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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Almost all of your concerns are because this isn't the final rendering (saying this for the third time I think). Those images were ripped from the code of the VR app which leaked. Since it is made for phones, it is way less detailed (ie: no catwalks, chain, brakes, etc.) so that it can run smoothly on a phone. The color thing is because the renders are taken from code, and they're just 3d models found within the code.


That makes a lot of sense. I've honestly only skimmed the last few pages of the thread and it seemed like people were believing those renderings were the finalized ones... So I hopped on the two cents train to say why I thought they couldn't be the final ones. I also do have to admit sometimes I type without fully proofing my posts before sharing them... Sometimes they do get repetitive. My bad.


SheiKra is 200' tall with 138' tall MCBR

Griffon is 205' tall with 130' MCBR

From the looks of it, if this is real it's just about right.


It may be a longer brake run, but we don't know how many trains they intend to run on it or when the brakes actually start. If you look at both SheiKra & Griffon on satellite view (google or whatever) you will see that the brake runs are near the same length as the lift hill...much like the renderings for Valravn. Also since there appears to be no splash down to assist in slowing the trains down it makes perfect sense.


This also helps. I remembered Griffons MCBR being pretty high up but seeing that I only rode it once, and I was rushed - being with a large group - I really didn't have the time to look into those little things like MCBR heights and brake run lengths. Seeing those pictures though. It does seem a lot more realistic. Thanks

To the both of you for the clarification!

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The second half (after the dive loop) is also incredibly slow paced. The second roll over the gates is taken noticeably slower than the first (and less forcefully), followed by the "mid" course brakes, then a helix that seems like it should be about five mph faster. The first half is pretty good and retains good speed, but after the dive loop it just isn't very good at all.


All wing coaster in-line rolls are taken at approximately the same pace, so I don't see why this is an issue at all. It's a slow roll over the gate with some choppers - everything it is intended to do. If you were expecting some mind blowing roll, then you are unfairly misjudging that particular element. A MCBR is a MCBR, and the helix has strong positive Gs towards the end followed by some light Gs over the following hill. It's a wing coaster, why do people continue to expect the next Montu out of them? They are all about "Nothing above, nothing below.

An unprecedented feeling of freedom." Not your run of the mill thrilling scream machine. If a seasoned enthusiast has a moderately to even an above moderately thrilling experience, it does its job in spades.

Edited by JonnyRCT3
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In case anyone's having difficulties placing the layout on the plot of land...


Here's a quick Photoshop of the overhead view of the coaster onto the Google Maps view of the area it will be built. This was the best I could get it to look in ~5 minutes, so bear with me.

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In case anyone's having difficulties placing the layout on the plot of land...


Wow! I think that's an excellent mock-up of where the coaster will go! So, if I'm reading it right, you're suggesting that it'll drop down in the middle of the split pathway from from the Marina entrance? I'm really hoping there's a themed rock tunnel it drops into there, but if it were to be a below grade "ditch", between those pathways (including maybe going under a walkway connecting them, similar to what Griffon does), that would be incredibly visually stunning! Then the Dive Loop sticks right out into the main midway...


Thanks for taking the time to do that, as it really helps excite me for this coaster even more, seeing it in context, and visualizing how it will fit in with the park! I imagine the station entrance will be where the Turnpike Cars entrance was, and a themed queue (similar to Banshee's) will go back from there, be in the middle of the Valravn track and Raptor cobra roll, before going up to the station which will be up against Perimeter Rd., overlooking the Marina (which will provide a great view from the other side of the peninsula going up the lift hill!)

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Everyone seems to have some degree of disappointment about this coaster, but honestly?! How would any new ride look with Lightning Rod being announced literally days ago? Dollywood raised the bar higher than we can expect any B&M coaster to beat. B&M is still kicking @ss, but we now have these I N S A N E RMCs to compare everything to. If this Valravn leak is true, Cedar Point has an outstanding new attraction on their hands. Keep in mind though that if this had been built instead of Gatekeeper a few years back, nobody would have been disappointed. In 2013, we would all be screaming about how this is perfect for the roller coaster capital of the world.


It will be very interesting to see how much one new company can change the pace of the entire industry... I'm so excited for the coming years of roller coaster additions. RMC has shown up completely out of left field, and the already well established firms now have some competition on their hands... Perhaps another "coaster war" but instead of parks, we will watch manufacturers try and claw their way to the top. Look already how we as enthusiasts have been affected- we see this amazing new coaster as sub-par, and I'd bet most can see that RMC is the sole reason for that.


It's not that B&M has stopped innovating, it's just that our friends at Rocky Mountain Construction are doing it faster and stealing the spotlight. Sit back, and grab your popcorn.

Edited by baileybrucem
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I almost feel guilty interrupting the current topic, but...


I will be making my first trip back to CP in 15 years, and will be bringing my 10YO along for his very first CP visit. We will be staying on the property, and will hit everything we can over both Monday and Tuesday at the park.


I know a lot has changed since 2000, so are there any tips/suggestions from the CP veterans in house? Must ride? Must skip? Must eat?


Schools are going back in session here in Missouri, but I have no idea what the schedule is for Sandusky, and the surrounding communities. Should we go into both days expecting a typical, super busy Summer crowd?


Any advice is greatly appreciated, so I thank you in advance.


Here's to a safe 8+ hour drive tomorrow from St. Louis.

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I feel like there is still some space they can work with to make the layout even better.


I'm holding onto the hope that this is NOT the real layout and that there may be some things changed in the layout. If not, I'll be happy with this coaster just the way it is.

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So it's a dive machine, and because of that the layout was always going to be lame, and it is, but that said, I originally stated what could save it is some cool weird lateral force like on Thunderbird, and the element after the dive loop looks like it could at least potentially deliver on that. And hopefully the airtime hill is of the actual airtime-producing variety and not the total waste-of-track, space, time, and money variety like on some other *ahem* recent B&M installations that shall remain nameless. If so, this could easily be the best dive machine so far.


Of course, it's still a dive machine. I'm trying to look at this from twelve-year-old me's perspective, assuming I'm a Cedar Point native, have no enthusiast knowledge, and have just come off the elation of riding Gatekeeper for the first time only a few years ago. I know a lot of people on here would go, "Hey, to the GP this is just the next amazing CP coaster, they'll eat it right up", but ehhhh, sorry, 12-year-old me is still not convinced. See, when Gatekeeper opened, that wingover drop straight-up blew my mind. Seriously, it was the most intense, fear-inducing first drop I could even imagine. So now it's the next episode, the new ride is coming, and I'm looking for something that's going to top the last coaster. I'm looking for something that's going to be at least different, if not better. But I'm having trouble. The trains, well, they're real wide, they don't look that different. Most of the ride doesn't look that different from Gatekeeper. The main difference is that drop. 12-year-old me thinks it looks cool... it really does... but... not as cool as Gatekeeper's. I'm trying to be excited, but it's feeling a little forced.


Now I'm sure 12-year-old me would ride it, come off stoked as hell, and declare it the best ride in the park. But the point stands. At least they could maximize that initial visual of staring down the first drop the way Alton Towers did, by putting something at the bottom, or maybe some structures alongside it to give you more perspective on how high up you are, but you know darn well you won't be looking at anything besides the pullout, rocks, concrete, and perhaps a neatly manicured lawn.


And by the way, has the CP ride naming committee lost its f*cking mind? This isn't Busch Gardens, we're not looking for bizarre vaguely-ethnic names you can't pronounce. We're looking for short snappy names that quickly evoke some semblance of a theme, and that's it. Maverick. Now there's a name. C'mon guys, get it together.


I'm really curious where we go from here. Next CP will probably get a flying coaster, right? Because that's the only B&M product they don't have? And it will probably be the tallest one, and maybe with a pretzel loop even crazier than Tatsu's. That could be pretty good. But then what? I guess by that time B&M will have come up with yet another train style. Or maybe the pendulum will finally have swung back over to something more interesting like Intamin or RMC. Or Zamperla. Seriously, anything but B&freakinM.



EDIT: I looked at the Cedar Point timeline and was reminded we went a whole six years between Maverick and Gatekeeper. While I can't know the reasoning behind it, I'd say this new installation is a mistake. I'd much rather they have spent another couple years on other improvements and additions to make the Point a more complete experience, with emphasis on more than just coasters. Instead we get this very uninspired addition so close to their last coaster which, like I pointed out, isn't even that different. I'd rather they spent time working on something that would really knock your socks off. This whole addition just feels so oddly timed and so rote, when parks like Dorney go completely neglected.

Edited by neil009
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I almost feel guilty interrupting the current topic, but...


I will be making my first trip back to CP in 15 years, and will be bringing my 10YO along for his very first CP visit. We will be staying on the property, and will hit everything we can over both Monday and Tuesday at the park.


I know a lot has changed since 2000, so are there any tips/suggestions from the CP veterans in house? Must ride? Must skip? Must eat?


Schools are going back in session here in Missouri, but I have no idea what the schedule is for Sandusky, and the surrounding communities. Should we go into both days expecting a typical, super busy Summer crowd?


Any advice is greatly appreciated, so I thank you in advance.


Here's to a safe 8+ hour drive tomorrow from St. Louis.


First off, I think you guys will have a blast! I took my 11 year old son to CP earlier this year, and he rode everything except TTD! He loved the park!


With two days, regardless of crowds, you should be able to ride everything. I recommend riding most of the coasters, and definitely maXair, and SkyHawk, among the flat rides! As for must-skip rides? I don't think there are any, with the possible exception of Corkscrew. It is pretty rough these days, and doesn't offer much that you probably haven't already ridden somewhere else. However, if you have time, and the line is short, I could see doing it anyway! I'd enter at the main gates the first day, just for the spectacular view with GateKeeper there now, but then head to the back of the park and hit Maverick! It's arguably the best ride in the park, but also is a good "starter" ride for your young son, to get him warmed up. Also, since you haven't ridden it, it'll be new to you. And thirdly, it'll have the shortest line of the day at entry as well. (If you're staying on-site at the Breakers, however, you'll enter from there anyway, and be close to Maverick, so you'll just want to head there, and catch the main gate view later in the day.) You may want to give TTD a try (if your son is willing) second, just because the line gets long, and the threat of a break-down is always there. Better to get your ride on it early, while it's still running (hopefully.) MF is a must-ride (obviously), but it always has a longer line. You may want to wait until the end of your first day to ride it, as hopefully the early-leavers from the crowd will be gone, and the line should be shorter. Plus, it'll be dark at that point, and night rides on MF are crazy good! Raptor's line is the lowest in the late afternoon, and I suspect, GateKeeper's will be lower then as well. Definitely make sure to get rides on both sides of that, as they offer different experiences, and also in the front and back on each side too!


Must eat? At CP? Unless you don't have Chick-fil-A in Missouri, there is no such thing at CP! Midway Market is decent food, but pricey. And it's nothing mind-blowing quality-wise. Famous Dave's is a chain, but it's also really good BBQ, and would qualify as better than anything in the park (it's located at the marina.) I've never been to the Bay Harbor Inn (also at the Marina), but it's supposed to be "upscale" dining, so I have to assume it's pretty good.


I highly doubt schools will be back in session in Sandusky, as I know there aren't any back in session here, except for the ones with that funky year round schedule.


Have a safe trip up, and a great time! Be sure to let us know how it went afterward!

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I almost feel guilty interrupting the current topic, but...


I will be making my first trip back to CP in 15 years, and will be bringing my 10YO along for his very first CP visit. We will be staying on the property, and will hit everything we can over both Monday and Tuesday at the park.


I know a lot has changed since 2000, so are there any tips/suggestions from the CP veterans in house? Must ride? Must skip? Must eat?


Schools are going back in session here in Missouri, but I have no idea what the schedule is for Sandusky, and the surrounding communities. Should we go into both days expecting a typical, super busy Summer crowd?


Any advice is greatly appreciated, so I thank you in advance.


Here's to a safe 8+ hour drive tomorrow from St. Louis.


In my opinion must rides are:

Millennium Force, TTD, Maverick, Raptor, Magnum, Rougaru, Gatekeeper (left side) in that order. I've never been a huge fan of flats, but Skyhawk is probably the best along with MaxAir. Personally I would avoid Mean Streak and probably Wind Seeker as its always down. All of the restaurants are about what you'd expect, nothing really ever had stood out to me in that respect. Personally my favorites are Chickie's & Pete's, and Famous Daves (located in the Marina). I've really had a good experience at Johnny Rockets, always seems a little overpriced (like 12$ for a small burger), at least compared to anything else. All the big chain restaurants in the park are usually well run, but that's probably not what you're looking for.


It's usually pretty busy on Sunday, and especially Saturdays. Fast Pass is available, so if your really looking to get a lot of rides in, its a decent investment for someone who only visits every decade or so. I would only go for the Fast Pass Plus, which gives you fast pass on TTD, Millennium, Maverick, Raptor and Gatekeeper I think. usually the queues are somewhat short for fast pass, but it all depends on the day and the ride ops.


Hope that helps a little, and good luck on your trip.

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DILinator... G Force... Thank you so much for your responses. We are staying at Breakers, so the advice on early entry is fantastic.


I know I was asking for help late in the game, but I've been putting in for OT at work on every weekend this year to not only pay for our crazy vacations this Summer, but *shudder* school tuition for the kid. Just got off work at 11p, and realized I hadn't asked for any tips in regards to CP until 6 hours before we plan on heading out the door, so you have no idea how grateful I am to you both for such detailed info on such very short notice.


Thank you.

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So it's a dive machine, and because of that the layout was always going to be lame, and it is, but that said, I originally stated what could save it is some cool weird lateral force like on Thunderbird, and the element after the dive loop looks like it could at least potentially deliver on that. And hopefully the airtime hill is of the actual airtime-producing variety and not the total waste-of-track, space, time, and money variety like on some other *ahem* recent B&M installations that shall remain nameless. If so, this could easily be the best dive machine so far.


Of course, it's still a dive machine. I'm trying to look at this from twelve-year-old me's perspective, assuming I'm a Cedar Point native, have no enthusiast knowledge, and have just come off the elation of riding Gatekeeper for the first time only a few years ago. I know a lot of people on here would go, "Hey, to the GP this is just the next amazing CP coaster, they'll eat it right up", but ehhhh, sorry, 12-year-old me is still not convinced. See, when Gatekeeper opened, that wingover drop straight-up blew my mind. Seriously, it was the most intense, fear-inducing first drop I could even imagine. So now it's the next episode, the new ride is coming, and I'm looking for something that's going to top the last coaster. I'm looking for something that's going to be at least different, if not better. But I'm having trouble. The trains, well, they're real wide, they don't look that different. Most of the ride doesn't look that different from Gatekeeper. The main difference is that drop. 12-year-old me thinks it looks cool... it really does... but... not as cool as Gatekeeper's. I'm trying to be excited, but it's feeling a little forced.


Now I'm sure 12-year-old me would ride it, come off stoked as hell, and declare it the best ride in the park. But the point stands. At least they could maximize that initial visual of staring down the first drop the way Alton Towers did, by putting something at the bottom, or maybe some structures alongside it to give you more perspective on how high up you are, but you know darn well you won't be looking at anything besides the pullout, rocks, concrete, and perhaps a neatly manicured lawn.


And by the way, has the CP ride naming committee lost its f*cking mind? This isn't Busch Gardens, we're not looking for bizarre vaguely-ethnic names you can't pronounce. We're looking for short snappy names that quickly evoke some semblance of a theme, and that's it. Maverick. Now there's a name. C'mon guys, get it together.


I'm really curious where we go from here. Next CP will probably get a flying coaster, right? Because that's the only B&M product they don't have? And it will probably be the tallest one, and maybe with a pretzel loop even crazier than Tatsu's. That could be pretty good. But then what? I guess by that time B&M will have come up with yet another train style. Or maybe the pendulum will finally have swung back over to something more interesting like Intamin or RMC. Or Zamperla. Seriously, anything but B&freakinM.



EDIT: I looked at the Cedar Point timeline and was reminded we went a whole six years between Maverick and Gatekeeper. While I can't know the reasoning behind it, I'd say this new installation is a mistake. I'd much rather they have spent another couple years on other improvements and additions to make the Point a more complete experience, with emphasis on more than just coasters. Instead we get this very uninspired addition so close to their last coaster which, like I pointed out, isn't even that different. I'd rather they spent time working on something that would really knock your socks off. This whole addition just feels so oddly timed and so rote, when parks like Dorney go completely neglected.


Seriously. If I read:

12-year-old me

one more time... I'm going to fu*king scream.

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^^I appreciate your carefully considered response. As a side note, I find it interesting where people choose to use the asterisk when censoring the word "fucking". "F*cking", "fu*king", I wonder what determines that. "Fuc*ing" just looks weird, as does "*ucking". "Fuck*ng" just doesn't have any point to it.

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^^I appreciate your carefully considered response. As a side note, I find it interesting where people choose to use the asterisk when writing "fucking". "F*cking", "fu*king", I wonder what determines that. "Fuc*ing" just looks weird, as does "*ucking". "Fuck*ng" just doesn't have any point to it.


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Well, I showed my 11 year old son (who will be 12 by the time Valravn opens next year) the logo and layout for the coaster earlier, and he seemed pretty excited about it, and he rode GateKeeper earlier this year! Different strokes for different folks, I guess...

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With two days, regardless of crowds, you should be able to ride everything. I recommend riding most of the coasters, and definitely maXair, and SkyHawk, among the flat rides! As for must-skip rides? I don't think there are any, with the possible exception of Corkscrew. It is pretty rough these days, and doesn't offer much that you probably haven't already ridden somewhere else. However, if you have time, and the line is short, I could see doing it anyway! I'd enter at the main gates the first day, just for the spectacular view with GateKeeper there now, but then head to the back of the park and hit Maverick! It's arguably the best ride in the park, but also is a good "starter" ride for your young son, to get him warmed up. Also, since you haven't ridden it, it'll be new to you. And thirdly, it'll have the shortest line of the day at entry as well. (If you're staying on-site at the Breakers, however, you'll enter from there anyway, and be close to Maverick, so you'll just want to head there, and catch the main gate view later in the day.) You may want to give TTD a try (if your son is willing) second, just because the line gets long, and the threat of a break-down is always there.


There really aren't any coasters to skip. Younger kids seem to love Corkscrew so don't skip that... Gemeni is a great coaster to re-ride as it rarely has a line and one fun thing to do is to line up right across from your son and both sit on the platform side of the station so you can slap hands on the turns. We loved doing that when we were kids... actually we still love doing that. By the way, Gemeni doesn't always race first thing in the morning so wait until later in the day and it probably will be.


Also, here's a fun fact about Raptor. It's actually an outstanding Early Entry ride. I agree that on your first day you should enter the main gate for the experience, and then go right to Raptor and knock it out in 5 minutes (sit in the front). After that head back to Millennium or Maverick. Regarding Dragster, it's NOT open for Early Entry so plan accordingly.


That's all I have on the coaster besides the standard tricks (FRONT SEAT of Mean Streak, Learn Forward and keep your seat off the seat back, middle row of any car on Blue Streak and tighten the living crap out of the seatbelt on Magnum for the most comfortable rides on these, front seat of Raptor because it only costs you an extra 5 minutes and it's great and front seat of Dragster because it's flat out mind-blowing even though it costs you an extra hour).


As far as non coasters, don't miss Windseeker, Maxair, Cedar Downs or Skyhawk. And also, it's a huge park and 2 days can be exhausting so pace yourself and ride the train and Sky Ride as much as possible. The Sky Ride chews through it's line in no time, and the train has great capacity too. Ride the train from the station near Mean Streak as it's a much cooler ride with some fun theming.


As far as food, I LOVE Famous Daves in the Marina (sit outside, you'll be in the shade and right on the water). It might be a tough sell with a kid who's eager to get back on the rides though as it's a sit down-relaxed (but very casual) meal. This might be a good option for Day 2.


It sounds like you'll have a blast! Enjoy.

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