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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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Or, it could be a red herring just like the teaser sign saying "Ride Sally Ride" next to the Diamondback construction last year (playing off the rumored name of "Mustang" for the coaster while under construction).....although I think they really will go with White Lightning as the name.

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I just checked bulldog shipping and bulldog bag .com located at morgantown wv and found it makes ships doggie tote bags so must be clue they are leading people on a hook line and sinker? but also morgantown univ does have a coaster physics class and something listed under rollercoaster tycoon?

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IZ 12 E nuff can be translated into "Is 12 Enough" in reference to the 12 coasters Carowinds has. 12E itself could be a reference to CP.


Bulldog Shipping - I typed in Bulldog Shipping Morgantown and couldn't find any info other than a link to Carowinds Connection.


Lightning Does Strike Twice - Carowinds had a coaster called White Lightning before. This could be a reference to the actual name or theme of the coaster.


White Lightning is a nickname for moonshine.


According to legend, stock car racing originated during Prohibition with bootleggers trying to outrun the cops with souped up cars.



The crates are apparently making revving noises. Reference to NASCAR?


"Think Big... Really Big" - B&M hyper


Unsure about the significance of the number 44...


"Morgantown West Virginia" - I'm not sure about Morgantown itself, but I know that West Virginia is known for moonshine and I believe a lot of people living there enjoy NASCAR, so there's a chance that the new coaster will have a racing theme or a possible throwback to the original White Lightning coaster.


PS: Didn't Thunder Road have a Prohibition theme to it at one point?


- Dan "Overthinking and repeating"


EDIT: Record-breaking, history making... I'm pretty stumped with this one. Maybe the tallest, fastest, B&M Hyper?


EDIT 2: Read up on Carowinds Connection...

So doing some work on Google, apparently there is a Bulldog shipping that is based in Big Rapids, Michigan. Thinking big?


Dale Jarrett drove the #44 car sponsored by UPS.


Still working on what EBCLAKF stands for. The first commisioner of NASCAR was named Erwin "Cannonball" Baker, so that might have something to do with the EBC.


Also found this song about White Lightning:


Written by JP "Big Bopper Richardson

White Lightning


Well in North Carolina way back in the hills

There lived my old pappy and he had him a still

He brewed white lightnin' till the sun went down

Then he filled him a jug and he passed it around



Mighty mighty pleasing my pappy's G


corn squeezings ooh white Lightnin'



Well the "G" men "T" men revenuers too


Looking for the place where he made his brew D7 C

They were looking tryin to book him but my


pappy kept on cooking ooh white Lighnin'


Well I asked my pappy what he called his brew

He said white lightnin stead of mountain dew

I took one sip and right away I knew

Cause my eyes bugged out and my face turned blue



Lightnin' started flashin thunder started G


crashing ooh white lightnin'


repeat chorus


Well a city slicker came and he said "I'm tough"

I think I wanna taste that powerful stuff

He took one sip and drank it right down

And I heard him a moaning as he hit the ground



Mighty mighty pleasing your pappys


corn squeezings ooh white lightnin'


Well, since the thread I started was closed, I will say what I had to say here:


Hey everyone! I am a new member, but I had to join because I put together some facts tonight. Here goes:

1. The FIRST ever NASCAR hall of fame is opening in a city in the US next May. Guess which one? CHARLOTTE


2. According to one clue Dani gave you all at the Stock was a log with the number 3 on it. The number three is....Dale Sr's number!


3.there is another clue dealing with the date 1973, the year Carowinds opened. this is the 37 years mentioned in the teaser.


4. Both Carowinds and the Hall of Fame are opening in the spring, so the release of the coaster will be a tie-in to the Hall of Fame, when it opens in May.


So, basically I think it will be a Nascar coaster. I know you all probably came to that conclusion, but I wanted to help if I could. Sorry If I stepped on anyone's toes here, but I'm new. I don't know anything about this stuff. I've been reading your boards, and everyone sounded so nice. I guess that's not true. Oh well....

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EDIT 2: Read up on Carowinds Connection...

Still working on what EBCLAKF stands for. The first commisioner of NASCAR was named Erwin "Cannonball" Baker, so that might have something to do with the EBC.


As far as "EBCLAKF" goes, if you assign each letter a number (i.e. A=1, B=2, C=3, etc) you get...


5 2 3 12 1 11 6


And with a bit of stratigic splicing, you get


5231 211 16


The 5231 could easily be the length in ft as could the 211 be the height in ft. That leaves the 16 as the curious number and what I would assume to be the "record breaking" number... my thoughts are that 16 is either the number of drops that the coaster will have (and could be the coaster with the greatest combined drop length... a record BGE once held (still holds?) for Apollo's Chariot) or that 16 could be the number of inversions... though that seems less likely especially considering everyone is calling it a hyper coaster...

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^ He is also the man responsible for Disastor Transport's theming and this would explain the 12E being on the shipping container.


"IZ 12 Enuff "is asking if the 12 rides designed by Eric enough? No it's not. This will be the 13th.

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I got two cents so I figured why not throw them around on this forum topic!


All the cryptic messages are on the walls of the container- so I take this as Carowinds wants us to think "outside the box".


Let's assume for a minute that the B&M track isn't going here and the theme has nothing to do with NASCAR:


Now- what do we have?


What if (and it's a BIG what if)- Carowinds builds a twin track Top Thrill Dragster/Kingda Ka clone? It wouldn't have to be much taller to break the record- really an extra inch will still put it in the record books- and as the "racing" coasters descend back from the tower "Lightning DOES strike twice"? Looking at the footprint from the image on Screamscape I can almost imagine a launch, a quick curve, straight up, twist downward and maybe or maybe not an airtime hill-n return to the station. One side could be the "Bootlegger"(if we are going with the name "White Lightning"/a.k.a Moonshine) side and the other the "Sheriff" side"


Or maybe I've had a beer too many tonight, and Carowinds will debut the first launched coaster pulled by Oxen (or similar Beasts of Burden)- reach a top speed of three miles an hour as you are pulled along a series of gentle bumps and curves with the ride named "Sonic Amish Raceway"

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I got two cents so I figured why not throw them around on this forum topic!


All the cryptic messages are on the walls of the container- so I take this as Carowinds wants us to think "outside the box".


Let's assume for a minute that the B&M track isn't going here and the theme has nothing to do with NASCAR:


Now- what do we have?


What if (and it's a BIG what if)- Carowinds builds a twin track Top Thrill Dragster/Kingda Ka clone? It wouldn't have to be much taller to break the record- really an extra inch will still put it in the record books- and as the "racing" coasters descend back from the tower "Lightning DOES strike twice"? Looking at the footprint from the image on Screamscape I can almost imagine a launch, a quick curve, straight up, twist downward and maybe or maybe not an airtime hill-n return to the station. One side could be the "Bootlegger"(if we are going with the name "White Lightning"/a.k.a Moonshine) side and the other the "Sheriff" side"


Or maybe I've had a beer too many tonight, and Carowinds will debut the first launched coaster pulled by Oxen (or similar Beasts of Burden)- reach a top speed of three miles an hour as you are pulled along a series of gentle bumps and curves with the ride named "Sonic Amish Raceway"


With the proximity of KCLT to Carowinds, I highly doubt that they would let anything much higher than the sky tower come that close to the runway's glide slope. I know that it's about six miles away but, for all the right reasons, the FAA could possibly have something to say about it.

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