fanboys will just call me a 'hater' since Carowinds is my home park.

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The label on page 26 does not match the footer numbers at Carowinds. I'm telling you that the leaving of the label in the open was on purpose. KD does not have a large enough area cleared for a GIGA. I'm not saying they are moving track, however, what if KD did not get a Giga and Carowinds does? No moving of track. Could be interesting.


You're... you're kidding, right? Right?? Doing this is, like they've said above, completely illogical and a waste of time and money. It's not going to happen. KD is getting the Intamin that is being delivered to the park. They won't be moving the track to another park. End of story.


Who said anything about moving coasters or tracks. I just said don't be banking on a Giga until it is announced.



How about we end this at "Carowinds and KD are both getting new roller coasters for the 2010 season, and it's gonna be TOTALLY AWESOME" ?

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All I'm gonna say is you've got to be kidding me. KD's getting a Giga coaster whether Carowinds likes it or not...


BTW: Check out this awesome video of the possible new ride concept that I found on YouTube. I heard that it was gonna have a heartline roll.


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I think this is just a case of sour grapes thinking its not fair for them to get a Hyper when their "Sister" park is getting a Giga.


"But why does Amy get a 20 oz pop (cola, soda, whatever you say) when I only get a 12 oz.?!?!?!"


More like one park getting an Intamin and the other probably getting a B&M.

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^I bet I know which park is getting the Intamin and who is getting the B&M!

For all the Carowinds fanboys, remember that many people, for some strange reason, like Nitro better than MF. Therefore, you might be getting a better ride when all is said and done. No matter what, you are getting a new coaster

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IF Carowinds were to get a b&m hyper i see that giant horseshoe looking thing as being the water splash area and to the left of the huge footer it looks like the maintenance building to me. (but that doesn't look right if the footer is a lift hill support) I might be way off but its just my two cents.

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I have a feeling it's gonna be another Beheback airtime machine, while I'm sure they are fun and do draw a great crowd, they do seem uncreative, I think a great hyper coaster should have a good mix of airtime hills and transitions


Edit: \ / we all know I came up with it first, hell you questioned me at first on why I thought the two were pretty much the same ride, so HA

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Nitro is better than MF. End of discussion. (What discussion. There was none.) Lol. MF has just the drop. Airtime is where?

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