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Worst Coaster Ever?

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^^^Am I the only one that got from that, that Bolidkus has way too much time on his hands!


I feel similarly to Liftthrill about Goliath at SFMM, but it's definitely not the worst coaster ever, in my opinion.


^ Viper at Great Adventure really sucked on a level that's almost incomprehensible. I don't understand how it was ever allowed to operate.


Now see, I admit it wasn't a great coaster, but for the sheer novelty factor of it, I actually enjoyed it (to a degree) my one and only ride way back when! Interestingly enough, my choice for worst coaster ever came from that same visit to SFGAdv, when I rode Great American Scream Machine. Maybe after riding that hunk of junk, Viper just seemed decent in comparison!

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^^^Am I the only one that got from that, that Bolidkus has way too much time on his hands!


That took 3 minutes. It was all from just the last couple of weeks.

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^^^Am I the only one that got from that, that Bolidkus has way too much time on his hands!


That took 3 minutes. It was all from just the last couple of weeks.


Oh trust me, you can go back further and find some more... but there are also posts I made back when I liked it as well.


Speaking of which I need to ride more bad coasters so I can finally give the big orange g-force machine a break. Sadly there aren't any SLCs around here but if my experience with Vekoma is any indicator, maybe if I ride one it'll finally dethrone Headache: The Ride.

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Are people seriously naming coasters other than Gouderix?


(Not so) Honerable mentions:


Dragon @ Adventureland

Ninja @ SFSt.L

T3 @ Kentucky Kingdom

Edited by Swede
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Yes, because Gouderix is beneficially a little out of the way for people who don't travel much. And that's probably a good thing.


I've added a few 'never again I have the credit'-rides in the U.S.

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Yep, there are bad coasters all over the world. I've only ridden 5 coasters that I'd consider "bad," and most of those I'd probably reride given the chance (heck, even Titan I'm planning to ride at least once when I'm at SFOT to see if my opinion has changed) but some of the bad coasters are in destination parks, like Firehawk and Corkscrew, which makes more people dislike them, and some are even all over, like Boomerangs, which is why so many people dislike them. Gouderix is severely hated by most people who've ridden it, but that number is smaller because not as many enthusiasts get out to France as those who get to CP.

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I notice that when it comes to the Vekoma Invertigo, people either absolutely despise it or don't have a problem with it. There is no "slightly dislike it".

I'm not a fan of the layout and it's not that exciting, but I like it more than the standard Boomerang because there's no headbanging. I rank it above the low-tier mine trains but underneath the middle-tier family coasters like Firechaser Express, La Vibora, etc. It's not something I would wait in a long line for but not something I'd never ride again.

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It's a 2 way tie between Hurler and Shockwave (When it was still standing) at KD. Both were unbearably rough, but I think Shockwave is going to take it. Shockwave is the only coaster where I thought I was going to die, not because the ride was crazy, but because it was /that/ rough.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Voyage at Holiday World. I've never wanted to get off a roller coaster before this ride. And I've been on Mean Streak, Predator and a whole cavalcade of Vekoma head-bangers. Voyage was the absolute worst ride I've ever been on, and I gave it multiple shots in multiple seats just to try and prove myself wrong, but it is just the worst.

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T3 at Kentucky Kingdom is god awful. I thought the new trains might do some good.... Nope. Anyone who complains about thigh stapling on Skyrush should ride T3 and then complain to me. I found the whole experience terrible.


The Time Warp/Flight Deck combo at Canada's Wonderland is also the worst... I don't understand Volares, they really shouldn't have inversions.

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T3 at Kentucky Kingdom is god awful. I thought the new trains might do some good.... Nope. Anyone who complains about thigh stapling on Skyrush should ride T3 and then complain to me. I found the whole experience terrible.


The Time Warp/Flight Deck combo at Canada's Wonderland is also the worst... I don't understand Volares, they really shouldn't have inversions.


I agree that Flight Deck and Time Warp are the worst coasters ever (along with Wild Beast) at Canada's Wonderland. I find that the inversions aren't the problem as the barrel rolls are the best part, it's the turns that cause some head bashing.

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I've never ridden a ride that someone wouldn't be able to get me on again, but I really don't like Mean Streak, the VF and CP Corkscrews, or the Dragon at Adventureland. Also I'm not sure about Timber Wolf, I rode it in 2013 and it was terrible but it's had some retracking since then, right?

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