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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I do have to say CP's operations were awesome, that's not the reason it lost. I mean, the entire front half of the park is pretty much a concrete slab with coasters and a few other rides slapped on it. The back half is fairly nice though.


Even though I love MF, Maverick, and GateKeeper, I would still rank SDC, HW, KI, WDW, IoA, and SWO above CP.

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Soo does this mean Cedar Point will go all out and do something amazing to reclaim their title? I hope so.

I don't think they really give a sh!t. A stupid awards ceremony isn't going to affect what they add to the park in the future.

I think they cares. The huge banner at the resort entrance next to Magnum shows it. If no other award makes them the best amusement park in the world, they might lose some attention on their advertisements. GP love gimmicks and CP used gimmicks pretty well.


These parks will always find something to use to say they're the best. They can still claim they're the top park in the United States. Sometimes some top websites or magazines produce a poll. For example, The Voyage at HW lost it's #1 ranking on The Voyage in the Golden Tickets a few years back. Several months later, Times Magazine produced a poll saying The Voyage was the #1 wooden roller coaster in the world. Guess what, the park still says The Voyage is the #1 wooden roller coaster in the world, just according to Times Magazine now. The GP will buy the propaganda you throw at them as long as the source sounds credible. Anyways, Cedar Point is Cedar Point, they don't need any accolades at this point to sell their park to anyone.

Edited by ZeroGravity55
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They could also go the "Voted Best Amusement Park X Years In A Row" slogan. Not lying, still gimmicky. In marketing there are always ways around the immediate truth. Not that it really matters anyway, as CP is a great park and most of the GP probably care less about the Golden Tickets than we do.

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Cedar Point is my home park. I've been going there several times a summer for 8 years now. The park has-- without a doubt-- dropped in quality over that period of time. Honestly, I've been expecting them to be "dethroned" for a while now.


I'm not doubting you, but can you explain how the park has dropped in quality?


Also, don't forget the fact that the size restrictions on the coasters there are much more strict than any other place I've ever been. If you google "Cedar Point fat shaming" and usually the first coaster name that gets brought up is either MF or TTD.


This should be a wake up call to lose weight, not a demand for larger accommodating restraints.


People can be mad about this comment all they want, but it's the truth.

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Also, don't forget the fact that the size restrictions on the coasters there are much more strict than any other place I've ever been. If you google "Cedar Point fat shaming" and usually the first coaster name that gets brought up is either MF or TTD.


This should be a wake up call to lose weight, not a demand for larger accommodating restraints.


People can be mad about this comment all they want, but it's the truth.


And I have been losing weight....I'm just saying that in my experience and others experiences, Cedar Point has the most strict regulations when it comes to size.

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I do have to say CP's operations were awesome, that's not the reason it lost. I mean, the entire front half of the park is pretty much a concrete slab with coasters and a few other rides slapped on it. The back half is fairly nice though.


Even though I love MF, Maverick, and GateKeeper, I would still rank SDC, HW, KI, WDW, IoA, and SWO above CP.



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^O.K. if Cedar Point was really removing Iron Dragon, I'm thinking of at least two different scenarios for it.


Scenario 1: Cedar Point sends Iron Dargon to another park like Dorney Park, Darien Lake, ect.


Scenario 2: Cedar Point scraps Iron Dargon, leaving only three Arrow suspended coaster left.

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Two Things:


1) I'm heading done to the point on 9/20 to get one last ride on (And First) on Mantis. I'm gonna get there probably by noon maybe by opening and am gonna stay till close. I don't want to do any of the Halloweekends stuff and want to know if I should get Fast Lane or if their won't be any lines. Also I wanted to know if Magnum's third train has been put back together and when they stop letting people into lines for the coasters.


2) CF would probably try to relocate any rare ride like Iron Dragon like they did with Demon Drop.

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Two Things:


1) I'm heading done to the point on 9/20 to get one last ride on (And First) on Mantis. I'm gonna get there probably by noon maybe by opening and am gonna stay till close. I don't want to do any of the Halloweekends stuff and want to know if I should get Fast Lane or if their won't be any lines. Also I wanted to know if Magnum's third train has been put back together and when they stop letting people into lines for the coasters.


2) CF would probably try to relocate any rare ride like Iron Dragon like they did with Demon Drop.


Mid-September crowds are usually really light, you won't need Fast Lane. Yes, Magnum's 3rd train is running again. And lines for all the major coasters close 8 minutes after parking closing time so in the case of the 20th, 12:08.

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I do have to say CP's operations were awesome, that's not the reason it lost. I mean, the entire front half of the park is pretty much a concrete slab with coasters and a few other rides slapped on it. The back half is fairly nice though.


Even though I love MF, Maverick, and GateKeeper, I would still rank SDC, HW, KI, WDW, IoA, and SWO above CP.



Sorry my opinion doesn't match yours. I'm glad you had to be overly obnoxious about it as well.


I love coasters, but I'm more of a theme park kind of guy. I do enjoy amusement parks, and I certainly enjoyed myself at Cedar Point, but the atmosphere at the parks I mentioned is so much nicer than the atmosphere at Cedar Point in my opinion. That being said, I did really enjoy Cedar Point and CoasterMania was AMAZING, so I hope to go back.


[/end of rant and (hopefully) this stupid argument)

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What if Cedar Point is just tearing down Mantis for a brand new upgraded floorless? i mean people beg for a Mantis conversion every year couldn't they just be granting everyones wish with a even better upgrade with an even better kick ass layout? Banshee was a state of the art invert with new trains and such couldnt they just get a new state of the art floorless with upgrades like that?

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