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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2036 - Snake River Falls closing September 2nd, 2024

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An Open Letter To Cedar Point (From An Entitled Little Brat)



Dear Cedar Point,


I was very disappointed at your "big announcement" this week. You see, I am an entitled little brat who deserved a new ride announcement. You could have given us news of a new roller coaster or a new dark ride or maybe a Soak City expansion. Did you do that for us? No. You announce your involvement in a charity. Helping kids and families? How dare you! Don't you know that you are supposed to be building up your park for people who like roller coasters? Do you understand what emotional damage this has done to me? You ruined my whole year.




An Entitled Little Brat


On a more serious note, I know how some people live in Ohio and helping children who are underprivileged is a wonderful thing. In many ways, this news is even better than a new ride. It shows a very successful business lending a helping hand.

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An Open Letter To Cedar Point (From An Entitled Little Brat)



Dear Cedar Point,


I was very disappointed at your "big announcement" this week. You see, I am an entitled little brat who deserved a new ride announcement. You could have given us news of a new roller coaster or a new dark ride or maybe a Soak City expansion. Did you do that for us? No. You announce your involvement in a charity. Helping kids and families? How dare you! Don't you know that you are supposed to be building up your park for people who like roller coasters? Do you understand what emotional damage this has done to me? You ruined my whole year.




An Entitled Little Brat



On a more serious note, I know how some people live in Ohio and helping children who are underprivileged is a wonderful thing. In many ways, this news is even better than a new ride. It shows a very successful business lending a helping hand.

They aren't brats for wishing that they would announce the 2015 attraction soon....

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I really hope you guys are just kidding. I don't want you to act like the "GP" and think this is real. The video is a construction video of Mantis, and he just played it backwards.


You should probably just go ahead and log off for a couple days... take a rest.





#noonecaresanymoretony #beatadeadhorse #hashtagsaredumbwhichiswhyIdon'ttwitter

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My "open letter" was just a joke. That is the problem with people. No sense of humor. As for Cedar Point having a standup coaster in the future, I heard a banshee sound off on this like she was a Korean woman having sex. I really think CP should use a banshee somehow in their plans for Mantis. They could have a banshee scream over the PA right before Mantis closes as part of the announcement.

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My "open letter" was just a joke. That is the problem with people. No sense of humor. As for Cedar Point having a standup coaster in the future, I heard a banshee sound off on this like she was a Korean woman having sex. I really think CP should use a banshee somehow in their plans for Mantis. They could have a banshee scream over the PA right before Mantis closes as part of the announcement.


Most of us knew you were being sarcastic. Always a few slow ones that don't get it. I appreciated your humor. Ignore ignorant!!!

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My "open letter" was just a joke. That is the problem with people. No sense of humor. As for Cedar Point having a standup coaster in the future, I heard a banshee sound off on this like she was a Korean woman having sex. I really think CP should use a banshee somehow in their plans for Mantis. They could have a banshee scream over the PA right before Mantis closes as part of the announcement.


Most of us knew you were being sarcastic. Always a few slow ones that don't get it. I appreciated your humor. Ignore ignorant!!!


I enjoyed it as well. The reaction to this announcement from the enthusiast community has been downright embarrassing (not so much on this site but definitely on some others... especially the ones geared specifically towards Cedar Point).

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I think it would be an interesting concept to have a rollercoaster contest for a park. What I mean is the park takes enthusiasts coaster designs, like a contest. I.e given a said plot of land. Then decide upon the highest voted OR use their descretion and choose one. I think itd be exciting for the community, and who knows may even be better than what they wouldve come up with. Wishful thinking, but still something thatd be cool to see.

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I think it would be an interesting concept to have a rollercoaster contest for a park. What I mean is the park takes enthusiasts coaster designs, like a contest. I.e given a said plot of land. Then decide upon the highest voted OR use their descretion and choose one. I think itd be exciting for the community, and who knows may even be better than what they wouldve come up with. Wishful thinking, but still something thatd be cool to see.

That would be pretty cool, but I doubt they would do that. The company creating the coaster would have to agree with the design and adjust it. A cool idea, none the less.

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My wife and I are off to Cedar Point next week. We are flying into Detroit on Friday and are going to try our best to get there for 6 (though our flight lands at 330, so I am being realistic and expecting to get there by 7 by the time we deal with getting the car and any traffic).


I think we have a good plan, with some help from this forum, where we are going to ride our brains out Friday and then we are staying at the Breakers Fri and Sat night, so Sat is early entry, then FL+. The park is open till Midnight, so I think we will get our monies worth.


What I am wondering about is the Fright Lane with Skeleton key. Has anyone used this? Is it worth it? It says you get access to secret rooms.


Looking at the price its $60pp on the Saturday and $35pp on Sunday. So I was thinking if picking one up Sunday, then we can catch a few rides, but also check out the houses. Just not sure if its worth it. Obvioulsy I will see the lines when we get there, not buying ahead of time, but curious is the extra room is worth it alone?


We did not plan this trip thinking about Halloweekends, its just a bonus for us. So if anyone had used this and has any thoughts would love to hear it!


Oh and last question, current weather says high of 24, low of 14, which sounds pretty nice to me, but given the park is on the lake I assume that it will be cool at night? just trying to plan clothes to bring. Because we are a breakers we can always change later in the day.

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