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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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This is kinda off-topic, but has anyone met Single Rider Bob at Cedar Point? I think it'd be so neat to meet him, along with the guy that raps in the MF line.


SRB - Single Rider Bob is a good guy. I've talked with him many times over the years. I stay away from the MF guy. If you're close, he's dangerous with his motions. Good to watch from afar.

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Ok, I've got to ask the dreaded question. For those who have ridden most (if not, all) of the wing coasters, is this considered the best? I know X-Flight was highly regarded as the best last year, so does Gatekeeper exceed it?


I've been on all three of the US wingriders, and in my opinion X-Flight is still the best, Gatekeeper is in the middle, and Wild Eagle is third. They're all good coasters, but they rank just outside my top 35 or so steel coasters. They are still fantastic additions to their respective parks, they're beautiful/graceful, and the general public loves them.

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Ok, I've got to ask the dreaded question. For those who have ridden most (if not, all) of the wing coasters, is this considered the best? I know X-Flight was highly regarded as the best last year, so does Gatekeeper exceed it?


I've been on all three of the US wingriders, and in my opinion X-Flight is still the best, Gatekeeper is in the middle, and Wild Eagle is third. They're all good coasters, but they rank just outside my top 35 or so steel coasters. They are still fantastic additions to their respective parks, they're beautiful/graceful, and the general public loves them.


Haven't been on GateKeeper yet, but I'd be disappointed if X-Flight is better. Someone else told me GateKeeper blows it out of the water.


Have you reviewed X-Flight or GateKeeper? I'd love to read them so I could get a more detailed comparison.

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CP just announced on their facebook that June 16th is the Chris Smith Memorial 5k Challenge. How much, if at all, will this affect the crowds? I'll be there the 15th and 16th and was hoping for Sunday to be the quiet day to get a bunch of rides in on GK.

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My friend told me that one of his friends was at CP last Friday and there was a 4.5 hour wait for Gatekeeper and they were having problems keeping it running throughout the day (although I am not at all surprised at this with it being a huge, new coaster). Any truth to the rumor?


Guess he was pretty bummed and left without getting a ride...which screams Fast Lane Plus for us when we go in June!

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My friend told me that one of his friends was at CP last Friday and there was a 4.5 hour wait for Gatekeeper and they were having problems keeping it running throughout the day (although I am not at all surprised at this with it being a huge, new coaster). Any truth to the rumor?


Guess he was pretty bummed and left without getting a ride...which screams Fast Lane Plus for us when we go in June!


I was there Friday, Gatekeeper was running all day. The only downtime that I saw (and rode it 10 times) was when a sensor went offline for a minute or two. The average wait time for those without Fast Lane Plus was about 45 minutes to an hour most of the day, those of us with Fast Lane Plus the wait time was generally around 10 minutes.

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So I went to CP Saturday. GK had a line of about 1 and a half hours. My friend and I sat in the back left, my favorite seat so far. It was running FAST. The airtime hill was better than Media Day and the "side keyholing" was faster. I believe keyholing and the corkscrew were faster, and it was noticeable watching the ride. I have some theories including that they installed more "hard wheels" (although when would they have time to do that?) or the ride is just broken in now. Does anybody else think this?

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I have some theories including that they installed more "hard wheels" (although when would they have time to do that?) or the ride is just broken in now. Does anybody else think this?


You'd be surprised. I once saw the maintenance crew change out a bad wheel on WT and get it up and running again within 30 minutes of their arrival to the ride.

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^The thing about bad wheels at twister is that it brings the entire ride out of operation, so it is a necessity to change those right away. Replacing 'types' of wheels is very low on the maintenance list, especially since B&M wheels are made to last a very long time. They would only change a wheel if it went bad.

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^Millennium Force and Gatekeeper. Today (a Monday in May) they were over an hour. Estimation is never a good thing. Crowds on certain days are literally impossible to predict, so just play it smart. Expect something like long lines during the day at every ride and short lines at night on every ride.

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Look, hour long waits for rides aren't a bad thing. There are days in July where the wait for some rides gets up to 3-4 hours. If you have a positive attitude about it, then you'll have a good time. Plan what rides will be most important to you and just ride those first. Then later in the day, you'll have extra time for re-rides.


If you want to ride a million things a million times, buy fast lane.

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