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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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I really like California Adventure, but I have no desire to return until this remodel is complete.


The first time I went, I was there the summer it opened, and I LOVED IT!!! I rode Malaboomer, Jumpin' Jellyfish, and California Screamin' so many times. Orange Stinger was fun, but its a bit random for the area. Zephyr was really good, but kind of a slow loader. Muppets and Bug's World were both really great, and Grizzly River Rampage was MUCH better than Kali, but didn't live up to Splash Mountain. California Screamin' quickly became one of the best coasters I'd ever been on, and the airtime on Malaboomer when you're 9 is almost too much. Jellyfish was totally fun, but a bit on the short side, but Soarin' was phenomenal! I somehow managed to get lost in the wilderness obstacle course. Mulholland Madness was in the middle of it's instant closure after the park opened, so I missed out. All in all, I had a really great time!


The second time I went, not much had changed, but it was only 2 or 3 years later. It was just me and my dad, and we rode everything once. Mulholland was a first for both of us, and we both hated it. It's just as rough and painful as any other wild mouse of its kind. We basically went back and fourth between Malaboomer and California Screamin' for the rest of the day, and left feeling like we never needed to go back.


The last time I went was in 2005. The addition of Tower of Terror was a big plus, and was an awesome ride, but was a slow loader. Everything else was still the same, but I still had a really great time, and managed to enjoy spending a whole lot of time at the park, despite the lack of rides. I was really able to sit back and relax, and calmly go about my day with some friends, without worrying about running out of time. Unfortunately, I forget to visit A Bug's Land, but I'm sure its very charming.



All of the new additions sound great! The new main street excites me the most, and I'm very eager to see how it turns out. The Little Mermaid replacing the theatre is a welcome change. I never once set foot an that theatre, and never cared to. The ride sounds very cute, and will help fill the void of Fantasyland style rides in the park. Carsland is ingenious. I totally loved that movie, and I really can't wait to see it when it's finished. The racing ride is the long-awaited compensation for the disaster of Rocket Rods, and will hopefully be worth the wait. Having ridden Rocket Rods, I can say that I really loved the ride, but I hated the down time and the outrageous long lines. The other two rides in Carsland look great too. Toy Story looks like a lot of fun, and I love the theme of the ride being so tied in with both the movie, and the theme of the area. The new carnival game concepts, and well as Mulholland's new concept, all look really great. The removal of Condor Flats makes too much sense. As long as the re-rout the entrance of GRR, nothing of that area will be missed. Soarin' and the obstacle course were both at either end of that area, and there was nothing else in between besides GRR. Removing that area is a really good Idea, and will eliminate all of the space between rides.


There's no part of this re-model that I don't love.

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Great news for such a plagued park. It strikes me funny that everyone is talking about Orange Stinger and Zephyr yet nobody is talking about why they aren't moving Triton's carousel over to where the Little Mermaid ride will be Though it wont free up much space who knows what disney could do.

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I personally enjoy DCA. And I'm excited about the new expansions. The new entrance plaza looks amazing. The only problems I have with it is that the gate looks exactly like the one at Disney MG... Hollywood Studios. And I'm kinda disappointed that they are scrapping the California letters.


But I think everything looks awesome so far!

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Went to DL for the 50th and tried valiantly to keep an open mind about DCA. I really did.


It didn't work.


The park is lacking heart, it's ugly and has no focus. Half of the stores and resaurants were closed (that wharf area was deserted) and the rides...geesh. Can someone say Ghetto Fair?


Screamin was fun, but TOT was a complete dud, IMHO. Soarin was nice, but Mulholland Whatever was just lame. Grizzly River Rampage Roarin Rapids whatever was more than decent. We toured the place for about two hours and once we did everything I longed to head back to DL. While all the other Disney parks I've visited have really found a place in my heart, I can't imagine ever forming an emotional attachment to DCA.

I just didn't "get it." Still don't.


While I think the improvements will do much to help, I still just don't understand the lack of focus. Someone explain to me what The Little Mermaid ride's location means...makes no sense. And what does a Cars ride have to do with the California Walt first discovered? Was there a Cars Land back then? Another big ol theatre as the centerpiece of the park? Didn't they try that in Orlando, only to cover it up with a giant hat?


Fingers crossed they fix DCA. It needs it.

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^ Remember though, that Main Street has the Taxis, the Horse Drawn Carriage, the Paddy Wagon, and the Omnibus that essentially take you from one end of the street to the other. Kind of pointless, yes, but they add a little life onto the street. Also, it's been stated that the DCA Trollies will take people all the way to Tower, so it's not just a short jaunt.




Well, at least the Trolley's will serve more of a purpose. I do agree that they add a little atmosphere to the area, even if the ones on Main Street don't serve much of a purpose.

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Went to DL for the 50th and tried valiantly to keep an open mind about DCA. I really did.


It didn't work.


The park is lacking heart, it's ugly and has no focus. Half of the stores and resaurants were closed (that wharf area was deserted) and the rides...geesh. Can someone say Ghetto Fair?


Screamin was fun, but TOT was a complete dud, IMHO. Soarin was nice, but Mulholland Whatever was just lame. Grizzly River Rampage Roarin Rapids whatever was more than decent. We toured the place for about two hours and once we did everything I longed to head back to DL. While all the other Disney parks I've visited have really found a place in my heart, I can't imagine ever forming an emotional attachment to DCA.

I just didn't "get it." Still don't.


While I think the improvements will do much to help, I still just don't understand the lack of focus. Someone explain to me what The Little Mermaid ride's location means...makes no sense. And what does a Cars ride have to do with the California Walt first discovered? Was there a Cars Land back then? Another big ol theatre as the centerpiece of the park? Didn't they try that in Orlando, only to cover it up with a giant hat?


Fingers crossed they fix DCA. It needs it.




I'm not sure you can compare DCA to a ghetto fair. I at least feel safe at DCA .

Now, I haven't been to the WDW ToT but I don't see how the DCA ToT is a dud. I know the WDW has more drops but to say DCA ToT is a dud...just seems cruel lol.

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Someone explain to me what The Little Mermaid ride's location means...makes no sense.


They are removing Golden Dreams and putting the ride in that building.


This ride is going to take up more room than just Golden Dreams I think they are going to build a showbuilding back there too. If you look back there from MM you can see that they have a lot of room to expand back.

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I'll just say this. Although I've been to DL twice, both visits were pre-DCA. Now, as a Disney fan, I can honestly say that I never thought of DCA as anything but a credit run I'd have to make if I was back in the area....and that's pretty sad!


After looking at the concept art for the redo, I'm pleasantly surprised at what they're planning. A "morphing" of sorts into a west coast MGM is fine by me. Finding a way to pay homage to Walt via an early Hollywood style theme....even better. Will it be perfectly complete after a billion is spent? Probably not. Will it give me more of a reason to actually want to visit? Definitely. So, in that respect, a billion well spent as far as I'm concerned.


No hat? Well, that's just icing on the cake.

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I think some of you "Disney" fans need to chill out a little.



Are you suggesting our comments and critiques are misguided and unnecessary? Honestly, I don't see Disney threads getting any more or less commentary than any other park chain out there. In fact, I venture to say that this new digital age has even helped lead to many decisions made by major park chains. In other words, along with the monetary vote of the general public on which parks are worth visiting, the collective voice of enthusiasts have given the industry an "insight" into what their product is really worth.


If DCA was a glowing success with turnstiles spinning out of control and message boards constantly praising it for its mediocrity, do you think this redo would even be considered? If Disney fans are guilty of anything, it's simply being honest about what they love. It's called tough love. When you feel something or someone you love isn't living up to their potential, you tell 'em about it. It doesn't mean you love them any less in the long run.

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It seems to me, that your all expecting another Disneyland (Which is impossible). But than you turn around and complain when they try to make it more like Disneyland.


Disneyland also has a good 40 something years on DCA, so I wouldn't expect DCA to become perfect overnight. It takes a long time to perfect something like they did with Disneyland.


And I do think that we all hold Disney up to a higher bar than Six Flags or Cedar Fair, which seems unfair to me. We shouldn't expect more out of a Disney park just because it's a Disney park.

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I think some of you "Disney" fans need to chill out a little. Even if it's the 'worst' park in the Disney chain, it still trumps the top Six Flags and Cedar Fair parks by a hell of a lot!

You really need to calm down. People are allowed to have an opinion. Telling them to "chill out" only makes you look like an obnoxious 15 year old kid.


Your recent comments also come across as someone not very educated in the amusement business for someone speaking to high and mighty.


Disneyland may have 40 years on DCA, but the level of expectations for what you get from a theme park have changed DRAMATICALLY since 1955.


And also remember, it cost $1 to enter Disneyland in 1955 and you bought a ticket for each ride.


The economics are different, society is different, and you need to build a park that takes these things into consideration.


If you're trying to say "give DCA a break because it hasn't been around as long as Disneyland" then you're information is misguided.


Oh, and BTW, go take a stroll through Islands of Adventure. They got it right first try. If Universal can do it right, I sure as hell expect Disney to be able to.



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I'm not trying to be "high and mighty" or tell anyone else that their wrong. Sorry if it came off that way..



Oh, and BTW, go take a stroll through Islands of Adventure. They got it right first try. If Universal can do it right, I sure as hell expect Disney to be able to.




I suppose I don't hold California Adventure to the same standard as most people. It's a fun park, just not up to par with the rest of what Disney has done.

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Oh, and BTW, go take a stroll through Islands of Adventure. They got it right first try. If Universal can do it right, I sure as hell expect Disney to be able to.




Well said.


Personally, now that I know the park will be fixed, I have absolutely no reason to scrutinize it anymore. Not that I ever disliked the park, but I always thought there was just way too much room in between attractions, and then an explosion of rides in the back of the park. It really made no sense.


However, with the removal of Condor Flats, and with the addition of Carsland and Little Mermaid, the dead space between rides will be significantly reduced.


I have a massive souvineer map of the park durring its first season. I think its apreaceating in value every second...

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I think some of you "Disney" fans need to chill out a little. Even if it's the 'worst' park in the Disney chain, it still trumps the top Six Flags and Cedar Fair parks by a hell of a lot!

Worst? Ha don't even get me started. From what I hear the Walt Disney Studios Paris is more of a dud, and when you think about it WDS Florida isn't that great either. DCA just about has all the rides they do, and even if they aren't as good, they still have all that and at least a little bit more. (Rockin = CA Scream, Tot = Tot, Toy Story Mania = Midway Mania, Muppets = Muppets) And not to mention the live entertainment is much better, for example the high school musical is better.




So DCA is far from worse and it's only getting better.

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i'm glad they are changing the adventure side, but after few years i still think it will turn out horrible, i don't think that these new sites and rides will be that affective, people would visit the adventure side more if they added big time thrills like roller coasters and other stuff. it needs to have some sort of impact on the park like space mountain at disneyland or indiana jones ride

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They are.. heading in the right direction..


IMO what they could use is an enclosed roller coaster.. but please.. Oh PLEASE.. not another vekoma brain juicer.. D:


What they might be able to do is make Paradise Pier more a classic pier theme.. They've got a good start with Screamin', made to look like a woodie.. But hm.. Who knows what Disney might do.. they usually pull tricks up their sleeves..

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Oh, and BTW, go take a stroll through Islands of Adventure. They got it right first try. If Universal can do it right, I sure as hell expect Disney to be able to.




Well said.


Personally, now that I know the park will be fixed, I have absolutely no reason to scrutinize it anymore. Not that I ever disliked the park, but I always thought there was just way too much room in between attractions, and then an explosion of rides in the back of the park. It really made no sense.


However, with the removal of Condor Flats, and with the addition of Carsland and Little Mermaid, the dead space between rides will be significantly reduced.


I have a massive souvineer map of the park durring its first season. I think its apreaceating in value every second...



wait wait wait. They are getting rid of Condor Flats? I love that section of the park! They aren't taking Soarin out are they? I thought the original report said that both Soarin and Condor Flats were staying.

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