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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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Every piece that goes up gets me more excited for this thing. Happily making the 16 hour drive for it.


On the topic of why we have to bring up the fact that its going to be relatively forceless, its because this is a discussion website. Not a praise anything with a track site. Discussion includes positives and negatives. Overall, we obviously know this is going to be a fantastic ride, doesn't mean we can't speculate what the ride experience will and will not have. That is found in any enthusiast hobby from wine, to food, to cars, to cigars.

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According to the park's GM the final pieces of track should arrive next week. Won't be much longer until it is finished!

You should have posted the photos...















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If this is a ride that ends up being solely about that drop, then so be it. Millennium Force is nothing but the drop and a whole lot of speed, but it's a top coaster because of that drop. There's no doubt in my mind that B&M doing a drop like that instead of Intamin is going to be one of the most out of this world experiences available.

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My girfriend and I have been participating in Coasting For Kids at various parks over the years and turning that trip in to a road trip. I think we decided Carowinds was our destination this year. I'm really excited for this thing. I rarely check this thread, I had no idea the progress that was made! Looking good!!

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While I like the look of the 4 across trains much more, when actually on the ride I much prefer the V style seating for the outer seats. It gives you such a free feeling, Diamondback executes this the best of the 3 (Behemoth, Diamondback, Intimidator). However, I'm glad they went 4 across for Leviathan and Fury as it provides a different experience than Behemoth and Intimidator.

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