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Kennywood (KW) Discussion Thread

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If the kids medical conditions are severe enough that they can NOT wear a mask when a private business is requiring them then maybe they should not be out during a pandemic... just saying.


I really hope our judicial system starts to throw these cases out as quickly as they're being filed so we're not setting dangerous precedents.

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Look - we don't know how long this is going to go on. Could be years. Are we going to deprive the people that can't wear masks due to medical conditions (such as Asthma) the right to enjoy amusement parks? If so - where does it stop? Should they not be able to go to gyms as well?


Lawyers have done fantastic work for the medically unable and I hope they don't stop now.

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^ Yes, that's absolutely what we do. If you're took sick to wear a mask you shouldn't be out in a pandemic. This isn't rocket science.


Masks work. Look at asian countries. Americans need to learn to respect their fellow Americans instead of throwing tantrums at mild inconveniences.

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^ Yes, that's absolutely what we do. If you're took sick to wear a mask you shouldn't be out in a pandemic. This isn't rocket science.


Masks work. Look at asian countries. Americans need to learn to respect their fellow Americans instead of throwing tantrums at mild inconveniences.


So kids with asthma are no longer allowed at Kennywood? Is that your stance?

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The question wasn't being asked of me, but yes, that is the case if this kid with asthma's breathing is so negatively affected by a piece of cloth over his face that he absolutely cannot wear one. I would argue that if a kid has asthma that badly, he probably shouldn't be going on any amusement rides which increase your heart and breathing rates, but that's neither here nor there. Hint: bandanas wrapped around your nose that do not restrict your mouth or airflow to your nose DO count as a "face covering" for these parks' requirements.


It sucks for that kid, but better for it to suck for that kid than not have the parks open at all, which given certain state governors' decrees and popular opinion that masks will save us all, that is what it comes down. If they allowed non-maskers to be non-masked for any reason, even a "legitimate"/"medical" reason, that would defeat the entire mask system and no one should be required to wear a mask. I don't personally buy into the "masks will save us all" theory, but for it to work, you need 100% compliance.


Don't be mad at Kennywood for following the mandates of their dictatorial governor's orders that says if you're in a public gathering you have to wear a mask - be mad at Governor Wolf for making that rule. Don't be mad at Cedar Fair for requiring masks at their Ohio parks even though their counties/state aren't requiring it - be mad at your fellow human beings for believing that masks are the be-all, end-all in fighting this "horrible pandemic."

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So kids with asthma are no longer allowed at Kennywood? Is that your stance?


You're kidding me, right? COVID-19 is a respiratory disease. Kids with asthma should be taking greater measures to guard themselves against catching the virus than the average person. They certainly should not be going to an amusement park until the pandemic is under control, however long that takes.


I'm sure you would agree a sad kid stuck at home is better off than a kid in the ICU struggling to breathe.

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Yeah, I know there is no way to necessarily get everyone to see eye-to-eye on this. But the reality is that even with *significant* measures taken, 140k people have died from this in the last 105 days (likely more). The flu never kills 1.3k people/day for the whole flu season. That would be 120k people.


Moreover, the premise that testing alone has resulted in us having more cases is misguided at best. Wouldn't you like to know who has this and how many people are dying from it? If more folks have it, more folks will end up being tested. South Korea had the testing capacity available to do a ton of tests when it *WAS* there, so they could still be doing loads of tests now. But they're not. Because they kicked it in the butt and there isn't anyone that needs tested.


And the mask situation is obviously unfortunate for those that cannot wear. But the issue with Americans is we have a freedom complex. One person goes in with their kid w/o a mask and everyone else in the park feels entitled to do the same thing. It's your right to not wear a mask, but certainly Kennywood's right to say, "Not on property." I don't what else really needs to be said about it that isn't just treading the same water again and again.


On another note, has anyone been on the new Old Mill? I didn't really want to watch the POV, but I've heard mention that it is a bit bare? I know it is challenging with the long narrow hallways to really fill the space properly.

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Don't be mad at Cedar Fair for requiring masks at their Ohio parks even though their counties/state aren't requiring it - be mad at your fellow human beings for believing that masks are the be-all, end-all in fighting this "horrible pandemic."


I don't think anyone is saying that masks are an ironclad, catch-all solution for stopping the virus in its tracks. But they certainly help lessen the chances of being infected, and I like my chances better of not contracting the illness if there's something in front of mine and everyone else's faces preventing water droplets and aerosols from transmitting person to person, versus wearing nothing at all. Seatbelts won't 100% protect you from dying in a car accident, but people still wear them because they greatly increase your chances of surviving a car accident.

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Sure, and that's fine. All I was saying with my post is place the blame on amusement park mask policies where they are due - the government and/or the populace, not the parks' management.

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^ I was at the park on Monday, and someone informed me that they were waiting for clearance from the state and were hoping to have it open later this week. I didn’t see any activity in the station all day, though. But that’s what I was told.

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Out of curiosity did the park ever get the rest of Steelers Country open last year before the season concluded. I visited last year on July 30 so I got to ride Steel Curtain but the rest of the area wasn't finished other than the gift shop. I was wondering if they ever opened the End Zone Cafe & Tailgate Patio as well as The Steelers Experience because if they did I don't think there was a ton of marketing behind it since everyone was obviously promoting the coaster. Also, it's a huge miss if Steelers Country doesn't have the games on television when the Steelers are playing in September in October if the park is open, but I imagine that was the case last season even though I never made it in the fall.

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End Zone Cafe did open (and the food was quite good in my opinion!), but not the experience building or games. Even if they do get Steel Curtain open this year, the experience building still won't open due to social distancing restrictions.

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