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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 417 - Fury back open now with 100% less crack!

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^ It sure does, but remember back in 2009 when teasing Intimidator everything was just as obvious to the name "White Lightning" at this point in the game. However, there is new marketing/PR there now so they may just be teasing to the GP rather than enthusiasts.


It sure would be disappointing though if they tease us with the Centurion theme now (which is a good name for Cedar Fair standards) and end up going with the crappy Fury 325 name.


By the way, I LOVE their use of roman numerals, wish more parks would jump on this bandwagon.

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I wish they went black with a track color. That'd be cool. But I'll second the golden color with like red supports if the name does happen to be Centurion, which I'm skeptical about. I'm still betting on Fury, even though I like centurion better. Is it possible that Carowinds could've worked something out so that the Centurion name wouldn't be suspended and they would be aloud to actually use it?

Edited by CPSFMMCW
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So I just got word that I'm going to be sent to my company's office in SC, landing Sunday night, 7/27, through Thursday, 7/31. I'd like to try and get up to Carowinds one of the days in between (M, T, W), but the soonest it looks like I'll be there by is 6pm, leaving me around four hours. Is there a specific day that stands out from the others that I should go on? Also, is there a specific way I should manage my trip around the park in order to ensure I get a chance to ride each coaster?

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So I just got word that I'm going to be sent to my company's office in SC, landing Sunday night, 7/27, through Thursday, 7/31. I'd like to try and get up to Carowinds one of the days in between (M, T, W), but the soonest it looks like I'll be there by is 6pm, leaving me around four hours. Is there a specific day that stands out from the others that I should go on? Also, is there a specific way I should manage my trip around the park in order to ensure I get a chance to ride each coaster?

Monday through Wednesday are good days to visit the park. I think Carowinds still sells multiple-day tickets. Just look out for weather. If you get there by 6 and there is a 3 hour delay, you won't have enough time to ride each coaster (the park closes at 10PM).

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So I just got word that I'm going to be sent to my company's office in SC, landing Sunday night, 7/27, through Thursday, 7/31. I'd like to try and get up to Carowinds one of the days in between (M, T, W), but the soonest it looks like I'll be there by is 6pm, leaving me around four hours. Is there a specific day that stands out from the others that I should go on? Also, is there a specific way I should manage my trip around the park in order to ensure I get a chance to ride each coaster?


Any weekday will be just fine. My only advice is to tackle Nighthawk first. All other rides will probably be a walk-on. I went to the park a few

Sundays ago and arrived at 6:30pm. I rode every coaster (except Nighthawk) at least once and made three laps apiece on both Intimidator and Afterburn before closing.

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Is that only 2 airtime hills I spy>? Hopefully B&M can incorporate some negative g-forces into the turns a la GCI. I doubt it, though.


I don't know...I think it was one airtime hill and one speed hill! If this layout is accurate, it doesn't like like it will have much airtime at all. It still looks like a step up from Leviathan for me!

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I don't know...I think it was one airtime hill and one speed hill! If this layout is accurate, it doesn't like like it will have much airtime at all. It still looks like a step up from Leviathan for me!


Intimidator will have you covered.

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Based on the blueprints that were leaked, I created a concept coaster of what it could possibly look like. I wasn't really sure what to put as the colors, but I thought a gold/maroon color looked cool.


I was think black and gold, because it would go with the roman theme there teasing.

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I don't know...I think it was one airtime hill and one speed hill! If this layout is accurate, it doesn't like like it will have much airtime at all. It still looks like a step up from Leviathan for me!


Intimidator will have you covered.

Millennium Force only has two big hills and a small one and it's still a pretty solid fun ride. Personally I would like to see more hills but I'm not really bothered it the layout is similar to this as I'd like to see B&M changing their formula a bit.

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