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Kennywood (KW) Discussion Thread

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Great photos! I didn't know what to make of this coaster when it was announced but it looks like a must-ride now that we've seen it in action. That it takes the inversions fast appeals to me too. Way to go S&S.

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Looks like an awesome coaster. I have never made it to Kennywood but if I ever find myself in that part of the country, i will definitely be checking this park out. Even though I'm not a Steelers fan, that will not stop me from riding this awesome looking ride. I think people that say "I'm not going to ride it because I hate the Steelers" really need to grow up. And if you hate them that much, then maybe you shouldn't belong in that city in the first place.


I'm curious, how are the trains restraints? Are they comfortable? These look like new S&S trains and restraints so I'm wondering how comfortable they are.


Jimmy "Go Chargers!" Bo

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The restraints are fine. They don't lock against your shins like the RMC style.


To go further on this, the restraints are amazing if you aren't stapled (which I was on my 2nd ride) and good to great if you are. One of the more comfortable train/restraint set ups I have ever been on!

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Cassy and Travis’s Steel Curtain Media Day TR!!


Today we went to the media event for Steel Curtain!

Here’s some pictures from our day:


Terrible towels for everyone!




Took a few different angles of the entrance sign



Love the entrance to the new area! The sign is really cool!


New gift shop full of Steelers themed merch!



Love this new area, the coaster wraps the walkway nicely!


The trains were very cool! Really well themed





View from the back of the walkway


I love how well framed the lift hill looks






Look at that lift hill!





The sign is really nice!


My favorite spot to take pictures of the riders, I really like seeing the reactions




Yay! Confetti!! There was also a band and fireworks!



Steelers first ride


Getting ready for the dedication ceremony!




...and down





We had a great time!! This is a great new addition to the park and the whole area is really well themed!


Reflection shots!


The news all did interviews to see what the players thought of the new ride, they loved it!

Edited by robbalvey
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After saying I will just wait till 2020

Finally sees a POV of riders

Contemplates booking a flight to KW this year


Skyrocket is opening back too?

Now definitely booking a flight



Steel Curtain looks pretty nuts

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^ Aren't some of those initial animations done with a kind of souped-up version of No Limits? If so, it's impressive how accurate No Limits can be an industry tool of design beyond simply drafting ideas.


The official animation for this ride was not done with No Limits. Also, the ride CAD models themselves are used in the animation model itself (imported), so unless the ride undergoes modifications once in the hands of the animator, are spot on. Speed data is also included, with how fast the ride is at specific points along the entire track length and other information of course. Therefore, the final animation is extremely realistic/accurate.

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^Well said. Most animations for B&M coasters are extremely accurate as well. The only ones that seem to change are RMCs. There are always small nuances in the ride layout that are altered between the animation release and the final version. (This happened on Twisted Colossus, Wicked Cyclone, Joker, and Twisted Cyclone to name a few). However the Cedar Fair RMCs had spot-on animations, so it doesn’t apply to all of them.

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^Well said. Most animations for B&M coasters are extremely accurate as well. The only ones that seem to change are RMCs. There are always small nuances in the ride layout that are altered between the animation release and the final version. (This happened on Twisted Colossus, Wicked Cyclone, Joker, and Twisted Cyclone to name a few). However the Cedar Fair RMCs had spot-on animations, so it doesn’t apply to all of them.


I know animations have had to be re-worked due to last minute changes in design or tweaks. Sometimes, changes are made once animations are released and as you noticed, no longer match exactly. RMC's from what I recall, do tend to change more last minute than most others.


But at that point, the animation did what it needed to do (advertise), so it's really no big deal obviously. Only enthusiasts will actually notice small differences.


But yeah, B&M for example, I'd assume those designs are bullet-proof by the time the time the animation is being worked on... So those typically tend to be extremely accurate.


Still awesome to see the final renderings and how close they are to the physical ride once opened up. Goes to show just how powerful and accurate CAD packages have become in simulating all that is going on in the design.

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