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Best Drop Ride!!!

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Now that I've finally ridden it, Arachnophobia. Havent tried any Tower of Terror's yet, so I dont know their wonders, but Arac=ZOMFG wow. First of all, the standing up element REALLY makes it feel alot "scarier" then just sitting with your feet dangling. But to add the whole tilting straight down while dangling 200 feet in the air? It was one of the few times I have ever been legitimately frightened by an attraction (the others being my first trip to CP looking up to MF and TTD and Mr Freeze going through the top hat backwards). Arac is INSANE, end of story....

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  • 5 months later...

Giant Drop at Dreamworld - Australia: it's the biggest, and it has an Intamin free-fall coaster (like Superman at SFMM)flying up the same tower.


This may not count as a drop ride but I was never more scared on a ride than on the SCAD tower in Denmark.

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  downunder said:
Giant Drop at Dreamworld - Australia: it's the biggest, and it has an Intamin free-fall coaster (like Superman at SFMM)flying up the same tower.


Hell yeah mate! It's for SURE the best when:

A.) You're sitting at the top, and Tower of Terror car comes up, shaking the tower at 400ft haha.

B.) You drop, and as you're going down, the ToT car flies right by, the opposite way.


I was lucky enough to have experienced both, at the very end of the row. Will never forget that!

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  • 3 months later...

I like the theming of Dr. Doom (the queue is great), but I think the ride is just average for an S&S tower. Drop Tower (Kings Dominion), Blue Fall (Sea Paradise in Japan), and Giant Drop (Dreamworld in Australia) are better rides. That being said, the only drop ride I simply don't care for is the one at Six Flags America.

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I'm going to have to go with X-Sream at Waldameer. I feel like I'm going to fall out every time I ride it. I've been on TOT and Drop Zone and S&S towers, but even though they may be bigger, X-Sream is just as, if not more, thrilling.

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^ Iwouldn't say there mediocre, but they do however lack a drop tower. (Which I mentioned at the Q&A, and they had no reply, but a stunned look on there face ) And as for drop towers, Supreme Scream.

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