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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I don't think either ride is going anywhere anyway. Removing them wouldn't free up space for anything as one travels over the midway and one is under Raptor and now probably Divehawk 232 and Sky Ride is the 7th most popular ride in the park and the 2nd most popular non coaster in the park after the train by the numbers. It did over a million guests again this year.

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^Very true! Wasn't saying they were going to be removed, just going with the "guests vote with their feet" quote. I always figured one of the three would end up biting the dust and now we know it's Turnpike.


Maintenance and age aside....I hope Sky Ride doesn't go anywhere. I ride it frequently when there.

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^ Yeah I can say with 100% confidence that I've ridden Sky Ride more than any other ride at Cedar Point and it's not even close. We always spend multiple days there and it's a great way to get off your feet... plus it's a really enjoyable ride / breeze and view. Like I always say my coaster enthusiasm is just a front for my Log Flume and Sky Ride enthusiasm.


Then again the Sky Ride can't go anywhere, I mean they just spent literally tens of dollars on new decals for it.

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Then again the Sky Ride can't go anywhere, I mean they just spent literally tens of dollars on new decals for it.


"tens of dollars".....nice! Man, between that zinger and your previous nerd ridership increase comment, you're on a roll!!


I really like the relocation of those couple rides back into that Wicked Twister/MaXair midway area. I've always liked that little corner of the park, right up against the beach....especially after they added GateKeeper.

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So, let's get real here, how costly can the maintenance for a sky ride truly be? I am staunchly against their removal, I love taking a breather and getting an elevated view of the park. And for better or worse I'm down with Divehawk 232.


^Great Millennium footage. It seems like your shots were nice and stable, a few were framed a bit tightly but I think you were just going for variety. 60fps would have helped due to Millennium's speeds, and maybe try some panning shots next time? Nice work though.

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Funny story time. I was looking around on CP's twitter and during Tony's visit to Carowinds they posted a picture of Fury that said "it's contagious". So of course someone commented "a dive coaster or giga would satisfy me" in reference to the next CP coaster. Hmmm

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Where did everyone get the name Divehawk 232 from?

I believe it's actually DiveHawk 223. It's from the "leaked" height of the dive coaster (223 ft) combined with a satirical mock of Cedar Fair's naming tendencies. Oh and it will be red or blue, guaranteed. All hail Dick Kinzel.

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^It was made up, since Cedar Fair has an obsession with names that end with hawk and have the rides height in the name too.


How many coasters does Cedar Fair have "Hawk" in the name?

+/- the number of "Goliath" coasters in the SF chain. It is kind of silly in Cedar Fair's case, but SF's "Goliath" makes financial sense. Don't ask why, it's been debated countless times.

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So, let's get real here, how costly can the maintenance for a sky ride truly be? I am staunchly against their removal, I love taking a breather and getting an elevated view of the park. And for better or worse I'm down with Divehawk 232.


DiveHawk 223.


You've never been a great eugoogoolizer though, so all is forgiven.

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Hey everyone,


I'm looking at going to Cedar Point May 14 and 15(Thursday & Friday). How are the lines early in the season, are there many groups, and should I get a Fast Lane? I also can't ride spinning rides, but are there any non-coaster flats besides Power Tower, Skyhawk, and Windseeker I should be sure to ride?

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Hey everyone,


I'm looking at going to Cedar Point May 14 and 15(Thursday & Friday). How are the lines early in the season, are there many groups, and should I get a Fast Lane? I also can't ride spinning rides, but are there any non-coaster flats besides Power Tower, Skyhawk, and Windseeker I should be sure to ride?


Wind seeker spins, just fyi.

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Hey everyone,


I'm looking at going to Cedar Point May 14 and 15(Thursday & Friday). How are the lines early in the season, are there many groups, and should I get a Fast Lane? I also can't ride spinning rides, but are there any non-coaster flats besides Power Tower, Skyhawk, and Windseeker I should be sure to ride?


Wind seeker spins, just fyi.


I'm aware of that. I'm okay with gentle spinning, but I get sick on more intense spinning rides like tea cups, frisbees, etc.

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Hey everyone,


I'm looking at going to Cedar Point May 14 and 15(Thursday & Friday). How are the lines early in the season, are there many groups, and should I get a Fast Lane? I also can't ride spinning rides, but are there any non-coaster flats besides Power Tower, Skyhawk, and Windseeker I should be sure to ride?


Lines shouldn't be bad at all, but there may be some school groups there both days. They'll all start to clear out about 4:00, so it should be fairly dead in the evening. I'd wait on getting FL until you get there. Since you can't do spinning rides, those are the only three flats I'd recommend riding.

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