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Worst Coaster Ever?

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Voyage at Holiday World. I've never wanted to get off a roller coaster before this ride. And I've been on Mean Streak, Predator and a whole cavalcade of Vekoma head-bangers. Voyage was the absolute worst ride I've ever been on, and I gave it multiple shots in multiple seats just to try and prove myself wrong, but it is just the worst.

That's probably my favorite wooden coaster (along with El Toro, Phoenix, and Lightning Rod) lol.

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Williams Grove Cyclone. Probably fell over after they closed.


B&M standups such as Carowinds Vortex or SFA Apocalypse (haven't ridden Green Lantern and still tempted to include it). KD Shockwave was a textbook example of how to make a standup, even if it could have benefited from a 2.0 version.


Re: Drachen Fire, I thought it permanently damaged my neck once, in which case it would have been my last coaster, that would have beat all. Truly the worst restraints ever made. Enjoyed it a lot many other times, but always with extreme defensiveness. Best part was undoubtedly that it was almost like our own private coaster.

Edited by bill_s
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Voyage at Holiday World. I've never wanted to get off a roller coaster before this ride. And I've been on Mean Streak, Predator and a whole cavalcade of Vekoma head-bangers. Voyage was the absolute worst ride I've ever been on, and I gave it multiple shots in multiple seats just to try and prove myself wrong, but it is just the worst.

That's probably my favorite wooden coaster (along with El Toro, Phoenix, and Lightning Rod) lol.


Mine too! Love its intensity.

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I love Voyage but I can totally see why some people don't. It's very intense and has fantastic elements (love the "true" floater air and insane banked turns) but the pacing is killed by the MCBR and if it was running rough it could totally be a headache machine. Luckily I found it to be one of the smoother woodies I've been on.


Speaking of worst coasters ever, what was that one Chinese coaster with the triangular airtime hills and the ridiculously tiny circular loop and massive OTSRs? I remember seeing something like that on rcdb. It looked awful.

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Speaking of worst coasters ever, what was that one Chinese coaster with the triangular airtime hills and the ridiculously tiny circular loop and massive OTSRs? I remember seeing something like that on rcdb. It looked awful.

You've got to be more specific. Really, China is a haven for terrible coasters, your description could lead to any number of rides over there.

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^lol yeah, the only picture of it was an angle showing a side of one of the airtime hills and a loop that had to be like 15 feet in diameter.


Any coaster remotely similar to that is probably up there for worst coaster though.

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I really think Nemesis is a bad coaster and is up there with G Force. Simply a bad layout and strange unwanted forces.

That's edgy

Sorry I meant Nemesis Inferno. However, last weekend I rode it (literally) straight after rain, and in the back row and it was insanely good. Out of all the coasters that I rode on that day, it was by far the best. Really intense and fast and most of all, which in unusual for Neme. I is the smoothness of the transitions. Normally though it is quite bad. Now I know, ride in the back straight after rain!

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I love Voyage but I can totally see why some people don't. It's very intense and has fantastic elements (love the "true" floater air and insane banked turns) but the pacing is killed by the MCBR and if it was running rough it could totally be a headache machine. Luckily I found it to be one of the smoother woodies I've been on.


I do agree it is intense, but that's not why I don't like it. The first drop is awesome, the following a.t. hills are decent and smooth, but the second those horridly cramped and uncomfortable trains go thru a turn, it was just painful, awful, jerky nonsense. There wasn't a smooth, comfortable moment going through any turn. The triple down even with MCBR slowing it down is great, but those turns are the worst. I would've loved to ride this thing back in the day. I could see the potential if it had good trains, but it doesn't and if I never ride it again it would be fine with me.


The Legends retracking made a huge difference to that ride, maybe Voyage could benefit from the same in those twisty bits.


My last ride on the Voyage, I asked the ops in the station where to sit for a more comfortable ride, this was literally the response:

OP 1: gave me a blank stare and asked "are you serious?"

Op 2: just laughed and in between laughs cried "no!"


So again to sum up my thoughts, intensity=awesome, it has great positive and negative G's, but the awful trains and non smooth twisty bits, which make up a majority of the ride, make it too rough to enjoy it's potential epicness.

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I love Voyage but I can totally see why some people don't. It's very intense and has fantastic elements (love the "true" floater air and insane banked turns) but the pacing is killed by the MCBR and if it was running rough it could totally be a headache machine. Luckily I found it to be one of the smoother woodies I've been on.


I do agree it is intense, but that's not why I don't like it. The first drop is awesome, the following a.t. hills are decent and smooth, but the second those horridly cramped and uncomfortable trains go thru a turn, it was just painful, awful, jerky nonsense. There wasn't a smooth, comfortable moment going through any turn. The triple down even with MCBR slowing it down is great, but those turns are the worst. I would've loved to ride this thing back in the day. I could see the potential if it had good trains, but it doesn't and if I never ride it again it would be fine with me.


The Legends retracking made a huge difference to that ride, maybe Voyage could benefit from the same in those twisty bits.


My last ride on the Voyage, I asked the ops in the station where to sit for a more comfortable ride, this was literally the response:

OP 1: gave me a blank stare and asked "are you serious?"

Op 2: just laughed and in between laughs cried "no!"


So again to sum up my thoughts, intensity=awesome, it has great positive and negative G's, but the awful trains and non smooth twisty bits, which make up a majority of the ride, make it too rough to enjoy it's potential epicness.

I know that if you have to ride a certain way that doesn't make it a good ride blah blah blah. But with voyage, you really do have to take a more aggressive stance on it. My advice if you ever would end up riding again: lean into the turns. It saves lives

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I love Voyage but I can totally see why some people don't. It's very intense and has fantastic elements (love the "true" floater air and insane banked turns) but the pacing is killed by the MCBR and if it was running rough it could totally be a headache machine. Luckily I found it to be one of the smoother woodies I've been on.


I do agree it is intense, but that's not why I don't like it. The first drop is awesome, the following a.t. hills are decent and smooth, but the second those horridly cramped and uncomfortable trains go thru a turn, it was just painful, awful, jerky nonsense. There wasn't a smooth, comfortable moment going through any turn. The triple down even with MCBR slowing it down is great, but those turns are the worst. I would've loved to ride this thing back in the day. I could see the potential if it had good trains, but it doesn't and if I never ride it again it would be fine with me.


The Legends retracking made a huge difference to that ride, maybe Voyage could benefit from the same in those twisty bits.


My last ride on the Voyage, I asked the ops in the station where to sit for a more comfortable ride, this was literally the response:

OP 1: gave me a blank stare and asked "are you serious?"

Op 2: just laughed and in between laughs cried "no!"


So again to sum up my thoughts, intensity=awesome, it has great positive and negative G's, but the awful trains and non smooth twisty bits, which make up a majority of the ride, make it too rough to enjoy it's potential epicness.


I like PTC trains tbh. Nice and cushioned and the lap bar locks a nice amount above my lap. I think Voyage also runs smoother earlier in the season as I found it way smoother than Legend and especially Raven.

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In terms of ride quality, this is by far the worst I've ridden:


Pinfari RC-48


This rare Pinfari coaster came to my fair from 2008-2014, and I loved it for all the wrong reasons. The ride's layout is okay but nothing to brag about. The transitions are mostly fine, and probably the only good thing about this ride.


Why is this such a poor-quality thrill ride? I'll just list it all out for you:



[*]The trains. You are crammed in a fetal position with a large body collar that more or less restrains your ability to move around, see out of the train, or even breathe without much effort. And forget about "leg room." As you rocket around the badly-designed coaster, your whole body slams against the body collar hard. I got off with aches every time, no exaggeration.


[*]This ride has serious flaws with its track design. Almost every segment of track is misaligned, not to mention the whole coaster makes a ton of noise as the riders ride the coaster.


[*]Apparently, prior to traveling with wade shows, a cable lift hill was added for whatever reason. This life hill is without a doubt the worst I've dealt with, and it can barely get an empty train to the top.


[*]Again, prior to when wade shows purchased this ride, it had went through a long period of refurbishment from Interpark. I'm sure it did nothing.


[*]Pinfari is known for producing hundreds of the same types of coasters. Only one RC-48 was ever built, showing that even Pinfari wouldn't dare to produce another one of these horrible rides!



I am an experienced flat ride junkie, and I know how to ride a coaster defensively. Ninja @SFOG was not an issue for me at all. But this ride, while I love it (to an extent) out of sheer irony, I will warn most anyone to never ride it.

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One ride that comes to mind is Flight Deck at Canada's Wonderland. I usually like those Vekoma models, but that one clobbered the heck outta me. And that was in the very front seat! The Time Warp next door was easy to ride in comparison.


Related to current discussion, I *LOVE* Voyage!

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One ride that comes to mind is Flight Deck at Canada's Wonderland. I usually like those Vekoma models, but that one clobbered the heck outta me. And that was in the very front seat! The Time Warp next door was easy to ride in comparison.


I feel like that park should really remove both of those pieces of crap and free up a huge amount of room for a much better coaster. I thought Flight Deck was one of the worst SLC's I've ever ridden and Time Warp was THE WORST Volare I've ever ridden (and every model of both ride sucks so that's saying something). They could either scrap them or more them to other parks in the chain and have a huge chunk of land to work with.


For a park that draws the type of attendance that Wonderland does their coaster lineup is sup-par once you get beyond the big 3 (Behemoth, Leviathan and Vortex). They have some good family coasters with Thunder Run, Backlot and Guardian (if you count that) but in the major thrill ride department they could use a few more big rides (and they could afford to lose a few crappy ones too).

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I've never understood the complaints about Anaconda. I've always found it enjoyable.


If Anaconda would have gotten Vekoma trains with the headbang-free vest restraints (or lap bars for that manner), it would be a pretty good ride.

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Mighty Canadian Mine Buster and Wilde Beast at Canada's Wonderland come to mind. Out of all the coasters I've ridden those two were the roughest rides I have ever experienced. I would venture to say they make Gwazi look smooth as glass in comparison. And I found Gwazi very rough. It would be nice to see all these rides get the RMC treatment.

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