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Movies, Movies, Movies.....


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Movies i've recently seen:


Taledega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby -


This movie made me laugh a lot. probably more than a lot of people in the theater. a 8/10


The Descent


It gave me a few good jumps, but other than that, this movie was completely horrible. a 3.5/10


Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest


Seeing this movie was the highlight of my summer. i actually saw it 4 times in July it was so good! a 9.75/10

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I saw A Prarie Home Compainion over the summer. it was slightly good but really broing. the best part was the Bad Jokes section which i'm still laughing over. overall 3/10.



You have to be familiar with the show to enjoy it. Still, it lacks a descernable plot.


"Little Miss Sunshine" could be the funniest movie I've ever seen.

Perfectly executed timing, great acting (even by the kids), and humor that will double you over.

"Dwayne - That's your name, right? Dwayne? You want some advice? No? Well I'm going to give it to you anyway. This is a voice of experience talking. F-ck a lot of women, Dwayne. Not just one woman. A lot of women."

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I saw Snakes On A Plane a few nights ago. I thought it was one of the funniest movies I've seen in the movie theater in a while. What made it even more fun was the people in the theater. They were yelling, screaming, laughing, and having a good time. It was great.


Snakes On A Plane = 9/10

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I have just seen Monster House and The Devil Wears Prada. They have just opened at August 31 in Singapore. Monster House is actually very good. If it just opened in the middle of summer, I'm sure they got more gross. The Devil Wears Prada is very great! MerylStreep did a very good job in the movie. She acted like an owner should be.


Next movie will be Talladega Nights, World Trade Center, and Gwoemul! Can't wait.

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Garfield: A Tale of two kitties. 8/10 I am a huge Garfield fan and this one was better than the first. Which despite some nit picks I enjoyed a lot. I also saw Click for the second time. 8/10 It's an Adam Sandler movie so it was funny for the most part and touching in other the funniest part was *Spoiler alert* is when he farts in David Hasselhoff's face.

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End of the Spear 10/10

Wow is all I have to say about this movie. It is very well made and it shows the story of this family and what Stevie, the son of one of the men they killed, does after his father dies. The music was good, the angling was good, the story was good, pretty much everything was good about it.


Invincible 9/10

The story was very good, based after the season of the Eagles comeback. I really enjoyed it and I thought it was well-made. The acting was also very good and there was one scene that I thought, "Wow, is this a Disney movie or not?"


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The Wicker Man [2006]- It wasn't good at all. It is a horror film...but it is actually just annoying.


I was wondering where I could find some news on this... I actually haven't heard ANYTHING about it (which doesn't seem to be really good news). Anyways, I didn't care much for the old one though, usually re-makes end up ruining the movie, so in this case it wouldn't be ruining anything better?


I just watched United 93 Tonight. Wasn't sure what to think... when it came out I was really against this movie, thought it was just a marketing disposal and a way to make money off of a film that shouldn't be made as soon as it was (Since 9/11 just happened only 5years ago). But when I gave it some more thought, I thought it might be good, it kind of made me think more of what some of the families and people that lost someone in 9/11 had to go through; and even remember 9/11 allitle bit more.


Sorry for boring everyone,


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