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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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The layout looks cool enough to me, the element after the second Immelman seems interesting. A height of only 223ft is kind of disappointing, although it still will be the highest dive coaster in the world, which is nothing to complain about.


Someone should check the footprint of the renderings and see if they match up with the clearing at CP.

Edited by G Force
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So are these real or is this something someone made? What do we think?

The logo looks real, but the coaster rendering doesn't look anything like what the guy who normally does them would look like.

This needs to be cleared up


These renders were taken from the code of the VR app, not a render that is supposed to be released to the public. Therefore, these aren't the quality or detail of what we will see on media day. That's why we don't see catwalks, chain, brakes, etc.

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This needs to be cleared up


These renders were taken from the code of the VR app, not a render that is supposed to be released to the public. Therefore, these aren't the quality or detail of what we will see on media day. That's why we don't see catwalks, chain, brakes, etc.


All well and good. But, I don't see why if you already have a digital model of something why you would create an entirely different one for a separate app. Granted I know nothing about VR apps, but I would think one model could be imported into the app just as well as another...even at a lower resolution. Also, if you're going to announce a new ride with something new (like VR), wouldn't you want it to look amazing...not like a five year old created it in their basement?


Granted, I could be wrong and this could be real, but I hope what was leaked was a really rough working model that has since been updated for the announcement. Maybe the final quality model we're used to from them wasn't done and they just wanted to see how the process was going to work? Let's hope so.

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So disappointed by the layout. Ugh. It's just going to be so foreceless. I mean... you can tell just by looking at it. They should have just put another Windseeker in its place. No one is even going to ride this. It will be a "one and done." /EndTypicalCoasterEnthusiastsComplaints


Personally, I think the coaster looks great. Yes the first half very much resembles SheiKra. Which leads me to think... maybe it is real, because it seems like something B&M would do. On the other hand it makes me think it is fake, because I feel like Cedar Point would want something a little more creative. However, the second half of the ride looks very unique. I love the Dive loop, into what looks like a mix between half of a corkscrew and a zero-g-roll.


Real, or not... it looks like a really solid coaster, and I would enjoy it!! But then again... maybe I'm not as jaded as other coaster enthusiast.

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How's Gatekeeper fare with the GP? I've not ridden it yet but I've heard it's pretty bland.


By the same token, Valravn looks like it'll be the same thing. Big and pretty but mostly a bore. Dammit, B&M, did your balls drop off in 2004?

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This needs to be cleared up


These renders were taken from the code of the VR app, not a render that is supposed to be released to the public. Therefore, these aren't the quality or detail of what we will see on media day. That's why we don't see catwalks, chain, brakes, etc.


All well and good. But, I don't see why if you already have a digital model of something why you would create an entirely different one for a separate app. Granted I know nothing about VR apps, but I would think one model could be imported into the app just as well as another...even at a lower resolution. Also, if you're going to announce a new ride with something new (like VR), wouldn't you want it to look amazing...not like a five year old created it in their basement?


Granted, I could be wrong and this could be real, but I hope what was leaked was a really rough working model that has since been updated for the announcement. Maybe the final quality model we're used to from them wasn't done and they just wanted to see how the process was going to work? Let's hope so.


The complexity of the press model is much, much too complex for a phone to render in real time regardless of the resolution (phone resolutions are pretty high, anyways). The lower quality material is specially designed to be able to be rendered with as little computing power as possible, so that the app can work smoothly. You're expecting too much out of real-time-high-framerate phone graphics.

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^This, I couldn't have said it better myself. It would be the equivalent of trying to play NL2 (except even better graphics) in simulation mode on your phone, and then expecting your phone to perform well. It just wouldn't. With the lower detail model, most phones will be able to play this VR (which I'm super stoked about trying for myself) at good framerates.

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How's Gatekeeper fare with the GP? I've not ridden it yet but I've heard it's pretty bland.


By the same token, Valravn looks like it'll be the same thing. Big and pretty but mostly a bore. Dammit, B&M, did your balls drop off in 2004?


I recently rode Gatekeeper for the first time, and I really enjoyed it. I don't know why anyone calls Gatekeeper "boring" or "forceless." Gatekeeper was a lot of fun. It is by no means one of the best coaster in the world. But it did make my top 20 list.


I feel like those who complain about Gatekeeper, and dive machines have seriously never been on them. Because anyone who has been on them know that they are good rides.


Also, when we were there the GP seemed to LOVE Gatekeeper. Everyone I over heard talking about it wanted to ride it again. They just didn't want to wait in the line.

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You're expecting too much out of real-time-high-framerate phone graphics.


Not arguing there. I always expect too much. I'll also say that after putting the apk on my phone (which just finished installing), the graphics look way better there than what has been posted.


So, we'll see on the 18th...or sooner if things keep leaking.

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If this indeed the layout, here are my thoughts...


The layout is a little short, but that's what you have to expect with a Dive Coaster. As I have said earlier in the thread, no matter what the layout looks like, I will just be excited to finally have a Dive Machine closer to me. Sheikra was short, but I enjoyed it from beginning to end.


Judging from the elements, it looks like this will be a quicker paced forceful ride. There will be 3 potential moments of airtime in the course, which is a big plus. It's good to see that B&M might still be going back to their old ways.


I'm hoping for a splashdown, but it seems like there are no moments where one is possible from the renders. There are no flat sections of track near the ground, and the long brake run will be another angled magnetic version.

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Now that I've seen the higher resolution renders, I'm going to switch from "clearly fake" to "plausible."


First, it does look like a VERY real dive layout. Often when people fake things, they make subtle mistakes that would never be on a real coaster. I don't see any here.


Also, the colors in the app match the track we saw at the factory, which could mean that track IS from CP.


Third, if it is real, the drop will be as good as Griffon, and while the Immelmans on dive coasters are so so, after the block brakes, a dive loop into a zero g roll? Yes please. Also, I bet that carousel and air time hill will be great! While splash downs are neat, I don't think they're necessary, so I won't be let down if one isn't there. That said, there doesn't need to be the long trench we've seen in the past to rule out a splash down.


I'd this is real, this might be the first dive machine I actually like!

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I'm kind of surprised anyone thinks that someone has faked all this, to me it seems like perhaps the most complete and plausible leak there's ever been. There's not even a history of fakes in the industry, and there is definitely a long history of leaks.

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Dom497 wrote:

I'll leave this here:

Like I said this looks promising. At least 3 different Inversions on a Dive so we get to see more tricks.

That said, and I know people will think I'm complaining believe I'm not, the Immelmann after the drop has the seen that done that feeling to it. I mean every Dive after Sheikra had that like to see them do some other trick for once. And not going the Krake route with adding a Splash between them, I mean that still looks to a drop followed by a Immelmann to me as the splash is just a straight path and not a "Real" element. But the lay-out looks great and will work with the public for sure.



I agree, but look at the majority of B&M Inverts...after the first drop they go right into a vertical loop. Only a small handful are an exception (Banshee, Alpengeist,...)

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This would look so good at Dorney, Worlds of Fun, or Valleyfair. But at CP, it almost laughable. Why does CP need another roller coaster. Would've been more excited to see a dark ride. The layout looks so uninspired and boring. Again, at a smaller park, this layout could've done wonders. At CP, it won't even be in the top 5. So disappointing.

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This would look so good at Dorney, Worlds of Fun, or Valleyfair. But at CP, it almost laughable. Why does CP need another roller coaster. Would've been more excited to see a dark ride. The layout looks so uninspired and boring. Again, at a smaller park, this layout could've done wonders. At CP, it won't even be in the top 5. So disappointing.


I think it will be in a lot of people's top 3 there. Why does cedar point need another coaster? Because coasters at cedar point generate revenue!

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This would look so good at Dorney, Worlds of Fun, or Valleyfair. But at CP, it almost laughable. Why does CP need another roller coaster. Would've been more excited to see a dark ride. The layout looks so uninspired and boring. Again, at a smaller park, this layout could've done wonders. At CP, it won't even be in the top 5. So disappointing.


CP needs another coaster because that's what brings more people to the park. Me personally, I live 4 hours away from Cedar Point, although it is my favorite park, whenever I travel I have been trying to hit parks I haven't been to yet, or just built something unique and new. When CP builds new coasters, it gives me a reason to come back other than me just liking the park.


Say CP wasn't building a new coaster next year. I just visited this year, and I've never been to SDC or Kentucky Kingdom, so next year I would probably do a trip to those parks (plus Dollywood and HW) instead.


But a new coaster will give me a reason to come back and move some other trips around. I understand your pain that your home park may have not gotten something new in a while, but CP and WoF are very much apart with crowds and size. Most people have heard of CP and know it is a major coaster destination, whereas many haven't even heard of WoF.

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We still have to remember, CP main clientele are non enthusiast GP. To that market, Valravn will be a huge, intimidating, intense new coaster. That's just how these things work lol!

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This is definitely real now. That layout is decent, I expected a little more, but I'm not disappointed. Are we really surprised something from Cedar Point/Cedar Fair leaked, I feel like all of there announcements leak.


The only thing I can think of is that this is another "The Bat" type of situation to throw us off, but I'm 95% sure that's unlikely.

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This would look so good at Dorney, Worlds of Fun, or Valleyfair. But at CP, it almost laughable. Why does CP need another roller coaster. Would've been more excited to see a dark ride. The layout looks so uninspired and boring. Again, at a smaller park, this layout could've done wonders. At CP, it won't even be in the top 5. So disappointing.


One of the saltier posts I've read in a while.


Roller coaster layouts stand on their own. If accurate, this appears it will be the best dive machine constructed thus far and will slide into the majority of people's top 5 at the park.

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