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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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I don't know, but I know that Leviathan had the roar and then quickly was dampened since the roar was significantly louder than they were expecting due to the speed of the trains. Granted CW is much closer to housing areas, and Carowinds already has 1 B&M that is quite loud already, I could see them leaving it...

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:cry: ^Are you sure??


The rails are filled. There's a youtube video (about 30 minutes long) of them answering A LOT of questions regarding the ride construction. The park president answered this very question. They also talked about tweaks to the bridge/entrance plaza design, cost of each train, speed of the train at the end of the ride (55MPH), testing procedure, etc. Really informative video, highly recommend it

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There is actually 3 parts of the video, that's the 3rd part. part 1-2 details what the parks were presenting and talking about. I would check those out as well. Unfortunately, it doesn't have the dollywood video.

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They also talked about tweaks to the bridge/entrance plaza design, cost of each train, speed of the train at the end of the ride (55MPH)

Am I the only one who thinks this sounds too fast? Even if that's the speed it'll hit before climbing to the brakes (as I think hitting the brakes at 55 mph is definitely not the case) that's still quite a lot!

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It's too late in the day for that, but odds are this'll be done before the weekend.


Just wishful thinking...


They also talked about tweaks to the bridge/entrance plaza design, cost of each train, speed of the train at the end of the ride (55MPH)

Am I the only one who thinks this sounds too fast? Even if that's the speed it'll hit before climbing to the brakes (as I think hitting the brakes at 55 mph is definitely not the case) that's still quite a lot!


A lot of coasters hit the brakes faster than that...... Dragster and Kingda Ka are prime examples.

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It's too late in the day for that, but odds are this'll be done before the weekend.


Just wishful thinking...


They also talked about tweaks to the bridge/entrance plaza design, cost of each train, speed of the train at the end of the ride (55MPH)

Am I the only one who thinks this sounds too fast? Even if that's the speed it'll hit before climbing to the brakes (as I think hitting the brakes at 55 mph is definitely not the case) that's still quite a lot!


A lot of coasters hit the brakes faster than that...... Dragster and Kingda Ka are prime examples.

I know. But those are an exception. I mean, that's faster than BTR's top speed! And in the animation it doesn't look that fast.

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