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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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Did anyone else notice how the cutout in the wall looks like the Windows logo? And the person in the room has a fantastic new vista to look at?? I GOT IT!! Windows Vista - The Ride. Guaranteed to blue-screen your day!



I noticed that too. Maybe window's is sponsoring the ride?


That's just a default image when setting up Microsoft's IIS7. It's also the same image Microsoft uses in their "Life Without Walls" campaign. Completely unrelated to the coaster.


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Please coaster gods, let this coaster do more than go up and down with a couple of helices thrown in.


Then prepare to be disappointed. It's a hyper...that's all its gonna do. I've ridden Behemoth and Diamondback and would trade every coaster in So Cal for what you're getting.

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^But hypers can do so much more! Just look at Bizarro, Expedition Ge Force, SFOG Goliath, Walibi Goliath etc. That's what I really wanna see B&M do


Edit: But honestly, there are so many rides that I'd trade all of the Cali Coasters for, not like we have anything too good around here (well maybe X2)

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^But hypers can do so much more! Just look at Bizarro, Expedition Ge Force, SFOG Goliath, Walibi Goliath etc. That's what I really wanna see B&M do

How is SFOG Goliath diffrent from the other B&M hypers like D-Back, and the others exept theres no brake run in the middle of the ride.

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But hypers can do so much more! Just look at Bizarro, Expedition Ge Force, SFOG Goliath, Walibi Goliath etc. That's what I really wanna see B&M do


Other than the inclusion of an overbank all those rides do is go up and down and have a helix.

How about a crapload of transitions and a giant soupbowl?

^^^^Alright you owned me on that one, Goliath was a bad example


Edit: Honestly, how does this

Credit: About.com

Look like this?

Credit: Travelandleisure.com

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I think some of it is just a matter of what fits in the park. Coasters with lifts this long tend to fit into long strips of real-estate pretty easily. Carowinds is giving up very little space that could be practically used for anything else with this one based on the markings.

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I'm excited to see a new B&M coaster at Carowinds. Their skyline could really use it, I remember it was kind of small and lacking when we were there for Deep South. We kept joking the place was a vekoma showcase minus an SLC. However it a great park, I'd go back in the future for a B&M hyper. Can't wait til Aug 26th so we can find out more.

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