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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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How about these names?


*Bug Buster

*The Buzz

*Magical Floorless Scream Machine from 1996

*1996 Remodeled Steel Coaster

*Green Streak

*Flight of the Mantis Deck

*Loop Thrill Monster Twist

*Mantis 2: The Sequel Coaster

*Extreme Wild Floorless Thriller

*Iron Hawk

*B&M: The Ride

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Oooh, creativity! I like imagining names.


Steel Gunt

The Kinzel Experience

Hookers on Meth

King Jason (Lebron's image cost too much, so they settled for Cleveland Indian/BALCO client Jason Giambi. Much cheaper.)


The Fappening

Patriotic Snoopy Coaster Presented by Swisher Sweets

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Kind of a stretch here...but could this be the ride Cedar Fair will use the name "Centurion" for? I know the "leaked" Carowinds logo doesn't match Mantis's current or test paint scheme, but recall when King's Island tried to fake us out with "the Bat" as a wing coaster:


Note not only how unpolished the Bat logo looked as the fake wing coaster announcement versus the final logo, but the different color scheme.

Something in my gut tells me that this logo is going to be used for SOMETHING...and that redone Mantis may just be it.

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Kind of a stretch here...but could this be the ride Cedar Fair will use the name "Centurion" for? I know the "leaked" Carowinds logo doesn't match Mantis's current or test paint scheme, but recall when King's Island tried to fake us out with "the Bat" as a wing coaster:




Something in my gut tells me that this logo is going to be used for SOMETHING...and that redone Mantis may just be it.


I'm glad I wasn't the only person thinking that! I do think Mantis is gonna get the Lebron treatment, though. King James: Centurion?


/hookers on meth, I could get behind that.


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The "lemon chill" guy gave me an interesting conversation yesterday. Wicked twister will be changed to "the king" with cavalier colors. Meanstreak will be "silverstreak" in 2016. And finally mantis will have a green spine with red pillars and be known as "mantis inferno" featuring a redone second half of ride and the new sitdown trains will travel 10mph faster than the old mantis.

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The "lemon chill" guy gave me an interesting conversation yesterday. Wicked twister will be changed to "the king" with cavalier colors. Meanstreak will be "silverstreak" in 2016. And finally mantis will have a green spine with red pillars and be known as "mantis inferno" featuring a redone second half of ride and the new sitdown trains will travel 10mph faster than the old mantis.


We're blaming it on the "lemon chill" guy now? What happened to the mouthy dip-n-dots guys?


I can buy Silverstreak and Mantis Inferno, but renaming WT to "The King" is definitely a stretch. Who knows though, I'm not one to rule anything out anymore, and the NBA tie-in would be interesting. Mantis Inferno is legitimately an awesome name though, even if it doesn't make ANY sense.

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This may be a rant....


I am "all" for themed rides, HOWEVER.....


Not all themed rides have to tie in with movies or sports teams or personalities etc...etc...


My home park SFGA was the first to introduce "Batman, The Ride" for a B&M creation....and don't get me wrong, it was a really cool concept....did I need to see the movie or be a Graphic Novel Enthusiast for me to enjoy the ride?... no! I just needed to like roller coasters...and I do. All the tie ins were just fluff for a good ride....but I didn't get in line going, "Oh wow, I am going to soar and twist like the Bat Man?" No, and I believe he just flies in a straight line anyway.


If Cedar Point is going to a deliver a LeBron James (and of course I am sympathetic to the name...ahem) it should be a RMC retooling of "Mean Streak" to an Out And Back.


Think about it, when LeBron reached the pinnacle of his career...he went a long distance, far away. (Lift hill to turn-around, Miami) AND THEN decided to come home. (or back to the station)......unless of course Mantis rehab is going to have a lot of "Hoops" around the track.....


Do we really need a Sports Star themed ride to make it entertaining? No, either it's a good ride or it's not. Not saying Mantis shouldn't have been called "Stacked, The Ride", but please Cedar Point....spend more money on the Rehab and less on the promotional tie-ins


In ten years it won't matter anyway....we will have all moved on to the next movie or the next sports superstar.


Just please make a good ride.................

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