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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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I think that they are going to really improve the park. From what I read, they're putting in a theatre in the entrance? Is this going to be something similar to the entrance of MGM in FL? ( great movie ride ) They really need to axe the bug's land, and redo it to the cars theme. Maybe a high speed attraction similar to Test Track. They really shouldn't do anything with the Hollywood Pictures Backlot exept maybe to add RnR starring Aerosmith. I like the maliboomer personally, but if they were to retheme a little bit of the pier, maybe give it a 20's or 1950's theme, then they should definitely add a parachute drop. I surprised that they aren't going to axe Mulholland Madness. If they were really wanting to make it a better ride, then they should keep the new theming and add some banked turns, this way, it is a smoother ride and you don't get whiplash! It's a win-win situation. I hope this turns out good in the end.

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I was always confused with this park from the beginning, as in...why build a theme parked themed to California in...California??? Its like building one of those indoor fake ski resorts in Aspen.

My thoughts exactly. But then again....

The brainchild of former CEO Michael Eisner

...um, yeah.

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Mr. Weis will add a new area called Cars Land, which will re-create the fictional town of Radiator Springs from the 2006 Pixar movie "Cars," say people familiar with the plans. The centerpiece will be a cutting-edge attraction in the style of Disneyland's popular "Indiana Jones" ride.


I think thats the 'Test track' style Cars ride confirmed. (I think)


Its great there improving the park, I heard it wasn't up to disney standards but imagine if this opened by something that wasn't a multi-billion dollar studio, we would of been shocked by the level of theming. It just goes to show how much people expect from Disney.

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I personally wouldn't mind the Californian theme, if it was executed properly.







DCA has really grown on me. It's no longer the park I just go to while I wait for my Disneyland FPs to be valid. I can enjoy going to DCA for what it is.


That being said, I'm very happy to hear about the upgrades the park is getting. If the F**kin Mania building is any indication as to the level of quality we'll be seeing in the park, then I'm all for it! New rides are always a plus and "placemaking" is very-much welcomed. It should be weird to go to an open park that is essentially under "re-construction".





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I was always confused with this park from the beginning, as in...why build a theme parked themed to California in...California???


Why it's almost as crazy as building a Texas themed park in Texas, a Georgia themed park in Georgia, a North Carolina themed park in North Carolina, and a Tennessee themed park in Tennessee. Six Flags Over Texas, Six Flags Over Georgia, Carowinds, and Dollywood anyone?


Anyway, I suppose this is the closest Disney will ever get to flat out admitting that they screwed up big time there. Hopefully a major overhaul will help California Adventure (or whatever it will be called in the future) to work better.


I always thought that building a second park in Anaheim was a bad idea to begin with, even before CA opened and flopped...they should have just left Disneyland as it was. I wonder if the Westcot idea or an American version of DisneySea would have been more successful...

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^ if anything they would rip it out and replacle it with a crush coaster.




But Al Lutz has some insightful insight on the current plans for DCA. Sounds like Grizzly River area won't see much of the 1 billion so I'm hoping that come around 2009, the executives in Disney will see that DCA is really starting to turn around and will budget a proper ammount of money to get properly fix the Golden State area, which could then mean it would be ready to go in either 2012 or 2013 a year or 2 after the completion of Carsland in 2011.


But that's wishful thinking, of course they could figure something out before then too which would be good.

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I was always confused with this park from the beginning, as in...why build a theme parked themed to California in...California???


Why it's almost as crazy as building a Texas themed park in Texas, a Georgia themed park in Georgia, a North Carolina themed park in North Carolina, and a Tennessee themed park in Tennessee. Six Flags Over Texas, Six Flags Over Georgia, Carowinds, and Dollywood anyone?

Good point, except you actually helped prove ours. Disney cheapened itself by building something as unimaginative as what you eluded to.


Oh, and I'm also happy to see attention being paid to this semi-disaster of a park (based on most accounts that I've seen or read, having not been there myself).

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Good point, except you actually helped prove ours. Disney cheapened itself by building something as unimaginative as what you eluded to.


Historical and regional themes are unimaginative? Granted I understand why people don't want that from Disney, but dissing that entire "genre" of parks as a whole simply boils down to personal tastes.

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^ I love the Carthay idea too.


Good point, except you actually helped prove ours. Disney cheapened itself by building something as unimaginative as what you eluded to.


Historical and regional themes are unimaginative? Granted I understand why people don't want that from Disney, but dissing that entire "genre" of parks as a whole simply boils down to personal tastes.

No, it wasn't meant as a diss against said regional parks. I understand parks such as Dollywood using the prevailing regional "theme" if you will. It simply makes sense for parks such as that, that are built up over time without a "Disney budget."


But for a Disney park to put $1 billion into a place that borrowed "themes" from the state in which it resides just didn't make any sense to me. And I'm glad to see the $1 billion "improvement" budget in place to try and correct what they feel they failed at.

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I agree it's definitely a step in the right direction. The concept art is beautiful, that's for sure. I love the Carthay Circle Theater becoming the new entry icon. It works so much better. The use of an updated version of the Walt Disney Story is nice too, but I wonder if it's just the same video they show at the end of One Man's Dream at Disney's Hollywood Studios. I like the electric trolleys going up and down the street too. I'd like them to be real "Pacific Electric" branded cars though. I also have wonder if Toy Story Midway Mania is really apart of this $1.1 billion. I would have thought that budget would have been approved and majority used by this point in time. I think it is a tie in for the "future of California Adventure", but not exactly apart of this budget. I'm excited that the current thought for Little Mermaid is a traditional Omnimover attraction! If any ride system is needed in DCA, it's that one. As much as a Peter Pan 2.0 would be nice, the Omnimover is far more reliable and, in my opinion, comfortable.


Mr. Weis will add a new area called Cars Land, which will re-create the fictional town of Radiator Springs from the 2006 Pixar movie "Cars," say people familiar with the plans. The centerpiece will be a cutting-edge attraction in the style of Disneyland's popular "Indiana Jones" ride.


I think thats the 'Test track' style Cars ride confirmed. (I think)


Who says it can't be a generational leap, combining both systems at once. Imagine that. An EMV on a Test Track style ride system. It seems plausible. Expensive as all getup, but plausible. I'm more curious of what the two family rides in Car Land are going to be. I'm also excited to see, essentially, Sci-Fi Dine In California in the form of the Car Land Drive-In!


All in all, it looks like a very good 5 year plan.

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I just got the best idea they could rename DCA something like Disney's California Hollywood Studios like how they are renaming MGM Studios in Florida to Disney's Hollywood Studios & maybe add a version of Rock N Roller coaster somewhat like the Mummy at Universal. I can't wait for the new Cars E-Ticket attraction thats going to be like Test Track. The Little Mermaid dark ride looks cool. Theyre also putting in a Ratatouille coaster around 2009. For now I only go to DCA for Tower Of Terror & California Screamin. I look forward to going to a new DCA which will have more big rides & more stuff to do.

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Maybe add a version of Rock N Roller coaster somewhat like the Mummy at Universal.


That's what I thought the Rockin' versions of Space and Screamin' was testing, the viability of a Rock N Roller Coaster concept in California, using the Red Hot Chili Peppers instead of Aerosmith. I definitely see that happening, possibly on an extension of the Millionaire building.

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^ A park should only be renamed to reflect any dramatic changes to its overall offerings, themes, and experiences. In the case of California Adventure, it should not be renamed.


The MGM Gate in Florida is being renamed because I believe they are dropping the MGM tie-in so it's being called Hollywood Studios to reflect that park's image --- attractions nearly all based on film-related stuff.


California Adventure is much more than a "Hollywood" movies theme. There is no need to rename the park. With areas like Paradise Pier, Golden State, and Grizzly Peak, and Condor Flats, the park is a reflection of California's history, past, and future. It's not all centered around a "Hollywood Studios" image. To rename the park to "California Hollywood Studios" would be a stupid thing to do.

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It all looks great, and very promising.


I too, am curious what the other two family attractions in Cars Land will be "based on Mater and Luigi" the realease says.


It's also going to be interesting to have A Bugs Land totally surrounded by everything old and new. Maybe there will be a second entrance into it from Cars Land, too? Or is that possible, the way ABL is configured with it's attractions now? I know they can pull stuff out and re-locate it, etc. Still be interesting to find out eventually, if that happens.


Quite the five-year plan.

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I may be in the minority, but I actually prefer spending the day at California Adventure over the Magic Kingdom. I find the park more "adult", and less crowded than Disneyland. I grew up only 45mins from DL and spent many, many days there in my youth. But now I only go in to hit a couple of rides then head out.


DCA may not have all the bells, whistles, and fairy dust like it's big sister, but I like the "old California" feeling and theming.


Improvements are always welcome, of course.

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I don't think DCA is in as much trouble as many trip reports claim. It is just always compared to Disneyland, one of the most attraction packed Disney parks out there.


Like Jahan said, DCA is actually a pleasant place to spend time. I think the attraction line-up is on par or exceeds those of Disney-MGM and Animal Kingdom. It has at least four E-ticket attractions, Grizzly Rapids (the best out there), Soarin Over California (wildly popular), Tower (not like the original, but it is still Tower!), and California Screamin' (a very long, smooth, launched coaster by Disney!).


Considering how small this park is, I think it packs quite a punch. That said, I am eagerly waiting for the expansion. More is always better.

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